Chapter twenty six

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(y/n) woke up to Fred getting up for the bathroom the first day of the easter holidays. Everyone in their dorm had left for the break. Galicia did as well so she told Wanda on the off chance someone did ask where she was to say the library. George groaned next to her snuggling his face into her hair with a relaxed sigh. She wasn't sure what time it was but surely breakfast would be on the tables at the great hall. (y/n) went to move but turns out George was awake and didn't want her to move.

"Morning." His husked voice made her bite her lip. "You were moving around a lot last night, had that dream again?" He referred to the one where Fred dies which she has often. She nodded and George started thinking for a moment. "You know bad things always seem to happen to us when we're not together. Fred won't say but he's worried about it too you know." (y/n) spun around to face him and give George a hug.

"I know. I can see it when he thinks no one is looking." George kissed her temple just as Fred pulled back the curtains again.

"Merlin I'm starving. You two awake enough?" (y/n) pulled back from George to see Fred shirtless. She hummed still staring at him. Just at his features.

"No, I think you should stay right there." She breathed out and Fred grinned leaning down to kiss her.

"Someone is horny this morning." She smiled against his lips but shook her head.

"No just admiring my boyfriend." He laughed against her lips not really seeming convinced.

"Oh, you are a liar. I might need to..." Fred's stomach grumbled throughout the room and he groaned sitting up.

"Damn it I need breakfast." She laughed with George who had sat up next to her also shirtless and the three of them started to get changed. While putting her things together (y/n) kicked a book while she went to leave.

"Twelve fail-safe ways to charm a witch?"Fred grabbed the book and George came up behind her covering her eyes. "Hey, Georgie!" Whining this out trying to uncover them. "What's it matter about the book?"

"That we use a book to win over you," Fred said and she tried looking around but George wouldn't move his hands until when she did look around again the book was nowhere in sight.

"You bought a book for it?" She let a small smile draw itself across her lips.

"Yeah well all the girls we actually spoke to about it would have rather us dated them so they weren't very helpful." She hummed glancing around the room while Fred pulled her away from their beds.

"What does it say?" She asked and Fred just kept on walking.

"Nothing that we will tell you," George spoke back and (y/n) frowned.

The twins sat between (y/n) while they played cards with Samantha and Kate in the great hall by the fireplace.

"How can you have not had any more visions in three months." Samantha sighed while flipping down a card to let Kate have a turn. (y/n) had not mentioned the vision of Fred dying just last month but she didn't need to know that

"I can't really control it." Breathing this out (y/n) hid her cards once more knowing the twins would try and peak at them.

"Why does that matter?" Kate said while putting down her card.

"It's the only interesting thing at the moment, well other than Umbridge promising detentions after the break." Samantha slouched down yawning while George played his card.

"That's not interesting it's stupid, bet she'll have all of us on desks in a classroom etching our skin even after she can't prove what we did and when." Kate slapped a card on top frowning heavily, the thought of that had (y/n) fidgeting on the floor just as George grinned putting his last card down.

"And I won." He said and Samantha gasped attention back to the game.

"That's total bull." (y/n) laughed with the other's focus drifting away as Samantha started rambling about the apparent cheating of George.

"I did not. I'm just naturally talented at this muggle game." Her thoughts drifted from the card game to school and what she might do after it was all finished. (y/n) had no plans once school was out unless she worked at a bookstore there wasn't much she was interested in. She was tapped on the forehead by Fred's cards as he tried getting her attention.

"You right?" She nodded a wave of tiredness falling over her.

"Just peachy" A yawn fell from her lips and Fred stood.

"I think it's time for a walk by the lake." He smiled taking hold of her hand. George stood up too while Samantha tossed her cards into the pile.

"What? Awe come on don't go disappearing again." Samantha whined and (y/n) glanced back while Fred tugged her towards the large oak doors.

"We can go to Hogsmeade tomorrow for cakes. My treat."

"I'm holding you to that."

The twins walked either side of (y/n) through the damp school grounds towards the docks. She could tell they were having a hushed conversation but ignored it. Although all the snow was gone a small amount of crisp air was still about while walking down to the lake. Only when no other student was about doing the twins say anything.

"Gallion for your thoughts?" She gave George a small smile before sighing.

"Well, I just don't know what I'm going to do after school."

"What?" They both gaped at her and she shrugged slumping down onto the wooden boards.

"We thought there were a million things you wanted to do because of all the studying," Fred spoke sitting next to her along with George.

"Well I like all the subjects so Flitwick suggested I do the ones that interest me the most but I really don't know." Tossing a rock into the lake she sighed curling her knees up into her chest.

"You could help us with our inventions. You knew about the love potion ingredients." She hummed still looking out into the water.

"Or work at a bookstore."


"Book editor?"

They spit-fired ideas left and right not leaving her a moment to think about the ideas it did make her feel overwhelmed but at the same time having them keen to work something out rather than asking why she didn't know what to do was a relief.

"And lastly a housewife if you want." Fred gingerly said with such a grin that made her blush.

"Picturing you with a little apron on with flour in your hair and two little kids running around." George wrapped her in a hug and she couldn't get any more flustered. (y/n) didn't know what to say and their smiles grew wider.

"She can't even speak. Too caught up in the idea." Fred grinned. A future with them. Kids? Her heart raced.

"I uh um." They chuckled lips pressing themselves to her neck.

"Let's worry about that later yeah." She nodded to George's response to her stuttering.

"We've got planning to do for the beginning of term. Of course, we won't let you in on it. Can't get you expelled with us." Her eyes went wide following Fred as he stood up with George shocked at their sudden movement.

"Expelled? What on earth are you?" They extended their hands hoisting her up from the ground.

"Now that we can't say. But we're gonna go out with a bang that's for sure."

"Let's just enjoy a nice walk before the chaos starts."

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