26. Yikes, Royal Nightmare

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Wolves / Cregan Stark/ Davina Targaryen out now!!!

"She refused." Viserys remarked. 

"Your grace, I still believe her." Alicent offered. "I dont know why others were lying but I believe her..."

"She wants me to get rid of your father, claims he is leeching off me, trying to put Aegon on the throne." Viserys offered. 

"My father knows that I have no want for Aegon on the throne." Alicent countered. "He knows that, he... he respects that." Alicent offered. 

Viserys was conflicted. He needed to talk to Daemon. 

"Brother I'm glad I found you." Daemon remarked. 

"Actually I was looking for you." Viserys offered. 

"I would like to get my marriage to Rhae Royce annulled." Daemon declared and Viserys blinked back at him.

"I have enough on my mind right now, Daemon." Viserys countered.  "Rhaenyra claimed to be with you, said you were with her last night." Viserys remarked and Daemon sighed shaking his head. 

Phase two of mission bad reputation commence. 

"Yes Rhaenyra, I was in town with Aislynn, took her to a show and I saw Rhaenyra wandering. I tried to catch up with her, I was very confused on why she was out." Daemon agreed. "But she ran off, clinging to a man... I didnt want to leave Aislynn, don't trust other men around a proper lady... but Rhaenyra ran off."

"You knew?"

"Oh, brother... I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you. Is she alright?" Daemon feigned ignorance.

"She was seen in a pleasure house with a man." Viserys seethed.

"No? Rhaenyra? No..." Daemon tsked. Aislynn was a smart girl. "Yikes that is a royal nightmare." Daemon declared. "And to think I used to be the disappointment of the family but for Rhaenyra to stoop so low..." Daemon shook his head. "That's... wow..." If Daemon thought it was bad, it was certainly horrible Viserys decided. 

"Anyways," Daemon declared getting back on track. "Back to my annulment, we all know that-"

"Let me guess you want Rhaenyra?" Viserys scoffed.

"Nonsense, besides who would want her after that scandal?" Daemon declared and Viserys ran a hand over his face. "I want to marry Aislynn Hightower."

"You do?"

"I do." Daemon agreed. "She makes me a better man."

"I will have to speak to Otto." Viserys agreed.

"Thank you brother. I hope to treat her right."

"Yes... that's..." Viserys sighed. "That's very mature of you Daemon."

"What can I say?" Daemon shrugged. "Aislynn is a special woman." 

"I'm... proud of you Daemon." Viserys remarked. 

"Thank you brother... and oh, I hope Rhaenyra can get some help, that's a bad image for the heir. I do hope she can get her act together." Daemon remarked nonchalantly as he headed out. 


"I never meant for this to happen." Alicent whimpered

"What do you mean?" Aislynn countered.

"I spoke... I spoke to the king again." Alicent admitted.

"And said what?" Aislynn countered.

"That I believed Rhaenyra." Alicent whispered.

"ALICENT!" Aislynn shouted.

"Rhaenyra wants father sacked! you have to believe me, Lynnie I didnt know! I just..."

"You saw the best in Rhaenyra but there is no best in Rhaenyra. She lied. I know it." Aislynn declared.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to... What do we do?" Alicent whimpered as she hugged Aislynn.

"It's not your fault. I'm just mad." Aislynn whispered rubbing a hand over Alicent's back.

"I'm sorry Lynnie."

"It's not your fault." Aislynn repeated.

"What do we do?"

"Do? No no I talk to the king."

So thats what Aislynn did.

"Your grace, might I have a word?" Aislynn questioned. 

"Yes, please come in." Viserys agreed. 

"I was with daemon all night." AIslynn declared.  "We saw Rhaenyra wandering the streets and..." aislynn shook her head. "I should have said something sooner but I wanted her to tell you the truth, I hate it when those accused cant defend themselves, the truth, giving the truth hearing directly from that person shows maturity and responsibility, accountability."

"I agree." Viserys added.  

"Had I known she wasn't supposed to be out I would have brought her back. Daemon actually did insist we find out but foolish me I wanted to get a new toy for Aegons name day coming up. Its a wooden frog and it makes noise when you- it doesnt matter but I feel terrible. Finally when daemon found her again she ran into a... a pleasure house-" aislynn whispered. "-just to get away from us. I am not the type of lady to visit such places and i refused to step foot in there. Daemon didnt want to leave me alone out there i told him to get her but... dont blame my father dont blame daemon. They are each honorable men." Aislynn declared. 


"You may think you want a hand blind to the actions of the royal family. But you dont. You want someone that will tell you the truth so you can figure out how to get around the damage your daughter has done." AIslynn went on. She refused to lose her father.

Viserys let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry. I have over spoken but i'm right.'' Aislynn declared confidently. "And you would be a fool to listen to Rhaenyra now after all the lies she has spun after all your trying to let her find a match and she ran at every turn. Thats not a future queen in the making." Thats a future harlot Aislynn thought smugly.

"Thank you for your candor lady Aislynn."


"I hope you can forgive the late hour, Princess. I took great care in its preparation. If not brewed properly, it can either prove ineffective or else bear unpleasant...' the maester said putting a glass down in front of her

'Brewed properly? I'm sorry, what is that?' Rhaenyra said giving it a sniff

'A tea, Princess. From the King. It will rid you of any unwanted consequences.' She put is back down and watched him go.

Hell, her life was going to hell and for some reason, Rhaenyra blamed Aislynn.

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