Chapter twenty-two

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A month into the term and the snow was thinning along the grounds. (y/n) between studying and classes didn't have heaps of time to enjoy the weather outside. To Samantha's dismay to all this when all her friends sat doing homework she kept on whining like always.

"Why do all my friends have to study all the time?" She whined out as Kate shoved a cupcake into her mouth.

"I'm not a huge fan of it but if I want to get an internship at Saint Mungo's I have to." She went on writing about her herbology assignment. Their year level had enough students wanting to study herbology that they had to fit two classes in.

"I just want to finish school who cares what I do? Maybe I could work at the ice cream store in diagon alley." The girls snickered.

"What florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour?" Galicia snorted, (y/n) knew Galicia wanted to work with the ministry and Kate a healer but Samantha she had no idea she just wanted to work at an ice cream store.

"The very same. Imagine all the ice cream I could have. Who wants to work some boring job all day right after school." (y/n) hummed in response and Samantha nudged her. "What are planning on doing?" (y/n) looked up from her potions essay and didn't know what to say.

"I don't know." They all stopped writing and looked up. She didn't talk about this often but she really didn't know what to do after this year.

"What? When you had your career meeting what did you say?"

"That I didn't know. Professor Flitwick said I should just do a range of subjects that work with most jobs." Now this was something new she had to think about. What would happen in six months when exams were finished and her family asked what was next?

"I thought you wanted to be an Auror?" Samantha said and Kate burst out laughing.

"(y/n) an Auror, Sam are you insane?" With Kate laughing Samantha frowned.

"Well all the classes she's taking are for Aurors! And she's bloody brilliant so I think she could be an Auror." (y/n) was surprised Samantha spoke so highly of her, (y/n) wouldn't want to be an Auror for the same reason she turned down being a prefect in the sixth year. The pressure of the job was too much.

"I don't want to be an Auror."

"How about a musician?" Galicia interrupted and Samantha beamed at the idea.

"Yeah, you're amazing at singing and all those instruments you can play. Not to mention all the practising you do on the week....." Samantha covered a hand over her mouth while (y/n) froze on the spot.

"How - How do you know about that?" The girls looked at one another. Then she knew all three of them knew about the room.

"We were there with the twins that day they found out," Galicia admitted with a sigh. At this point studying was long lost in all their minds.

"But we hid in the hall before you saw us." Being reminded of the missed out music practice (y/n) slumped in her seat. "You sounded amazing I think you could be an amazing musician." Kate smiled and (y/n) shrugged. It was an alright idea but to be in front of so many people if everything goes right sounded daunting.

"Those stopped a month ago because of Umbridge. She took all the school instruments and locked them away. Flitwick didn't want either of us to get into trouble." She sighed and Samantha punched a cushion on the couch she was sitting on.

"I bloody hate that woman! When's the next meeting? I want to turn one of those dummies to look like her!" Galicia rolled her eyes at Samantha turning back to (y/n).

"You could ask your mum to send some instruments to Hogsmeade or even buy some at the music store." (y/n) hummed in response still not sure about the whole idea. There was a loud crash down the hall and peeves zoomed past.

"You can't catch me you can't catch me!" A roar from Filch followed and he came hobbling past with a broom in hand trying to hit the poltergeist.

Every night seemed to be the same. All her dreams were normal then the Hogwarts war vision crept itself into her dreams. She would try figuring out something new but it was always so chaotic that she wasn't able to find out anything.

But this night was different. She was in the upper levels where it was somewhat quiet. This vision sometimes felt like hours and while mindlessly walking around looking for something to pay attention two the sound of fighting came into view. She turned down the darkened hallway to see a death eater being blasted into a wall.
There was a laugh she knew, Fred? It was the first time she's managed to see someone she knew well. Walking around the corner she saw his bright smile. He was speaking to Percy. Maybe she could follow him around for the rest of the vision.

It happened in slow motion. At first, all she heard was the bang and dust coating the air. Rocks flew but went right through her. Deatheaters came marching into the room ignoring the people they hit. (y/n) ignored them and walked forward. He would be alright. But he didn't move.

(y/n) woke covered in sweat gasping for air and coughing. The covers were tangled around her and the room was bright it had to be the middle of the day.

"(y/n)?" Wanda slowly spoke as the four roommates looked between one another with worried looked. She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I need to go." She got up. Not worried about anything at this point she got up. It was pitch black outside. They had turned the light on.

"But it's two in the morning," Galicia said trying to get hold of (y/n) but she kept on walking out of the room. Galicia followed her down to the common room now latching onto her hand. "You screamed so loud I think someone might check on you. What happened?" It felt so real she had to make sure he was alright. Flicking Galicia's hands out of the way she bolted down the stairs. Galicia tried to follow but stopped once she reached the common room door. If (y/n) got caught it wouldn't matter. Nothing did. Her heart was pounding and pain shot through her at the thought of Fred dying. Fred is being murdered. A sudden urge to throw up made her halt for a moment. Everything swirled for a moment and got very cold. Leaning onto the railing of the grand staircase she nearly walked off the edge trying to hold herself upright.
That's when she heard a soft cough.

"Miss (y/n) what would you be doing out of bed at a time like this?" When (y/n) turned Umbridge looked slightly startled. "My my you're pale as a ghost. Sick are you?" Before (y/n) could nod a loud set of footsteps came down the hall. Galicia was panting holding onto (y/n)'s robes.

"(y/n) You need to wait for me. You'll catch a cold." She panted putting the warm robe around her shoulders.

"And you too? I think detentions might be in order." Galicia stared at Umbridge.

"But (y/n)'s sick and needs to visit Madam Pomfery. We couldn't wait until morning." (y/n) tried to move but her arms were getting weak.

"Still you ought to have informed a teacher or Prefect before walking around unsupervised. You're in violation of the school rules and..." (y/n)'s stomach churned and she vomited, it landed right on Umbridges dress and shoes. She let out a scream. At any moment this would have been a laugh but she couldn't remain conscious any longer.

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