Chapter fourteen

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(y/n) was in potions class using her Dittany leaves from herbology to create a healing potion. Class was almost finished so some students had handed in their potions but there was still some time left.

"Hey (y/n) do you know what this potion heals?" George whispered and she frowned slightly. They mustn't have been paying attention.

"Common sicknesses and wounds why?" They looked to one another then back to her.

"One of our inventions has a nasty side effect of boils, would this fix it?" She thought for a moment while pouring her potion into a vile to be graded.

"Well no, it's not a wound so you'd need a boil cure for that. I think Galicia has some. She sometimes gets them from playing Quidditch." Handing in the potion shape graded hers before going on to the next student's potion.

"You think you could get some before tonight?" George fidgeted on the spot and (y/n) became slightly more worried.

"Where are these boils?" Neither responded while trying to walk out of earshot of other classmates.

"Someplace we don't show to the public. Your common rooms closer." Agreeing she walked with them up to Ravenclaw Tower, students were coming from classes to drop off books before dinner.

"I'll be a few minutes." Going off into the doorway with another group the twins disappeared behind the Ravenclaw door as it shut. Galicia wasn't in the common room so maybe she was still doing some study. Slipping past the groups of talking people to the girl's dorm room stairs (y/n) went up to her room searching for the boil cure. Taking two viles from the cream in Galicia's toiletry bag (y/n) just dodged Wanda walking in.

"(y/n) You gave me a heart attack. Fred and George are waiting outside you know."

"Thanks, I'll see you later." She came down just in time to see Galicia sneaking off from the boy's dorms. They made eye contact. "Galicia?" She was shaken the second she spoke. "What are you doing up there?" Galicia blushed sucking in a breath. She looked slightly dishevelled and her hair was a mess.

"I missed class because I was with, with Rogar. We were making out and I didn't hear the bell." Galicia hadn't missed a single class in the six years they'd been at Hogwarts. (y/n) took a second look at her.

"Looks like more than that." She was Shhed again. Galicia was scarlet.

"Well maybe yes. I've got to have a shower. I'll see you at dinner." Galicia went off. Maybe she shouldn't mention this to Samantha. There would be a riot in the great hall.

Finally managing to make it down the tower Fred and George stood waiting.

"Here you go." To her surprise, they went straight for a closet right behind them.

"Keep a lookout." Spinning on the spot (y/n) went for her potions book. Now Galicia is having sex and Samantha what about Kate? Has she found someone? Should (y/n) started? These questions were starting to make her blush. Which was odd since people walking past would see she was reading potions.

"Ahh, now that's better." Fred sighed walking out of the closet.

"We need more of that stuff while we work out our inventions." They stopped for a moment when going off to the great hall.

"Why are you blushing?" (y/n) cleared her throat walking up next to them.

"I just feel a little hot is all."

After some deliberation about the name Dumbledore's Army was decided along with the shorter name DA so if mentioning it outside of the secret classes no one would be able to tell.
Harry found the room of requirement. Or to be more precise, a house elf did who told Harry. (y/n) had read about it and told Samantha but was never able to find the location. So of course when knowing about it know Samantha was excited even more about the DA classes. In every class, it was perfect practice for the main spells but also a few jinks (y/n) hadn't learnt yet. Throughout the next month, time flew by until DA was cancelled for the Griffindor vs Slytherin match.

"I can't wait for this match to be over so we can do another meeting." Samantha grinned just thinking about it.

"So you can nearly blow someone's arm off?" Lee snorted and Samantha hit his arm.

"No, and that was because you tried jinking me remember." Fred and George sat down from the crowd of people walking into the great hall and (y/n) felt a scarf being placed on her shoulders. It was red and gold.

"Since it's us vs Slytherin you're obligated to bet on us." Fred grinned starting to eat his breakfast. She smile smelling the lingering musk and George and maybe a bit of Fred. They must swap Scaves not knowing who's who's. As she went to touch it she gasped jolting where she sat.

'She was in a tight crowd. Trying to look over heads when spotting just as George punched someone from the Slytherin team. When trying to squeeze through the crowd everything sped up to when she was at the bottom to the stairs. Fred was being held back while Harry and George we're forced from Malfoy.'

Fred and George, we're holding her tightly. They were hugging her.

"You awake?" George asked and she nodded.

"What was that about?" Lee asked and Samantha sparked up a conversation with him to distract Lee.

Was that the upcoming game or one in the late future?

"The vision what was it?" Fred whispered and before she could warn them Angelina came walking up walking the whole team to go down early.

"In a minute." The twins said but she scoffed grabbing the backs of their Quidditch robes.

"There's enough time for that later. We've got a match to prepare for." (y/n) bit her lip worried that she didn't have enough time to warn them.

"What happened?" Samantha asked when Lee left with the others.

"The twins get into a fight with a Slytherin member, they could get into serious trouble." But nothing horrible right? Maybe a few detentions.

"Let's get some good seats. I want to see a bashing of a Slytherin." Rolling her eyes at Samantha she walked with her to the stands with everyone else going for Griffindor. Kate and Galicia had saved them seats.

"Aw, they gave you their scarf." Kate smiled and (y/n) blushed. As the crowds gathered she thought for a moment maybe she would have found them in the changing rooms to tell them. Or sat closer to the exit before it happened.

"And it's Johnson with the Quaffle." The game started and Lee was rambling as the game went on trying to get every detail. But something was overpowering it. A song? From the Slytherins

"What's that?" Galicia asked and everyone started listening.
"Weasley is our king! He always lets the quaffle in!" (y/n) was confused until she watched Ron miss and the Slytherins chanted louder. Ron looked horribly nervous. It grew as the game went on. So many misses and then cheers from the Slytherins maybe this was why they decided to beat up the Slytherin boy but to her surprise Harry caught the snitch so suddenly that Griffindor still won. Everyone cheered, the plan didn't work. Maybe it was in another game so she wouldn't need to worry about it for now but while everyone was still applauding (y/n) saw it. Just like her vision said. George and Harry leapt at Malfoy. Fred was held back by the team and she was squishing her way through the crowd to try and stop it. Why was the vision so soon before it happened? Why not last week so she knew what to do? Everyone went from cheering to looking down at the scene unfolding while she was trying to push her way through the crowd but by the time (y/n) made it down they were gone.

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