Chapter twenty three

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It's like she was stuck. Watching on repeat the same scene over and over again. Fred's blank facial expression was plastered into her mind for what felt like hours. She just wanted it to end, (y/n) knew emotions are involved in what she sees. But no matter how much she tried she could feel nothing.

In an instant (y/n) woke up. Something smelt horrible and just as she felt like vomiting again the smell went away and the bright lights of the hospital wing blurred into her vision.

"Youre finally awake." Madam Pomfery sighed out looking tired. It was daylight. (y/n) tried rubbing her eyes or even to look around but she wasn't able to move. "I had to put a silencing spell on you first to stop the screaming and then stunned you when you almost hit me in the face. I'm not sure what happened to you but I think I've fixed it." with a wave of her wand her limbs were able to move again. (y/n) went to stand immediately to find Fred but Madam Pomfery stopped her. "Now dear don't get out of bed. You've been unconscious for two days I wouldn't."

"Two days?" Her throat sounded so croaky (y/n) tried clearing it. The nurse sighed once more handing over a glass of water.

"Yes, two days worth of shouting in your sleep. Now it's lunchtime now so I'll get you something to eat.  if I find you're out of bed." There were loud footsteps coming out from the large doorway of the nurse's office.

"(y/n)!" She knew that voice. Tears swelled up in her eyes and (y/n) immediately pulled the covers off her jumping up to bear hug Fred as she cried hysterically.

"What did I just say." Madam Pomfery said but (y/n) ignored her face squished into Fred's clothes. He was alive, Fred was breathing.

"Hey, everything alright? You look more happy to see me than I do." He chuckled petting her head. He must have seen the look the nurse gave him because a pair of arms attempted to pull her back.

"Don't worry we'll get her back into bed." George? She didn't notice anyone else was there. She was tugged back and she sniffed now feeling her jello legs. The stunning spell must have caused that. Madam Pomfery only left once (y/n) was back in her bed.

"Of course, we had to leave for lunch and missed you waking up." Fred huffed squeezing himself on the small bed next to her. (y/n) squeezed him right into her still not believing he was there.

"What happened?" George asked standing next to the bed. He tried holding her hand but stopped frowning slightly.

"Was it a vision?" She gulped and didn't know what to say. (y/n) knew Fred was going to die and not too far into the future. Maybe a few years. Should she tell him?

"She's alive!" Samantha came running into the room shouting out. Kate and Galicia weren't far behind her. Fred stood standing by the bed.

"She never died Sam." Kate breathed out while Samantha bear-hugged (y/n). Galicia pulled her back.

"Sam don't go knocking her out again." The girls began chatting as (y/n) ate food. It wasn't until after lunch that she was allowed to leave the room.

"You're lucky. You missed defence against the dark arts earlier." George spoke while they started to walk towards the Ravenclaw common room. (y/n) had the afternoon off from classes. Fred and George were lucky to not have any classes after lunch.

"Happy not to see Umbridge since the night I passed out." She walked a little closer to Fred not wanting him out of sight. Fred and George chuckled.

"Galicia told us about that. Wish I could have seen her face." The halls were empty so (y/n) walked up the spiral staircase with the twins without interruption.

Every moment (y/n) couldn't see Fred anxiety bubbled inside her. Every lesson was a struggle that week when Fred wasn't around. In transfiguration, George kept giving her sideways glances while she jittered in her seat. Professor McGonigal also noticed but decided to ignore it since (y/n) had completed the work.

"Are you ok?" George asked and (y/n) flinched. She was seeing flashes again, it was the same every night making it hard for her to sleep. She nodded but George squeezed her thigh under the desk.

"Do you think Fred's in class or has he skipped?" Her question made George sigh pulling his hand away.

"No idea." He didn't speak to her after that, but (y/n) just kept an eye on the time. Her chest was tight and when someone blew up their chess piece a tear rolled down her cheek only thinking of the night to come.

"Everyone I want five inches on this lesson by Friday." The class groaned at the homework but (y/n) gathered up her things wheasing while she did so. Her mind was only on Fred and needing to see he was still here raced through her mind while leaving the classroom. Not even a hallway down from the classroom however she was grabbed by the hand and pulled into a closet.

"What's with you (y/n) you're ignoring me. Not just today but ever since you woke up. All you can talk about is Fred when he's not around and when he is you cling to him." Her breathing quickened and she could feel her heartbeat pulsing in her ears.

"I..." He didn't let her finish.

"Do you not love me like Fred?" He wasn't even looking at her face right now. The pain in her chest grew while tears red down her cheeks.

"I can't... I'm." George looked at her and saw the tears now he looked just as devastated.

"What did you see? Do I do something? We both know you saw something that night." She blinked clenching her hands trying to focus. "Please talk to me." He leaned in closer holding her waist and rested his forehead on hers. "Nothing you can say could..." It burned her throat to speak but maybe telling him would mean she wouldn't feel so much pain.

"Fred dies in the battle." She whispered tears streaming down her face and George froze. "I had to watch it for hours on repeat." He let out a long breath. One that was held for some time. George slid his arms up to her back pulling her into him for a hug. "Every time I don't see him I can't help but feel it's already happened." She was sobbing now George's robes got soaked by her tears.

"Then let's go find him. I'm sure he's not at the great hall yet." Nodding in agreement George took a moment to wipe the tears from her eyes and softly kiss her forehead. She walked the required distance from George. Although every so often he would grab her hand to tug her in the right direction. They had made it to Gryffindor Tower. George put his robe on top of hers so no one could tell at a glance. Not that many people were there by that point. Classes were finished but it was a sunny day outside so just before the sun sets they would be enjoying it. George took hold of her hand not bothering to pay any attention to the looks others gave them while they walked up the boy's dorms. Fred was there changing out of his school clothes when they walked in. Any other moment of Fred being shirtless would have made her blush but right now her mood got better.

"What's (y/n)... You alright love?" She went up hugging him tightly tears bubbling in her eyes once more.

"Go clean up ok," George whispered in her ear. Sniffing she nodded going into the joined bathroom. After splashing her face and clearing her nose trying to stop the tears when opening the door she was met with a pale-faced Fred. George told him.

"Well, you being so clingy the past week although a dream makes sense now." He chuckled quietly and she didn't move. "I'm sure we can change it yeah? With your ability, our future seeing advantage we're unstoppable, right? So." Fred clapped his hands to his knees standing up. "Let's turn that frown upside down, right lovely." She gave a small nod, Fred grinned now gaining colour in his cheeks. "That's it, let's do something fun." And he leant right in kissing her.

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