Chapter three

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(y/n)'s mother was running around the house for the third time trying to grab a bunch of items. It was also the third time she had asked where they would be going in five minutes since no one seemed to be able to answer.

"I told you I can't say." She gritted her teeth walking past once more while (y/n) sighed going back to the book she'd been reading.

"Can I work on my schoolwork? Or is it a meeting?" Her mum shot a glare and (y/n) sighed. "Right can't say." (y/n)'s dad came from upstairs coat on.

"You ready?" He smiled and (y/n) nodded.

"Would be nice to know what for." She breathed but again he didn't say anything either. Supposing it had something to do with Fred and George saying they would see her today she stood with her father until her mum finished her scramble around the house.

"Right dear no questions until we're inside."

"Inside?" And the three of them apparited out of the house. Adjusting her eyesight to the new scene it was a deserted a line of houses were directly in front. Peaking between her parents the sound of bricks shifting made her eyes wide. "What on...." They both shhed her and (y/n) shut up. Following behind them and walking inside they were greeted by a long hallway. Rather small with scattered books on either side. The door shut right behind (y/n) making her jolt.

"Now be quiet in the hallways." Her mum whispered walking down the hall and noticing she was being left behind (y/n) quickly followed after them.

"Why?" She breathed back and her dad pointed to a tarp covering a portrait on the wall.

"It's his mother. Shouts down the house. We Can't get it off." (y/n) hummed still walking trying to get a good look around. Who's house was this? Coming up to a doorway and beside it the beginning of many stairs her parents went into the closest room.

"Maria Frank!" She didn't know the man's voice but when spying on the face her eyes went wide.

"S-Sirius black." Her stutter lead to her toppling backwards into a pile of books. A loud roar followed.
"Filth, mudbloods scum! Coming into my house!" A loud crack came from the first flight of stairs.

"Shut up you stupid portrait!" Sirius bellowed going right past (y/n). What on earth was happening?

"You all get back to the meeting." The crack from before was Fred and George apparating.

"We can explain everything to (y/n)," Fred said wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her up a few steps.

"You two better not cause her any trouble. Dinners in an hour." Mrs Weasley said shutting the door behind her.

Up the five flights of stairs, a long explanation followed. It seemed (y/n)'s parents were in fact going to meetings. All to do with he who must not be named. The order of the Phoenix. It was clear her parents had some secrets of their own.

"So that's everything," George spoke slightly out of breath opening a bedroom door. Unlike the hallways and musty air throughout the house, it seemed the first places they cleaned were the bedrooms.

"Right and why am I here today? What about the other times?" They both shrugged. Humming starting to think (y/n) sat down putting her book away.

"Merlin I missed you," Fred said going in for a hug which (y/n) didn't return. Everything was still so fresh in her mind even knowing they didn't think it was her fault. Some part of her brain didn't believe it. "What's up?"

"It's all rushed I still feel..." The words got all jumbled but George stopped her from speaking.

"No matter the predictions we will always believe and try to stop them. We can't blame you for something you can't control ok." With a moment's hesitation (y/n) nodded. George leant in for a quick soft kiss and before anything else was said just outside the door was a loud crash.

"What was that?" (y/n) asked standing up paying no attention to either twin's expression. She opened the door to find Ronald face down on the ground books surrounding his legs. Fred and George swung open the door to have a look.

"Mate what on earth are you doing?" Ronald groaned on the floor. Lifting himself up he didn't look hurt other than a red mark on his forehead from the fall.

"What does it look like I fell." He stopped when seeing (y/n) standing between the twins. "When did you get here? Did a meeting start?" With this question, the twins grinned.

"You're right. Come on (y/n) let's test one of our new inventions." She was pulled out of the room and guided just down the hall where the stairwell was. "Got the ears?" Fred whispered and George pulled out a pair of ears connected by a thin skin-like cord.
As it extended down the cord seemed to have lengthened. Closer and closer the ear went voices could be heard downstairs.

"But I don't see why we can't ask her to try. We might get more information if we know the future." It was black speaking. (y/n) leant in more to listen as a new member joined the group. Granger.

"She doesn't like talking about it. After what happened last year (y/n) doesn't even mention it. We only brought her today because Dumbledore asked us to...." The door in the hallway began opening.

"Crap." Fred tried bringing up the ear but (y/n) just whispered Accio and it came soaring up into her hands.

"Dinners ready!" Mrs Weasley shouted out and right after passing the ears to a smiling Fred, they all came trotting down the stairs like nothing had happened. "Oh (y/n) dear lovely to have you. Go find a seat." (y/n) went for the closest seat to the door beside her dad.

"Been doing a lot of study this year I hear (y/n)." Lupin gave a kind smile and (y/n) nodded.

"Yes, I prefer to know about each subject before term starts. To prepare myself."

"Spoken like a Ravenclaw. Just like your parents." Sirius Black grinned at her and (y/n) smiled but still felt slightly nervous talking to him. "And I hear you're a seer. Pretty rare gift you've got." He was scolded by a few adults in the room. But Serius just waited for (y/n) to respond. Her palms started to sweat and playing with the fabric of her dress she nodded.

"I know." Which was all she said while staring down straight at her empty plate. The room was silent and stayed that was until Mrs Weasley came walking in smiling and her daughter followed behind her.

"Well now we are all here let's start dinner." (y/n) felt a hand rest on her thigh, Fred had sat next to her. She didn't even notice. But a calmness rolled over her replacing the anxiety from her ability being mentioned. Placing her hands under the table she took hold of his hand.

"Thank you." It was barely a whisper but from the squeeze he gave her hand she knew he heard.

"Now Since there's a few more of us tonight, I made some extra which should be enough." cups began to fill on the table and food floated down to the table. A whole assortment of things laid out in front of her and though she didn't want to (y/n) let go of Fred's hand to start eating.

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