33. Baby Fever

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In the moons to come their father was acting as protector of the realms, which Otto loved. The king had lost an arm and Daemon did what Aislynn suggested and was present, he was a good role model and he checked on Viserys. Rhaenyra did not. 

Alicent liked the break from Viserys but now all anyone could talk about was Viserys and asked about him constantly, he was still a damn thorn in her side. 

Everyone asked how is Viserys... everyone. Yet they didn't stop by and check on him themselves. Aislynn suspected that from most but Rhaenyra ALicent had hoped for better.

"Come and see him." Alicent requested.

"How is he?" Rhaenyra countered sharply. 

"Ask him yourself." Aislynn sassed. "Daemon sees him regularly." 

"He would like to see you." Alicent assured.

"I... don't think I can." Rhaenyra told her and Alicent sighed a sigh that made her whole body sag.

"good day then Rhaenyra." Alicent hissed. 

"Your own father, shame on you!" Aislynn added. "Moody little bitch." Rhaenyra hissed a breath back at her. 

The people wanted to celebrate, the king was going to live. Alicent didnt feel like celebrating. But the council thought her presence would be good for the people. What about her? What about what she needed? But no, she was the queen and a queen was supposed to worry about her people, see to their needs. So she had to suck it up and put on the dress and fix her hair and mingle.

"Your grace, I'm so sorry, we are so glad to hear that the king will be okay."

"Thank you." Alicent whispered.

"I'm so glad the king is alright, your grace."

"Thank you." Alicent repeated, she thought that was the only words she said all evening. No one cared about her, only the king. 

"Your grace?" Criston whispered stepping forward he put a steadying hand on her back.

'Ser Criston...' Alicent whispered trying to hold it together.

''Hey its okay... the king is going to be fine, remember...'' Criston coed holding her face gently in his hands. ''Its okay."

"I can't do this, I'm not a good queen... I just want everyone to stop." Alicent whimpered.

"Lies, Ali , you were born for this. Viserys knew it, he knows it.'' Aislynn assured as she came up behind them, Criston let his hands fall to his sides.

''Lynnie... Criston... I never wanted a crown. Im not like Rhaenyra. Im not like Daemon.'' She whimpered trying to be brave but with every congratulatory statement the king lives, she felt more and more like her brain was going to explode, no one cared about her, she was the queen and yet she was nothing in comparison to Viserys or Rhaenyra it seemed. "I just... I love my children but I'm not meant to rule. To be a leader, this person... people dont like me. Don't respect me, they dont... I'm not... I dont want to be alone."

''I'm right here.'' Aislynn assured ''the boys and I and Criston too," Criston nodded in agreement. "i'm going to help you through it all. You are never alone, you have father too." Aislynn added.  "Ali you are amazing, you are special you have a good mind for this, for this world and thats what the realms need. We don't need stale old ways, we need the good and new too." Aislynn remarked. "I'm right here," Alicent nodded into her. "What do you need?"

"A drink."


"Helaena is all tuckered out." Aislynn remarked as she plopped next to Alicent.

"Where is prince Daemon, he is usually your shadow. Did you lose your shadow sister?" Alicent pondered.

"Yes." Aislynn agreed sadly. "No, he's out with the knights, what a bore but he will be back and consuming me in no time." 

"You like him. You really like him, I never thought I would see the day." Alicent remarked. 

"No, I hate him, he is ridiculous, ugly too, small pecker." AIslynn teased. 

"You are such a liar." Alicent corrected Aislynn smiled to herself. "Then why that smile if you havent seen him?" Alicent countered.

"Baby fever." Aislynn offered. 

Daemon spent every waking moment, every sleeping moment as well with Aislynn. That night when he got back he moved quickly to her chambers. 

Night had fallen as the storm played on and Daemon had pulled Aislynn to bed under the sound of the rain. He tilted her chin up and captured her lips. His kiss stayed, connecting, as her body built and fell beneath him, the sound of his name a whisper in the dark. She fell asleep against him. Felt his fingers threading through her hair. Slow and simple and it made her smile. Made his pulse that much stronger in his veins. Aislynn's soft skin, here in her bed and Daemon lay his forehead against hers.

He felt her breath leaving her lungs and filling him as she nuzzled into him.

Daemon imagined this life, falling asleep beside her, he had never cared for monogamy he was one man for any woman in sight but with Aislynn his mind didnt wander away. He pictured laying her beside her for the rest of his life... 

Daemon smiled holding her close, he savored this moment, he didnt ever want to leave this bed. He wanted to kiss her, consume her, fill her but instead he kissed her cheek and neck gently as she nuzzled into him.

In the morning he would be a good brother and check on Viserys but tonight he would hold her and pretend Aislynn was his queen.

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