Chapter twenty five

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With easter break coming next week, classes were winding down along with the secret lessons with Harry in the room of requirement. Large shouts echoed throughout the room and while (y/n) had managed to disarm Kate, Galicia's wand hit the side of her face. A small spark went over her face and (y/n) hissed touching her left side.

"Sam." Galicia gasped walking over to (y/n) examining her eye. It seemed Samantha had just disarmed Galicia making the wand flick in her direction.

"Yeah, my goal was to wound my best friend you got me." Galicia healed (y/n)'s cheek which wasn't that bad to begin with. Blinking a few tears from her left eye (Y/n) wiped them away just as Fred and George came walking in. They must have done a prank since they were never late for secret meetings.

"What did they get up to now?" Galicia sighed and all the girls shrugged before getting back to their charms. It was only the first day back and when the twins went up to speak to Harry she got more worried something bigger would happen later today. They smiled over at her while the girls went back to practising disarming.

"Now that we're all here," Harry spoke up as Fred and George gave a guilty grin to him. Everyone stopped and went to focus on Harry. "We'll be working on patronoses today." This was something everyone had looked forward to.

Fred and George both had their patronoses, (y/n) felt stuck, for some reason no truly amazing memory was coming to mind. Samantha had a small dog running circles around her, Galicia an owl and Kate a cat. Biting her lip thinking too hard a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Just have a try," George whispered next to her. It wasn't exactly a memory she thought of more the feeling she had with her friends or Fred and George. A spark turned into a strong blue light. A small bat flew into the air and zoomed right into Samantha's dog knocking it down.

"Hey watch it!"

"Brilliant, what did you think of?" Fred smiled and just as (y/n) began to speak everyone had stopped shouting out spells. A house elf was in the room talking to Harry. They were the last of the group to notice. All the blue lights died down.

"She knows!" The house elf squeaked out and everyone looked at one another slightly confused but (y/n) thought she knew what the elf meant.

"What are you all waiting for? Run!" The group sprung into a sprint all colliding into the doorway to get out. A hand grabbed hers. One quick glance to her side and Samantha held on tight to her hand while they burst through the main doors. People moved left and right, it wasn't curfew so they could hide anywhere pretending they weren't breaking school rules.

"This way." (y/n) breathed tugging Samantha along behind her towards the library, she could hear others running just behind them, maybe Kate and Galicia or Fred and George.

"Hey (y/n)." Fred grabbed her hand tugging her from continuing her sprint around the corner.

"Use the disinlugiment charm," George said now taking hold of (y/n)'s forearm. Without asking why both (y/n) and Samantha got out their wands casting the charm. All four of them blended into the wall while four Slytherins ran right past them. They didn't even think to stop. (y/n) reversed her charm and Samantha followed.

"They're going to look in the library first, Samantha your homeroom is close just run down, and we'll take care of (y/n)." She nodded running off.

"Come on act natural." She wasn't sure what that meant but followed six inches behind them trying to look natural but quiet on the walk back. Surprisingly no one stopped them, not that anyone was in sight the whole time. They had to stop at the bottom of the stairs of the common room where a prefect was waiting.

"I've been told to ask where you've been." She sighed not really looking up from her book.

"Out for a walk." George started and the prefect glanced up seeing the Gryffindor uniforms arching her eyebrow.

"Right, so nothing illegal?  (l/n) come on Umbridge wants all students back in their dorms early." Glancing at the twins they gestured for her to leave and when the view of them was gone she could hear them start walking off. Galicia was waiting in the common room.

"Finally, I thought you were caught." The hug she gave was right.

"Is Kate alright?" Galicia nodded the tense look on her face fading slightly.

"Yeah, we hid together before being told to go back to our dorms. But I'm worried, that paper we signed it was in that room." The doors opened again to the prefect who scanned the room stopping at them. For a second (y/n) thought they'd been found out and had a horrible punishment that night.

"It's curfew." That's when she noticed not a single other person was in the common room. They headed towards their dorm.

"So you think she knows? About everyone?" Galicia nodded and bit her lip. "The punishment wouldn't be that bad, there's too many of us to expel." There was no reassurance on her friend's face.

"It will be horrible I had detention with her once. That time you were in the hospital wing for a few days." (y/n) stopped at the stairs of the dorm room. She had completely forgotten what Umbridge said that night.

"What happened to my detention?" Galicia frowned looking back to (y/n).

"Didn't I tell you? Dumbledore convinced Umbridge to let you off because you were sick but not me since I didn't have to be there." Umbridge really was the most horrible witch she would ever meet, (y/n) would have collapsed on the stone floor if it wasn't for Galicia and Umbridge doesn't think she needed to be there.

"What was the detention?" This made her worry it was worse than the forbidden forest.

"You don't know? Students used a quill that when writing into paper etches it into your skin." Galicia rolled up her sleeve a very faint mark was left over. (y/n) didn't know what to say. "It's taken months to fade away now we'll probably have to write lines." Writing lines were never that threatening, but seeing her arm only now just fading after months of healing made (y/n) go pale. "Did the twins never mention? They've had more than a few detentions these past few months." Now that made her worry, they never have mentioned their detentions with Umbridge, (y/n) assumed it was like any other detention so didn't ask questions.

How could she not notice deep marks on their skin?

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