Chapter ten

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The next two weeks of classes were a blur. With all the weekly assignments and topic essays (y/n) had less and less time to spend with the twins who unlike herself had half the classes she had. Every night she fell asleep so easily (y/n) and never wanted to get up the next morning for classes. This night was the same but she woke up with a start. It was the same vision again of the battle but shorter and she wasn't able to move about freely like before. A deep pain ran through her and all she wanted to do was be with Fred and George. Without thinking, without a moment's thought, she stood, slippers on and walked out bookbag in hand. She was careful not to wake the girls but all were sound asleep having more than likely pleasant dreams.

It was just past midnight and the tears that were rolling down her face (y/n) stopped them just trying to focus enough to get to Gryffindor Tower. She wanted to talk to them be comforted, Galicia could only do so much when all (y/n) wanted was to be held in a warm embrace. Knowing the quickest way by this point (y/n) walked as quietly as possible in her distraught state.

That vision. She hadn't really thought about it since that day. Everyone told her not to worry about it, that I would be a few years away but why couldn't she try solving it now? Find out more clues about the future to help everyone. (y/n) almost made the horrible mistake of walking right off the revolving staircase and halted looking down the five-story drop. A gasp came involuntarily but no one was around to hear it.

"Password." The fat lady spoke with a loud yawn.

"Dilligrout." the picture swung open leading (y/n) into the warm common room. Then a thought came to (y/n). What if they were asleep or didn't want to see her? It was stupid coming here without warning. But when she went to turn back the portrait began to open again. She had to be quick. Who knows what would happen if a prefect caught her in the wrong dormitory? Swiftly moving through the room she began the walk up the boy's staircase. Hearing voices downstairs she ignored them and stared once more at Fred and George's dorm room. She could wait for the prefect to go to bed then. Something stopped her from leaving she gripped her bookbag not wanting to move as tears started once more to roll down her cheeks.

All those dead bodies. What if one of them was theirs or Samantha, Galicia or Kate's? It hurt to think about it. She knocked so softly on the door (y/n) didn't think they would hear.

"What is it this time? We told you.... (y/n)?" Fred stood there in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. His hair was damp and a few water droplets fell to the ground between them.

"What are you doing here?" George peaked his head from behind his brother and more tears swelled up into (y/n)'s eyes. She ran into Fred hugging him tightly not caring about his lack of clothing or she could be caught in the boy's dorms.

"Hey, what happened?" Fred whispered hand coming to rest on her head petting it. He moved back and George shut the door. (y/n) sobbed into his chest not ready yet to speak. Fred guided her to his bed settling her down and waiting for her to speak.

"So many people get killed." (y/n) blabbered out sniffing and Fred pulled back slightly.

"You don't have to worry about that Dumbledore." She stopped him from speaking.

"Dumbledore did nothing when Cedric died! I warned him. I told him and he did nothing!" It was the first time she even spoke Cedric's name or even talked about what happened last year. The twins fell silent once more.

"But we can be prepared for this. Things could change now." George spoke and (y/n) felt useless, nothing would stop a war and a single vision wouldn't change a thing.

"You should rest. George." Fred untangled himself from (y/n) letting his brother hold her while he changed. George moved (y/n) to lay her down on the bed but he didn't get up just held onto her stroking her hair and whispering sweet things.

"Only you could get all the way here without getting caught. So smart and beautiful. Even when crying." She gripped onto his pyjamas tears almost stopping just loving being with him. Fred managed to squeeze into the bed drawing the curtains. They both held her tightly as her cries turned silent (y/n) fell asleep, numb from all pain for one night's rest.

The next morning (y/n) woke to the soft snores of Fred and George. The blanket covers went just above her head and she really didn't want to move.
Fred's hands were riding right up her back under her long Pajama shirt. George had one hand to her stomach and the other on her ribs, a smile spread across her face snuggling into Fred's embrace more. But now thoughts raced into her head, how would she get back it was surely late enough for others to be awake.

Fred stirred in his sleep and for a moment (y/n) thought she was thinking so loud he would wake up. He stopped moving and (y/n) released a long breath shutting her eyes relaxing again.

"Morning beautiful." But he wasn't asleep, Fred's eyes peaked open he smiled tiredly at her and (y/n) although smiled wasn't sure what to say. "You sleep alright?" He yawned arm untangling itself from hers to stretch.

"Yeah." She whispered back. His smile made her nervous somehow.

"Nature calls. I'll be back." With a quick kiss Fred was up and only slightly pulled back the curtain and (y/n) only just realised last night she was crying rather loudly and all their roommates must have heard. George's grip tightened around her stomach and George groaned. (y/n) rolled over to face him.

"You feeling ok?" He breathed and she nodded still thinking about the roommates

"Are your roommates here?" She asked whispering and George stopped mid yawn.

"Yeah, why?"

"Last night when I was." George grinned.

"Na we cast silencing charms on all the curtains because Lee snores like a troll. And when we're experimenting none of the others wake up." She had never thought of doing something like that. Not that anyone in her dorm was a loud snorer. "So none of them know you're here." Just as he spoke that the curtain bird open to Lee.

"Mate there's." He stopped frozen as George's eyes went wide. "You are gonna be murdered by the head boy. There's an inspection right now." There was a knock on the door and (y/n) jolted. There was no time to think. She leapt over George for her bookbag, taking out her wand (y/n) cast a disillusionment charm over herself just as the door opened.

"Right you lot cough up everything." (y/n) slowly squished herself into the corner of the room. The bathroom door opened and Fred looked about.

"What's going on?" His look at George was worried as he glanced about quickly for (y/n).


"On a Saturday? Come on give us a break." The head boy rolled his eyes walking into the room picking a piled corner grabbing the weasley products scattered there. "Hey mate back off."

"I'm sorry but Professor Umbridge wants these all gone." He didn't look happy about it as he began walking out of the room. George stepped in the way.

"Since when does she control the Gryffindor house." The head boy sighed.

"I'd check downstairs in the great hall, I don't want to do this." And he left. Fred kicked the door shut.

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