Chapter eleven

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Rules were slowly being scattered about throughout the next few days. Nothing horrible but (y/n) could tell it would start to get worse. With  Quittatch starting in the next few weeks Galicia was gone more often but this also meant (y/n) didn't see the twins as much. Sometimes she would watch them practice on a good day but with the rain pouring outside (y/n) decided to spend the night inside with Samantha and Kate studying.

"How much more is there?" Samantha whined out to (y/n). Defence against the dark arts had so much homework that was all pointless Samantha left it to the last minute. Like always.

"You have one last question. Then it's over." Samantha puffed her cheeks out and (y/n) smiled writing away at her herbology essay.

"Glad I dropped that subject." Kate breathed out and (y/n) wished she had but her parents wanted to keep it up for the upcoming years. Not that it was helping any.

"If I had known what id have to deal with then I would have. Hey look at the twins." (y/n) hummed turning to see Fred and George covered head to toe in water. They were exhausted but didn't see them while walking slugishly past. (y/n) stood wanting to use a charm to dry them off. "Romance calls you." Samantha breathed while (y/n) flicked her wand all her books flying into place settling in her book bag.

"Cya in the morning." jogging out of the room they hadn't gotten far and they hadn't heard (y/n) which was when she saw a girl with them.

"Are you two really dating the same girl? There's so many rumours about it it can't be real." She didn't know who it was but she wore Griffindors uniform.

"Well, it is." George breathed out tired and didn't look like he wanted to talk.

"It's odd but I wouldn't mind dating the both of you too." (y/n) felt strange and anger bubbled inside her but she couldn't say a word.

"Well, we're not interested, y/n)." Fred stopped mid-sentence spying (y/n) standing not far from them. The girl they were talking too glared at her walked away.

"I came to, to dry you off." She rambled looking everywhere but their faces. They didn't do anything wrong. Why was she so flustered and angry? She was a quick to use a drying charm the water disappearing fast from their clothing.

"Aw, aren't you sweet?" George grinned beaming unlike his tired state before. "Sorry, you had to hear that." His voice was softer and with his pointer finger, George tilted her head up to look at him.

"Do I um do girls often talk like that to you?" The twins glanced at one another.

"Yeah, every other day," George spoke slowly not sure even to mention the conversations they have with other girls.

"Before you, we kinda got around a lot." (y/n) frowned. Got around. It dawned on her quickly what fred meant and a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Oh." it was weak and she stepped back slightly. "I'll just uh." But before she could walk away to work out these emotions either twin grabbed her by the west pulling her in the opposite direction she wanted to go in. The hall other than a few students not paying them any attention was quiet. They found a closet taking her inside and shut the door.

"Does it bother you?" Fred asked his and George's bodies towering over hers. Her legs felt a little weak.

"Maybe. I guess but I can't stop them from talking so." Her sentence trailed off slowly and Fred leant in kissing her in a way he hadn't in weeks. Georges lips pressed down to her neck hands running up and down her sides. They switches so fluidly she almost couldn't tell George was kissing her. Whimpering the same overwhelming feeling spread throughout her body.

"Ignore them all, we're yours." Fred held onto her hand squeezing it while whispering and nibbling on her ear. At this moment her watch beeped, she never wore one before but Poppy gave it to her to keep track of the liquid luck potion.

"What's that?" George asked only pulling his mouth from her for a moment.

"I need to go." They stopped confused and frowned slightly. "Besides I think you both need a rest."

"Really? What's so important?" She squeezed out from between them knowing she only had a few more minutes before the potion would be useless.

"I can explain another time but I really have to go." She opened the door ducking under Fred's hand as he tried to stop her and started running down the hall. It was getting close to curfew and if the bell went when she got back she might get another scolding from Galicia who freaked out when she wasn't in bed the morning she spent the night in Fred and George's dorm room. Most people were already in bed because when she came through the Ravenclaw doors it was empty apart from Galicia studying.

"Oh, there you are." She breathed when seeing (y/n) and (y/n) nodded

"I really need to use the bathroom. Talk after." She sprinted past her friend going up the three staircases and into the dorm room. Wanda was already sleeping. She spent all Friday catching up on her homework the night before. Sneaking over to her bed and grabbing the small suitcase (y/n) slid into the bathroom just before Galicia came back into the dorm room. (y/n) was just in time to stir the potion and add a few extra ingredients. While the fishes splashed about the pot she changed into her pajamas.

"Everything alright (y/n)?" She really didn't want Galicia to know about the potion. Galicia might think Samantha will use it on exams or something useless. So Samantha told (y/n) not to mention it to anyone and there were only a few weeks before it would be finished. (y/n) flushed the toilet shutting the small suitcase.

"Yes." She called out walking out with the case just out of sight of Galicia as she went in to use the bathroom. Hiding the case away once more Galicia came out frowning slightly.

"What's in that case?" (y/n) halted, she didn't know what to say.

"It's uh my period stuff." Galicia looked at (y/n) and sighed.

"Well it's not very subtle, is it? Why do you have a whole suitcase for that." She bought it. A wave of relief washed over her, it was a stupid lie but what did Galicia know about it?

"My mum got me over-prepared." And she flopped down into her bed finishing the conversation.

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