51. Dean

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''Argh.' Aislynn's face pinched as she ran into the dresser.

''Drama Queen?'' Daemon questioned

''Fffffuuuuuccck!'' She hissed her toes curling, she hopped on one foot her knee tucked into her stomach as she grumbled. 

''What are you doing love?'' Daemon questioned squinting through the darkness. ''Aislynn?''

''Shh go to sleep. You are sleeping.'' Aislynn told him.

''I'm not asleep because you are... rearranging furniture in the middle of the night?'' Daemon questioned. "Coming back from some scandalous actions in the dark?"

''I had to pee. This baby is squishing my bladder.'' Aislynn informed him moving cautiously back to the bed. arms outstretched feet dragging along the cold ground. Daemon reached out a hand guiding her back to him.

''I hate being pregnant. Did I ever tell you that?" Aislynn questioned. 

"I'm sure you did." Daemon agreed. 

"Great, because I hate it." Aislynn agreed, Daemon chuckled pulling her closer as she tried to get comfortable again. Aislynn's words drifted off as she felt a kick. ''She's strong.'' Aislynn remarked taking Daemon's hand and putting it on her stomach. He felt the kick again. 

'"Better not be." Daemon countered. 

"Different kind of strong." Aislynn assured. ''She is going to be a dragon rider.'' Aislynn declared.

"She?" Daemon questioned. "Gypsy teas?"

 "I want a dragon Daemon." Aislynn informed him. 

"I know you do, I will get you one." 

"I want to get myself a dragon. I dont need you getting me one, unless its really hard then you can sweep in and save the day." Aislynn remarked. 

"Let you be a brave and independent woman until you no longer want to get your hands dirty. Got it." Daemon agreed. 

"Glad you understand me." Aislynn agreed, Daemon fell back asleep with his hand on her stomach feeling the light shifts of his child moving around.


If Aislynn thought her last labor was painful she was in for a big surprise when she pushed out a baby and they declared she had a second baby coming, twins. 

"Seven hells." AIslynn grumbled. 

Daemon smiled down at another boy and he agreed, they were done for the day, his hand couldnt handle Aislynn's grip for another child. 

But the second one came out faster than the first. It still felt like pushing a boulder out a pin hole but Aislynn did it. She felt like a damn warrior queen. Exhausted and sated she didnt want to go through that again, a boy and a girl, she could be done. 

"Dean." Aislynn decided.

"Dean?" Daemon countered.

"Dean." She agreed nodding along. "That's a sexy name. For my sexy little man to be."


"Dean." Aislynn agreed. "It's a good strong name."

"Dean." Daemon agreed.

"Its like you and me. D reversed the A and E and the N because I have two N's. And viola! Dean." Aislynn clarified. Daemon chuckled nodding along.

"And our little girl?"

"Anari Alyssa. After our mothers." Aislynn suggested.

"Anari Alyssa." Daemon whispered.

"I know you were a mama's boy." Aislynn agreed. "What do you think, a good ode to our mums?"

"Perfect, Anari and Dean."

"I don't like Dean anymore." Aislynn corrected.

"You just said..." Daemon stopped himself. "Okay... what else?"

"Well wouldnt it be cute- well no maybe I do because the A can be for Aislynn," She put a hand to her heart "-and the D for Daemon. But wouldnt it be cute if they were both A names like... Like... Anari and Ae- Well I would say Aemond but Ali stole that, and that's your name with the D flipped, damnit that should have been us." Daemon chuckled.

"Aelyx?" Daemon suggested. Aislynn tipped her head waiting for a better name. "Aemon-"

"Ha, ha, next." 


"Alaric." Aislynn repeated fondly. "Anari and Alaric, yes, I like that better." Aislynn agreed. "His middle name can be Dean." she added satisfied. 

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