Chapter eight

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The twins walked along the halls with (y/n) towards Hagrids hut. It was already pitch black outside and (y/n) put on extra layers for the cold.

"I can't believe she's off on an urgent meeting." George scoffed. "Sending us back all the way through the castles to Hagrids." (y/n) didn't feel so worried now not having to write lines like she originally said. Maybe Hargid would just let them take care of some small creature. Puffscenes perhaps.

"Well at least her toad face is far away. Buck up (y/n) hargid is easy going." Lighting up their wands while walking down the stone steps Hargids hut came into view with Hagrid waiting outside with a lamp.

"There you three are. Can't believe Umbridge is letting me do a detention with you three but when I mentioned the forbidden forest she was delighted." (y/n) stopped walking while the twins high-fived clearly excited.

"The Forbidden Forest she calls that a punishment?" George laughed and Hagrid smiled. The colour drained from her face.

"Yeah, it's a right side better than what she's doing to the other students lucky for you. You alright there (y/n)?" They all looked at her pale face and her gaze into the pitch-black forest. "Oh don't worry about that you'll be with me. Come on." Even knowing that all the creatures she knew that were in there she didn't want to meet. Fred and George lit up their wands while (y/n) walked squeezed in between them gripping onto their forearms as they walked. It was silent other than the four of them walking. A thick coat of fog covered the ground and would have made it hard to know where they stepped if not for Hargid parting it in front of them.

"You haven't been in here?" George whispered and (y/n) kept glancing around trying to see if something was looking at them.

"Of course not. Only for magical creatures and in the day." Almost tripping on a root her grip tightened on the twin's arms. It was getting colder the further they walked in.

"It's not that bad right Hagrid?" Fred called out and Hagrid let out a laugh.

"Of course not just need to know your way around magical creatures is all." This wasn't comforting in the slightest.

"What exactly are we doing?" (y/n) asked in a whisper seeing the trees getting so dense she couldn't see too far forward.

"I'm visiting my oldest friend while you three check on the thestrals."

"Aren't thestrals  only visible to people who have seen death?" Hagrid turned handing over a large bucket of raw meat. He smiled nodding.

"Yes, but they're in the clearing not far from here by the lake. You'll know it when you see it a beautiful place. I'll meet you there in about an hour. Plenty of time to feed them all." From where they stood no clearing was in sight. Frowning not knowing where to start Hagrid had the answer. "Just head that way and uh watch out for spiders."

"Spiders?" (y/n) whisper shouted and the twins grabbed hold of her once more starting the walk alone.

"Don't tell us you're afraid of a few spiders." Fred chuckled and (y/n) scanned around frantically looking for any sign of eight legs.

"They're not just spiders in here. They can grow up to the size of a house. I don't think anyone should enjoy seeing that." Hargids light was gone now and George lit the way while Fred held the meat bucket.

"I guess not but you know spells right? We'll be fine." George held up her hand and kissed it. It didn't help with (y/n)'s nerves. At this point whatever sort of punishment Umbridge had planned would be better than this.

"What we really need to watch out for is trolls. Although Ron knocked one out so I think anyone could do it."

"Ron knocked out a troll?" When was this? It must have been outside of school everyone would have known about it.

"Yeah, his first year with Harry. Knocked out a troll in the girl's bathroom. Bloody dumb luck that was." A crack of tree branches from the way they came made the three of them stop. Thuds of footsteps made (y/n) stop breathing.

"We should keep moving," George whispered walking faster, maybe what she said about a house-sized spider made him second-guess himself.

"I second that." The fog wasn't clearing while they walked and when thinking all this distance would lead to nothing a clearing came up. To (y/n)'s surprise winged animal came into view with thin skin showing off the bones underneath.

"What's wrong?" George asked when she didn't move.

"I can see them." She breathed looking at the group of twenty thestrals walking about the clearing Hagrid told them about. It was beautiful with the moonlight and its reflection on the water but (y/n) was distracted by what she was seeing.

(y/n) knew Thestrals pulled the carriages but this year she wasn't paying attention.

"But have you seen someone die?" Fred asked and (y/n) shook her head.

"Only in visions but that shouldn't count right?" They both shrugged. George helped (y/n) down and getting closer the Thestrals didn't pay much attention to them.

"Think of it this way now it'll be easier to feed them." Fred nudged her shoulder and she managed a giggle. It took maybe half an hour to go through feeding each Thestral and once finished they sat down by the water (y/n) still watching them move about.

"See this wasn't so bad," George spoke while throwing small stones into the water.

"It's not over yet. The walk back is still ages away." Fred chuckled squeezing his arms around her body as she rested her head on Fred's chest.

"Such a downer all of the sudden." He whispered and (y/n) just yawned. A loud thud fell right in front of them. A spider the size of a small car screeched at them.

"Holy shit!" Fred and George stood getting right up attacking it with their wands.

"Stay behind us." (y/n)'s heart was racing and when seeing they were using strong spells but the wrong ones without thinking she stepped between them.

"Confingo!" The spider burst into flames and died. "So gross." A shiver went down her spine and she went right over to George holding his forearm once again.

"Maybe we should stay behind you." He chuckled and (y/n) shivered again.

"I hate bloody big spiders." There was another set of loud footsteps and Fred groaned.

"Another one? Seriously." He shouted the same spell (y/n) cast but it missed hitting the tree.

"Hey watch it."

"Hagrid!" The large man came out from the huddle of trees staring at the blast on a large oak beside him.

"What you casting spells for, why'd you kill that spider?" Why wouldn't they, it didn't look like it wanted to have a conversation.

"It attacked us," George said while Hagrid walked down the slope into the clearing, his light held low on his side.

"Surely not Arogog wouldn't." (Y/n) gaped at him as did the twins.

"You knew this spider?" Fred spoke while they walked around the crispy eight-legged spider, (y/n) shivered once more.

"No, I know his dad. Tall as a house he is magnificent. Hundreds of kids he's got." Now she wanted to leave. Fred and George weren't nearly as fazed by this but neither wanted to stay.

"Your oldest friend is a massive spider?" At (y/n)'s words, Hagrid turned hit light closer to them.

"Yeah didn't I mention that? We better get going you've got school in the morning." Hagrid started walking at a rather fast pace. Fred jumped up the ledge and helped (y/n) up.

"Your turn to hold the bucket mate." He said tossing it to his brother while holding onto (y/n) she walked with him trying to keep up with Hagrids large steps. "Looks like the family is here to see us off." And without warning rows and rows of spiders surrounded them. They grew in size compared to the last one. (Y/n) still holding onto Fred grabbed George's hand worried he might slip away if she couldn't see him. She had to will her body to move while eyes were all on the three of them as Hagrid walked them out of the forest.

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