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Somewhere in the Atlantic 10/02/2022 1200hrs

The League had been working overtime for the past month on the construction of their new base of operations. After purchasing a small island made from volcanic stone, Bruce mapped the construction of the new base.

Superman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman worked tirelessly underwater to disconnect the island from the rest of the ocean floor. Clark used his heat vision and super strength while Hal Jordan constructed various large power tools with his ring. Arthur commanded various aquatic creatures to move the debris clear from the site so that the other two had more room to work.

On the inside; Batman, Overwatch, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Black Canary worked on building the inside of the base. The volcanic rock would serve as a protective layer on the outside while the main components would be located internally. Flash constantly moved around the construction site with a screwdriver, finishing all the connections in the corridors.

The main focus for Jake and Bruce was the construction of the Zeta Tube, it was their number one priority and was swiftly completed after countless sleepless nights. next came the observation deck where there would be a small garden surrounded by a glass dome. Jake planted all the small and medium-sized shrubs and greenery while Barry installed the grass patches.

The biggest surprise was when Queen Hippolyta came with a large sail-powered boat ferrying a large tree. Apparently, it was a gift from the Amazonians for all the good deeds the Justice League has done for the world. The tree was supposed to provide good fortune to all who lived close to it. Diana had a rather interesting interaction with her mother while Jake and Bruce watched from the top of the rock. After the Amazonians departed and the tree was planted the last few preparations were made inside before Jake and Bruce departed for the Batcave.

Kennedy Space Center 11/02/2022 0400hrs

Batman had good relations with the director of NASA and had a secret hanger located on the main launch site of the space agency. Inside was the latest prototype of space shuttles, capable of reaching space with minimum boosters. The craft had a sleek design to deflect as much heat as possible on re-entry and to make it as aerodynamic as possible.

It had a combination of three different engine designs. Two of the thrusters were located where the wings met the main fuselage, these were a mix of RAMJET and SCRAMJET engines. The RAMJET would get the shuttle into the air and up to MACH 2 before switching to SCRAMJET which will take the spacecraft to MACH 5. After reaching a certain altitude, the shuttle will switch to its main engine located in the center of the fuselage. The engine was an upgraded version of the ones used on the original space shuttles, it would be used to travel around in space and consumed liquid Hydrogen, allowing it to operate without oxygen.

The only downside to the shuttle was that it could only hold two people and was only certified to land in very specific areas. Namely, runways that were at least 3km long. Also, the shuttle had only been in the air once and an internal structure variation before it could reach space. Donning a black spacesuit, Batman and Overwatch boarded that craft with each of them carrying a pack that contained their suits. Their helmets were tinted black so that no one could see who was flying the UFO.

Firing up the RAMJET engines, the shuttle roared to life as the craft started inching forwards to the runway. In theory, there shouldn't be anyone in the control tower and Batman had notified the director that he should just wipe the surveillance footage of that morning. After a final systems check, Batman gunned the throttle; sending Overwatch squeezing further into his seat as the jet took off.

After the rough take-off, the first part of the flight was fairly comfortable, just like riding in the Batwing. It was when they reached MACH 2 that things started getting interesting, switching to SCRAMJET, the craft lurched forwards at an accelerating pace. Both Bruce and Jake grunted with much effort as the G's push them harder and harder as they accelerated to MACH 5.

Somewhere in the Atlantic 11/02/2022 0230hrs

Meanwhile at the new base; Superman, Martain Manhunter, and Green Lantern got below the island and started lifting after Green Arrow blew the final supports with some remote explosives. Though he could probably have lifted the entire island on his own, Superman appreciated the help from his colleagues. Together the three of them had no issue lifting the large base into orbit.

Space 11/02/2022 0300hrs

As the shuttle reached the designated coordinates, Jake peered out the window as he saw the base looming ahead. Bruce had to unlock the Zeta Tube and security measures so that the other League members could enter the base. Meanwhile Jake had the task of starting up the main power reactor and air purification system.

After about 20 minutes of struggling the pair managed to simultaneously activate their respective components. Jake soon learned that the base would be named the Watchtower, fitting he thought as he reviewed the limited systems coming online. There was still much work to be done with the construction inside the base. These included personal quarters, a medical wing, a gymnasium, a sparring room, and a cafeteria. The only parts that were actually fully complete were the Zeta Tube/arrival hall, the hanger, and the main meeting room.

The main people that would be overseeing the final construction phases of the Watchtower would be Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and Overwatch. Though Jake would mostly be installing the cafeteria and technological parts of the base. Flash would come in every so often to install a new section of lights using his super speed.

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