45. Life Gives You Lemons

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When Jaeton was born he had a thick head of hair, silver hair, the hair Aislynn was not fond of... but she would love her baby boy. Everyone thought wow he is so large for a premature baby. 

Yep, totally agree with you, Aislynn had told them all because she certainly wasnt having premarital intercourse with Daemon before they were even engaged, that would be reckless. 

WHen Rhaenyra had her baby a few moons later with thick black hair Aislyn burst out laughing. 

"Oh, oh it hurts to laugh." Aislynn remarked. Her skin was stretched and her breasts were tight but she felt like a damn queen. "Jaeton honey, you are a prince." Aislynn coed. "But no matter the titles the realms give you, you were always going to be my little prince." Aislynn assured him. Aislynn glanced to Daemon passed out on the floor. 

"Is he okay?" Alicent questioned stepping over Daemon. 

"He was on baby duty last night." Aislynn agreed. "And he didnt make it to the bed after this mornings rounds." Alicent nodded understanding. Aislynn didnt want other people nursing her baby, touching her baby, she was protective over him and didnt like the thought of strangers soothing him. So she had Daemon get up. 

I did the hard work of growing him inside of my body for nine moons and then pushing, physically pushing him from my baby and birthing him into the world, you will do as I say without question for the rest of Jaetons life. 

And really how was Daemon supposed to argue with that? He couldnt because Aislynn was his whole world. Now this baby boy would be too. 

"So, Jacaerys Strong." Aislynn remarked. "Thats fun, what has Viserys said?" 

"Nothing." Alicent grumbled. 

"What do you mean nothing? Is he blind now too?" Aislynn countered. 

"He doesnt care, he says he is wonderful and what a good job Rhaenyra did." Alicent hissed. "They are his world and I am nothing the children he forced me to have are nothing to him. Why marry me if you dont care about the good and just heirs I gave you, you slimy little-" Alicent griped. 

"i love the energy!" AIslynn declared. "But you look one word away from popping a vein in your pretty head. 

"I want your plan to work Lynnie." 

"It will." Aislynn assured. "When the velaryons get here to congratulate their son on an heir they will see the state of his skin and hair and that will be the end of it." Aislynn assured. 

Aislynn held to her little boy to her as the Velaryons arrived, Daemon was charming and attentive as usual but he made sure to be helpful to Viserys, get him what he needed, what he wanted, show him what a good leader he was during this time. He was the first to greet the Velaryons when they arrived and Corlys was impressed that Daemon finally got his head out of his ass and settled down with someone that wasnt a whore. 

"Prince Daemon, I hear congratulations are in order for you as well. You had a son."

"I did, my wife Aislynn and I are thrilled. His name is Jaeton."  Daemon agreed. 

"Jaeton?" Rhaenys countered. "Thats an unusual name for Targaryens..."

"Aislynn picked it, naming him after all her brothers... its sweet I like it." Daemon assured. "Come on, your grandson Jacaerys is right this way."  Daemon could only be nice to people for so long. Thats what he loved about Aislynn he didnt have to pretend to be nice, he could be his awful self and she loved him for it, loved all his vile and wicked thoughts, added to them.

When Rhaenys picked up Jace her smile fell but Laenor looked so happy. 

"This is... Jaeton?" Corlys questioned. "Prince Daemon's child?" the darker hair and pale skin it had to be, but Corlys looked to Aislynn holding Jaeton to her, silver hair on his little head. 

"This is Jaeton, he is much cuter but that just might be because I'm his mother..." Aislynn offered. "Thats Jacaerys Str-" Aislynn coughed out. "Excuse me... Velaryon." she said with a smirk. 

"Laenor?" Rhaenys whispered. 

"He's adorable isnt he?" Laenor questioned. 

"He..." Rhaenys and Corlys shared a look. 

"The king is on his way." Criston informed Alicent. Aislynn grinned. 

"Right when all hell breaks loose." Daemon agreed kissing Jaeton's little head. 

"When life gives you lemons." Alicent offered with a shrug. 

" Squeeze them in your enemies eyes." Aislynn agreed and Alicent's head slowly turned to her sister, Daemon's smile grew. 

"Have I told you how much I love you yet today?" Daemon questioned kissing her. 

"You have but I love to hear it." Aislynn assured. 

"I love you so fucking much."

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