The duel

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Melbourne 13/11/2022 1043hrs

As the door blew off its hinges and smoke flowed through the destruction, Overwatch walked into the command centre to confront The Demon's Head. Seeing the master assassin standing over the broken and battered body of the Caped Crusader, a new surge of anger filled Jake. "Ahhh, Jake, how good to finally see you again. Like what I did with the place?"

"Ra's, I'm going to enjoy beating your ass. Monsters like you should never have stepped on this Earth but here we are, so I guess I'm just going to have to amend that." Overwatch replied coldly, taking off his mask with a hiss. Breathing in the unfiltered air through his nose, the room reeked of something that smelled like window cleaner. Clipping his mask to his belt and unsheathing his sword, Jake got in a ready position, inviting the Demon's Head to make the first move.

Accepting the invitation and responding by unsheathing his own sword, Ra's charged at Jake with unmatched speed. Slicing down with a precise strike, Jake blocked the attack with his own sword. Redirecting the blow and coming around with his own attack, Ra's parried the blow but did not notice the oncoming punch.

As the two duelled, Bruce's still body started stirring, from between his droopy and swelled eyelids, he could only make out two silhouettes battling it out mere meters from his battered form. Between the slices and blows, he could make out that one of them was slowly gaining the upper hand. As his eyesight improved, he saw that it was Jake who was getting closer to victory.

With nothing but anger and rage coursing through his body, Jake grabbed Ra's' sword and yanked it from him. Kicking his legs out from underneath, Ra's fell to his knees in defeat. Bringing the two blades across his neck. Jake finally had the opportunity to avenge his parents by killing the monster who took them away. From behind him, Bruce spoke up with a cracked and dry voice. "Jake, it's alright if you want to end him, if that is what you truly want and what you believe is right, I won't hold it against you."

Just before committing to the kill, Jake remembered something his parents told him. That even though he might have all the wisdom and strength in the world, it would be nothing compared to his heart. By killing Ra's, Jake would make an irreversible change that would taint the very heart and soul that his parents loved him for. So rather than kill Ra's to avenge their deaths, Jake would spare him in memory of the lives they lived. "What are you waiting for, kill me!"

"No, death would be the easy way out for you and besides, my parents didn't raise me to be a murderer." Jake replied calmly as if all anger had been drained from him. Finishing the fight with a solid punch to the head, Jake knocked out the Demon's Head. Picking up the unconscious assassin, Jake cuffed him at the hands and feet to ensure that he doesn't get away before going over to Bruce to help him up from the floor.

As Green Arrow and Deathstroke entered the room carrying the unconscious bodies of Nissa and Talia, they were surprised to find Ra's knocked out and cuffed. They were not really surprised by the fact that one of their two comrades managed to beat him, but by the fact that he was still breathing when Jake clearly had the opportunity to end him. Following a quick mid-mission briefing, the team agreed to initiate the shut-down protocols of both the base and the drones. But before Jake could even get on the master computer, an alert came through on all screens.

"Alert, self-destruct contingencies have been authorized. Alert self-destruct contingencies have been authorized. All personnel are ordered to clear the blast zone. Self-destruct in t-minus 2 minutes."

"Shit, the system is too encrypted for me to break the self-destruct and I don't have enough time to shut down the Light's forces." Jake stated whilst furiously tapping away at the computer. Ordering the rest of them to get the Al Ghuls out while he sees what he can do, Bruce tried to protest but Jake simply replied by saying there isn't enough time to argue.

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