There was an idea...

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Watchtower 05/03/2022 0600hrs

After much meditation with J'ohn, Jake was back on his feet quite literally and figuratively. While he had been recovering, the Zeta systems had become fully operational with tubes connecting the Watchtower, Batcave, Hall of Justice, Star Labs, Fortress of Solitude, and Queen Consolidated. There were also a few scattered across many countries like Japan, Brazil, and England, and one in central Siberia where there was a vault containing weapons and gear that the League has taken down over the years. Some of the smaller things like guns, melee weapons, and some of the smaller suits were brought up to the Watchtower for Jake to do some more research on and to develop new gadgets. However, the big stuff like mech suits, robots, aircraft, and kryptonite all remained in the bunker with a League member checking in on it once a week. Though Batman had his stache of the emerald crystal in the Batcave, any that had been gathered while battling Luthor or Metallo was placed in the bunker. Originally it was located in the Fortress of Solitude but the decision was made to move it to a more secure location.

The subtle beeping of his alarm meant that it was time to get up and start the day, Jake reluctantly smacked his arm down on the clock as he pulled himself from the covers. After making his bed and getting changed, Jake turned the alarm off completely and headed out the door. Passing by Superman in the hallway, Jake waved and said good morning to the Man of Steel, who gave a weak reply. Recently he had gotten himself in a pickle with one of his foes and had taken a serious beating. So for now, he was also recovering on the space station. After a brief conversation with the Kryptonian, Jake headed off to the control room where he left a message saying he has departed and had greatly enjoyed his stay with a smiley face at the bottom of the page.

Wayne Manor 05/03/2022 0800hrs

"Arrival, Overwatch zero, zero." The automated voice announced as Overwatch exited the teleporter. Bruce was currently at a board meeting at WayneTech but it wouldn't hurt to pay him a little visit. Getting changed out of his uniform and into a casual business suit, Jake walked up the stairs to go get a car to drive towards the city. Alfred was overjoyed at the return of Jake to Wayne Manor and made Jake promise to stay for dinner at least. Seeing no way out of it, Jake complied and said that he'll be staying here for a while if Bruce can help him out with an idea that he had.

Getting into a dark maroon Audio R8, Jake ignited the firey engine as the car arose from its rest. Speeding out of the property, Jake made his way towards the tallest building in the city. It wasn't that hard to find simply because it stood out like a sore thumb in the skyline. The large midnight black building looked almost ominous if not for the white WAYNE technologies sign on the top of the building and the sun reflecting murkily from the black tinted windows.

Stopping at the front of the building, Jake exited the vehicle and was immediately stunned by waiting cameras. Taking a moment to focus his eyes, Jake walked on past the valet, giving him the keys to the German automobile. After entering the building, the camera flashes decreased drastically as security held back the vicious photographers. Heading into the express elevator, Jake pressed the button to go to the executive floor where Bruce's office was. Just before the chrome doors could close, a hand reached out to stop it.

Revealing an African American man with grey and white hair, the man entered the elevator and pressed the close button. He had a large stack of folders in his left hand while fidgeting with a pen in his right. The man had a brown jacket with black lines along with a pair of navy jeans and a white collared shirt. Wearing brown leather shoes accompanied by an old timepiece hanging slightly out of his breast pocket, Jake guessed that this was the illustrious Lucias Fox. The man supplied Bruce with all the gizmos and toys he could ask for while also managing the company while he was absent.

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