Welcome to Gotham

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Gotham Airspace 21/11/2021 0400hrs

Pressing a button to open the window screens, Jake took quick note of the apparent dark and gloom that seemed to radiate from the city itself. So this is it, the place where he will learn to be a hero and better himself. Taking some mental notes of where some of the major buildings are, Jake was already familiarizing himself with the city, seeing as he was most likely going to be spending various nights walking and patrolling the streets.

"Change of plan, there has been an attack at ACE Chemicals, and there are reported hostages," Bruce announced, quickly gaining the attention of Jake. Motioning for both him and Oliver to go down to the fuselage.

"I know that you aren't properly trained yet but you have shown exceptional skill with some of the gadgets that we already have on the plane. So the plan is that you will find a lookout point and stay put until I call you to come help. Queen-"

"Sorry Bruce, I have to get to Star City ASAP, so I'm gonna have to cancel this time, maybe Robin can come help."

"Don't worry Master Bruce, I'll have your back," Alfred said as he also came down the stairwell, he might not be in his prime anymore or have much combat experience but he could still monitor the situation from the plane similar to that of special forces controllers.

"Thanks Alfred, Jake you're gonna need a uniform, it might not work for you now but we'll fix it when we get to the cave." Looking to see that Jake had already put on a pair of dark grey cargos, black combat boots, and a black T-shirt, Bruce motioned for him to come over to the table and to bring one of the spare belts.

"For this mission, I'll give you some basic tools that you can use to dispose of your enemies, move around and observe." Opening various drawers to reveal a variety of pouches and gadgets Batman started putting the thing together.

The belt contained a few batarangs, two pairs of titanium cuffs, potable binoculars, a small number of low yield explosives, a tracker, and a few zip-lock bags for any evidence. While Bruce was putting the last few gadgets on the belt, Jake put a few extra batarangs under his boots and in his jacket. Before putting on the leather item, Bruce passed a duffel bag to Jake.

Looking inside, it was revealed to contain an assortment of pads and protective equipment. There were knee and elbow pads along with armored tactical gloves and a bulletproof T-shirt-looking thing. Putting it over his current clothes, Jake was ready to go.

Hopping into the rear seat of the Batjet, Bruce said some final words to Alfred before putting the cowl on and taking a seat in front of Jake. As the cargo bay doors opened below them, the pilot gave them a countdown before dropping the jet into the dark sky.

The thrill of falling through the air was exhilarating for Jake, he felt completely weightless sometimes while other times he would find himself struggling to not hit his head against the window. As the wings finally deployed and the craft managed to gain some lift, there was a sudden peace over the aircraft, completely opposite to what Jake had just felt.

As they approached ACE Chemicals, the situation became frighteningly clear, there were armed gunmen with an assortment of weapons behind barricades on the main road, blocking the police from entering. Jake watched as the first units of the GCPD arrived, the first two cars halted and set up a defensive position but the third car was arrogant, gunning the throttle straight into a wall of bullets, instantly killing both of the officers inside.

"We'll be going around the back where I'll drop you off on the roof. You will then observe any movement outside and inform me and I'll take care of it. Alfred messaged me and said that the CCTV cameras were down so we are gonna have to make do with what we have." Batman explained, Jake listened intently. This was something he could not screw up, not only could he get himself killed but the lives of all of the hostages were also in his hands now.

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