Chapter eighteen

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(Y/n) wasn't sure what time she fell asleep but it was hours after they arrived. She still felt tired when waking up on George's shoulder as a voice started speaking. It was Mrs Weasley.

"Bill's with him now. He's going to take the morning off work." (Y/n) felt Fred plunk down beside her relief over his face. Giving him a small smile she rubbed a hand to his thigh while George went over to hug his mother.

"Breakfast!" Sirius cheered gulping down his Butterbeer. "Where is that house elf?" (Y/n) stood up quickly making him turn to her.

"I can..." But before she could finish Mrs Weasley spoke up rather bluntly.

"Sit down, this isn't your home let Sirius make breakfast." She saw the looks Fred and George gave their mother. That wasn't how she talked to people normally. She sat back down quickly not saying a word nor did anyone else dare to say anything. Fred placed a hand on hers but didn't say anything. This wasn't the time to fight. As George sat down next to her Mrs Weasley went over to hug Harry. "I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for you." Those words stung a little. It was (y/n) that told Dumbledore in the first place. It was (y/n) that found out first to warn people of what was to happen.

"It really wasn't me. (Y/n) saw it happen before I did." Mrs Weasley didn't even bat an eyelash at that before thanking Sirius for looking after her children. (Y/n) began fiddling with her shirt.

"Mum I think you owe (y/n) a thank you," Fred called out crossing his arms and (y/n) not wanting to start anything went wide-eyed.

"What?" Mrs Weasley just seemed confused.

"As Harry said she's the one that told Dumbledore what happened before it did. Dad might not be alive if she didn't warn him so soon." A quick glance at (y/n) seemed to make her eyes burn because Mrs Weasley looked away.

"And yet he still got hurt. What good did she do." The room gaped at her. From the one meeting she saw her before those words would have never come from her mouth.

"Molly that's a bit harsh," Sirius said just as (y/n) stood up. "(Y/n) Breakfast is almost ready you can go upstairs later." (Y/n) grabbed her book bag she screeched her chair out from the table.

"Don't you think I wish my visions were of any help? Don't you think I hated seeing Cedric die and not being able to save him? Or seeing all those people die at Hogwarts. I hate myself for it!" With that, she stormed out of the room heading towards the door. But she didn't get far before a loud crack and George stood in the way.

"You can't leave. I know Dad will want to thank you." She seriously doubted that.

"I'm not welcome here. I'll just go home early." (Y/n) breathed out needing to get out of this house.

"Ignore mum she's tired and stressed because of dad." (Y/n) started hearing shouts from Fred in the kitchen. All muffled. "Let's go upstairs and sleep you can borrow one of my shirts." She knew he wouldn't let her pass and her parents wouldn't be so happy about her skipping two days of school. She gave a nod and George sighed kissing her forehead.

"And what's going to happen in the future? You both going to marry her?!" A roar sounded as the door swung open.

"Maybe we will but show her some damn respect or we'll be leaving for Christmas!" Fred took hold of her hand pulling (y/n) up the stairs with George just behind them. He was grumbling to himself and (y/n) just stared up at him trying not to get caught on any steps.

Several flights up Fred opened a door letting go of her hand.

"Can she be any more bossy? I mean did you hear the way she spoke to you after you helped stop our dad from dying? All because you're dating us? Merlin." Fred sat down and George handed over a long shirt for her to wear instead of her casual clothes. (Y/n) gave George a small smile taking the shirt and started to get changed.

"I'm sure Sirius will calm her down. At least while we visit Dad." George breathed out and (y/n) out of the corner of her eye could see him watching her get changed. A blush coated her cheeks.

She got into bed between the twins and it was surprisingly comfortable with it looking so old. She started drifting off quickly when Fred's voice rang out in the dark room.

"You shouldn't hate yourself for what's happened you know." He turned wrapping her into a hug and she didn't say a word.

A few hours must have passed because when there were a few knocks on the bedroom door the thin strip of light in the bedroom window hadn't moved much. Ron was at the door.

"Lunch is nearly ready." He spoke with a yawn walking off Fred and George groaned not moving until (y/n) sat up. They both told her not to worry on the way down, that if she said anything more they'll leave early for St Mungos. They really didn't need to do all this, (y/n) was fine with leaving but when at lunch all Mrs Weasley did was not speak to her and acted like nothing happened with Fred or George that was good enough.

When arriving at St Mungo's (y/n) kept to herself at the back of the group playing with the strap of her book bag. Fred and George were at the front with their mum wanting to know where Mr Weasley was.

"Um (y/n)." It was Harry, she turned slightly to see he was standing next to her. "When you said you saw what happened last year and it didn't help. Sorry to bring it up but." She knew he probably felt responsible as well. For different reasons of course but she could see the pain in his face.

"I warned Dumbledore and he didn't do anything." Moody turned sharply at them with the same grumble angrier expression on his face.

"This is not the time or place." With that the two of them walked up quietly with the others, Tonks and Moody walked in front of them and only once making it to a set of doors did everyone stop.

"We'll wait outside Molly," Tonks said. "I'm sure he'll want to see family first." Tonks and Moody sat down at a row of seats next to the door. (Y/n) and Harry went to do the same.

"Don't be silly Harry, Arthur wants to thank you." She paused for a moment and set the quickest glance to (y/n) she pulled Harry away. Shaking her head at Fred and George not wanting to cause a scene in the hospital (y/n) sat between Tonks and Moody.

They sat in silence. (Y/n) looking down at her shoes just before Tonks spoke up.

"Weren't you the one to warn everyone first (y/n)?" She asked and (y/n) nodded not saying a word. "Wonder why Molly." But not even five seconds later Fred beamed at the door grabbing (y/n)'s hand.

"Dad wants to thank you." He grinned pulling her into the room.

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