Chapter six

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Classes started the next day. Exhausted from trying and failing to sleep for several hours the previous night (y/n) spent the day yawning in Charms and Transfiguration. This year the twins were split up in one class. George getting an exceeds expectations in transfiguration he was in the same class with (y/n) and Fred was with her in Herbology class.

George pinched lightly to her thigh to wake her up for the fourth time. Professor McGonigal who would normally shout at someone snoozing in her class gave (y/n) a sad smile moving off to the next table.

"What are we doing?" she looked down at the chess piece and then at George.

"King to rook." He breathed out twirling his wand in his hand. On the first try (y/n) transfigured the item perfectly. Professor McGonigal stopped in front of their desk again.

"Perfect as always Miss (y/n)." But she didn't walk off instead she bent down slightly to whisper.
"Dumbledore wants a word before dinner." (y/n) nodded and Professor McGonigal walked away. George gave her a look.

"Is it about last night?" He asked in a hushed voice. (y/n) shrugged. Possibly but she couldn't be sure. (y/n) spent most of the class helping George manage to get a partial transfigure which McGonigal was pleased with. He might have been able to complete it but he kept getting distracted. With the few hours between class and dinner (y/n) figured it would be best to go now to see Dumbledore. Galicia came walking over once class had finished.

"What happened?"

"I have to see Dumbledore." Her whisper was met with Galicia's thinking face.

"I was going to meet up with, well it doesn't matter I'll go with you." (y/n) shook her head smiling weakly at her.

"No, you go it's fine I'll tell you what happened at dinner." The reluctance for her to mention the name of whom she was meeting told her that...

"Does Galicia have a boyfriend?" George asked as they walked together through the halls towards Dumbledore's office.

"I was thinking that. Don't know we well I didn't really write to her over the summer so maybe." George gave her a sad smile taking hold of her hand.

"Did you want me to wait out here or?" His question made her quickly shake her head. Surely Fred was looking for him not to mention she didn't know how long it would be before she came back down.

"No, you can test out your inventions." George laughed squeezing her hand a smile resting on his face.

"Well I guess I've got to now since I've been ordered to. I'll tell that to Hermione in the common room if she tries to stop us." (y/n) saw the bird statue moving now once George began walking off. It wouldn't have been so daunting if thoughts of her parents meeting up with him over summer didn't cloud her mind. What was he telling them? The walk up the spiral stairs left (y/n) slightly dizzy but with the door open she couldn't stop now. Dumbledore was sat just like last time at his desk smiling while she walked into the room.

"How are you feeling?" He asked hand gesturing for her to sit down. When doing so she wasn't sure what to say. Telling him she was distracted in her classes and unable to focus most of the time? That she wanted a know a way to get rid of all these horrible visions.

"Alright considering things." The words left her without much thought. He nodded understanding somewhat.

"The life of a seer isn't always an easy one. You can't stop these visions but you can let them not affect you in a negative way but as a warning to what will come. It's truly a gift if the person manages to use their visions to change the future." It's like he read her mind. (y/n) stared at him wondering how she could even begin to not be affected by the vision of Hogwarts burning, people dying. "As for why I asked you here I would like you to update me on any disturbing visions you may have to either the school or Harry Potter." Harry Potter?

"I uh of course Professor." He smiled at her confused facial expression.

"As for now enjoy your dinner." That was it? That was all he had to say? She stood walking off. He wanted to know about Potter. Was he really going to battle you know who? Is that what that battle was? And did Dumbledore know what her visions meant more than herself?

All this deep thinking (y/n) walked straight into Wanda who she hadn't spoken to since last term.

"(y/n) are you alright? Fainting like that I was worried." (y/n) tried to look less tense but it didn't really work.

"Oh yeah, I've been unwell is all." She nodded and it looked like she was with her boyfriend. "I'll just let you too."

"No nonsense I'll walk with you to dinner. Cya Charles." They began the long walk through the castle and once around the corner, Wanda sighed. "You really got me out of a pickle there. Never fancy a Slytherin that boy has the most boring personality I've ever met."

"What about Donavin?" Last she heard Wanda was dating the guy she took to the yule ball. Wanda sighed once again.

"That didn't really work out. Charles and I started talking last year after you know." (y/n) understood exactly what Wanda meant and why she wouldn't want to mention it. "And I guess it was just to fill my head with something over than that horrible night. He's always been a bore not to say all Slytherins are but I heard he was making out with a sixth-year last night." The two girls made it into the great hall and Wanda sighed. "Anyways I won't bore you like Charles. Cya." (y/n) didn't get another word in before Wanda jogged off to her other friends. Samantha when spotting (y/n) waved frantically for her to join them. The moment she sat down questions began rolling from each person. Fred and George weren't there but she still went on to explain what Dumbledore said.

"He wants you to tell him about Potter?" Samantha whispered and the four of them glanced down the great hall spying the boy in question with his friends.

"Of course he does it'll be about that war," Galicia whispered back to Samantha.

"He isn't that bad looking." Kate's sudden sentence made Samantha spit her drink across the table and Kate frowned wiping the spray of Apple juice off her face.

"Excuse me." Samantha coughed out. A wheeze followed and Samantha laughed rather loudly.

"Harry Potter he's cute. Not that I would think about dating him." Kate breathed out eyes darting from Potter to her friends again. All three of them stared at her. "Yeah yeah, he's two years younger and likes that Ravenclaw seeker. Forget I said anything." The whole topic about (y/n)'s conversation with Dumbledore stopped after Kate's mention of boys. It was too distracting.

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