Chapter twenty four

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After the pain of telling the twins what was to come (y/n) did feel somewhat better. Not to mention Fred's attitude towards the whole thing flipped after a few moments into better live while I can.

She was able to now have fewer panic attacks when he wasn't around which made it easier to study as she had been behind in quite a lot of the week's homework. While working in the library with the girls there was a bang just outside the doors. With an annoyed groan from the librarian, she stomped off towards the noise and the girls looked at one another.

"We found you." (y/n) jolted from where she sat having held back a scream from George's sudden appearance behind her.

"What are you doing on a Friday night studying for?" Samantha groaned at that.

"I have no idea." she breathed out and Kate hit her shoulder.

"(y/n) has work to catch up on and so do you. You've only been passing DAD because of her." Kate whispered glancing off to see if the librarian was still distracted.

"It's Hogsmeade tomorrow." (y/n) hummed with a nod still trying to focus on her notes to finish all her work tonight.

"And Valentine's Day." Fred went on to say. (y/n) now blushing looked up. They grinned both handing a small flower to her. Most likely plucked from the school grounds but she smiled taking them. "So we'll meet when everyone's leaving." and with that, they walked off. Samantha huffed where she sat crossing her arms.

"I wish Lee was like that."

"And after all that trouble you went through to get him to date you?" Galicia said and Samantha shrugged.

"Well at this point we're more like mates that sleep together. I'm not even sure I feel that way for him anymore." She breathed slouching in her seat.

"So it's what you were like before?" Samantha groaned with a nod and Kate laughed rather loudly.

"Shoosh." The librarian was back.

"It would be fine if he would do something other than a fun conversation and then sex but that's all it is. Romance me." She slouched more and Galicia sighed.

"Then talk to him. We've got work to do so focus on that then find your boy toy."

The cue to leave for Hogsmeade was long as always. While waiting in line just reading a book a pair of hands went around her waist. Fred kissed the side of her head and she immediately shut the book.

"Sorry, we're late love." George smiled taking hold of her hand. Putting her book away she saw how close she was to the front.

"It's alright. Were you testing something?" They went to a small tangent of what happened the night before and the late night it was. But neither looked tired at all. She smiled and laughed while they talked and after Filch made sure they had no illegal items on them they set off on the walk.

"How do you feel about Madam puddifoots?" George asked and she looked away from the lovely view of the fields ahead.

"Well, the cakes are nice. The girls and I go there often but it's a little..." She didn't know what to call it the food and tea were nice but nothing else was appealing to her.

"Pink? Girly? Horrible beyond every reason." She laughed at Fred shook her head.

"I wouldn't go that far but I just like the cakes. The strawberry tart is delicious." They were taken aback and she was confused by their silence. "What's wrong?" All she heard was the students in the distance talking for a moment before George spoke.

"Well, that's where we planned to go." He breathed.

"It's not normally somewhere we'd go but if you liked it.... But you don't so we're just not sure..." (y/n) hummed looking up to the sky thinking.

"We could buy some cakes and head somewhere for a picnic? I mean if that's ok?" They both smiled taking hold of her hands.


The older lady seemed surprised they weren't staying but taking some cakes for takeaway. (y/n) glanced around at the love-sick couples in the room while they waited. It was very harsh on the eyes this place. She preferred dull tones, like green. It was such a calming colour. Unlike the pinks and blues of the tea shop, they were in.

"Alright, here you go. Don't eat them all at once." Fred and George took a bag each just before they made their way to the door. It opened to Harry and Cho also out for a Valentine's date.

"Oh hello." She smiled, Harry looked rather nervous at his situation he tried smiling back but you could still see the nerves.

"Hi, you three out today?" He asked while they stepped out.

"Yep. It's the day for love. Can't skip out on that." Fred squeezed her hand she blushed.

"Treat your lady right alright Harry." George joked while Harry let Cho inside.

"Don't squew this up," Fred said next just before the door shut.

"Poor guy he was already nervous. He's probably sweating in there now." The twins grinned happily walking with her through Hogsmeade out to a tree out of sight from the crowds of students. (y/n) went to grab the bag from George but he slid it out of her grasp.

"Why not a kiss first." She listened but only pecked his lips before going for the cakes again. Fred snorted.

"She likes her strawberry tart more than you, Georgie." Fred chuckled. George took hold of her hand tugging her into a kiss, a moment of only thoughts of her strawberry tart lifted away as the kiss went on. George slid her closer but Fred brought out the tart waving it so she pulled back from George.

"Ooo looks delicious." Taking it and having a mouthful she moaned.

"You git." George shoved Fred making him laugh.
The three of them sat together in the secluded part of Hogsmeade for just under an hour before deciding to have a look around Hogsmeade before heading back to the castle.

"You're staying for easter holidays right?" George asked and (y/n) glanced between them.

"Well, I was planning on spending the holiday at Poppy and Davis's since my parents will be away."  The twins obviously had a plan for something and when she finished speaking they gave her a look.

"Spend it at Hogwarts with us."

"It'll be our last holiday at the school and with most teachers gone." George smiled leaning in a little.

"You could spend most nights in our dorm." She blushed at the thought but it didn't last long when Cho Chang came storming out of the tea shop crying. They stopped and watched her leave.

"I have a feeling the date didn't go too well." (y/n) breathed out and the twins chuckled.

"Was that a prediction or a fact?" Harry in the distance also left the store looking rather miserable.

"Fact." She responded. The twins did go to tease Harry but she stopped them, not too sure if they would get punched in the gut from the angry teen.

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