What's your name?

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Melbourne 20/11/2021 0600hrs

The morning sun was just starting to come over the horizon as the automated stairs came down from the Wayne Enterprise jet. It was a black jet with dark navy blue highlights running along the wings and flaps. There was also the infamous W on the tail in white.

As Bruce and Oliver step down, they see a blue streak flying towards them, by the time Alfred had brought the car around the Kryptonian was making his final approach. Kal was one of the first to hear about the Melbourne bombing and all the casualties. He felt a sense of guilt because he wasn't able to save them, so when he heard about the boy that saved a group of children he had to come down to see for himself.

Alfred motioned for the trio to get into the vehicle seeing as it was time to go meet Jake for the first time, the service would start at 10 am so they had plenty of time to get there. But as Alfred had realized in Sydney, the traffic laws and driving abilities of the Aussies were atrocious. Not only did they drive on the left side of the road but they also used the inferior metric scale.

The car was a limited edition Rolls-Royce, one of only three ever made, it was designed as an alternative to the President's limo should it ever get damaged or wrecked. One worth approximately 2 million dollars, equipped with the best bulletproof windows that are available to civilians, a steel-titanium alloy plate to protect against explosions from the bottom, and a 600 horsepower engine. Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, and the UK Prime Minister are the only owners of the vehicles.

The heroes didn't want to interrupt the funeral or pay any disrespect to the family and friends who were there by just arriving unannounced. So instead they drove around Melbourne, visiting some cheese tasting places along the way and even the Yarra Valley Chocolate factory. Which Oliver Queen was very impressed by, so he bought the business on the spot. Of course, the trio didn't wear their usual uniforms and rather chose to wear just a respectful suit and tie. They even saw a couple of Kangaroos and pretty soon they were starting to get a bit boring. Alfred even had to bring the car to an abrupt stop as one of the kangaroos jumped across the road.

"You stupid animal!! Can't you see me driving across the road or are you just blind!!" Alfred shouted, it was very rare that he got mad, so both Oliver and Clark were surprised by this. These kangaroos were making Alfred pretty annoyed. If kryptonite was Superman's weakness, kangaroos were Alfred's.

Though, the tourist trip was coming to a close very soon, for it was time to go meet Jake. As the group arrived at the cemetery, Bruce told Alfred to stop behind a treeline. Quickly changing outfits the trio started walking through the bush and out into the open, it was time.

Jake was just finishing up, wiping the last few tears away from his cheeks. He knew what he had to do. He would do everything in his power to make sure that nobody would have to go through this if he could help it.

Looking up to see three of the world's most famous superheroes walking towards him, Jake was confused, to say the least. Though confusion was swiftly washed away by anger, anger at the fact that they couldn't save his parents and that they felt they had the right to come to their funeral.

"You're about late, the service ended about 10 minutes ago if you were wondering," Jake said sarcastically as the trio stopped in front of him. The rain had been going on for the entire funeral so far and had taken a break by the lack of water coming down. Folding up his umbrella and placing it under an old oak tree, Jake turned to hear what the superheroes were saying. Green Arrow stepped forward;

"Kid, we know you have lost a lot and you may be feeling guilty because you feel like you didn't do enough but you have done what most other people wouldn't even think of doing." The hooded vigilante spoke.

"Yeah well, I have gotten over my grief, and I rather you just leave me alone so that I can just focus on preventing this from happening again," Jake replied, looking straight into Green Arrow's eyes, sending ice colder than Mr. Freeze's ice beams down his spine. Looking behind him, Oliver could see Superman saying something to Batman in almost a whispered voice;

"What do we do with Bruce?" Clark asked, he knew what would happen if they let him go. Jake would most likely turn into a vigilante, using murder as a means to spread his version of justice. But taking him in would mean that they would be taking a huge risk with them exposing a whole new world to the boy. Batman knew this, after thinking for a split second he had made up his mind on a decision that he had thought about for the entire trip.

"We take him under supervision, and we train him to be a good man." The caped crusader replied with confidence. The two leaders of the Justice League stepped to either side of Oliver who was still in a fierce stare-down with Jake. Superman spoke up, getting the attention of the teenage boy in front of them.

"Jake listen, I know what you must feel, losing your family. I lost my entire planet and I have only known one other person that is like me."

"Yeah, so what do you want?" Jake spat out, he just wanted to be left alone right now and was starting to lose patience.

"We want you to join us, at least for now. We can teach you how to fight evil like the ones that took your parents away and more." Superman continued but it seemed like it merely dented Jake's mindset.

"None of you three know what it is like losing your parents right in front of your eyes, being completely powerless to stop it. Not being able to sleep, eat or talk with anyone else about it because all you can do is see their faces looking right back at you." All three heroes were hit hard by this information, taking about two paces backward, Batman felt the pain most of all. This drove him to use one of his most powerful cards;

"I know what it is like Jake. I know the feeling you feel of not being able to take your mind off of that last few seconds you had with them, their final words carved into your brain. I promised myself that I would avenge their deaths by any means necessary but that didn't bring them back." Taking off his cowl, revealing his true face. Both Superman and Green Arrow were shocked to see one of their closest friends reveal himself to basically a total stranger.

"So please Jake, come back with us to Gotham. Don't make the same mistake I did all those years ago." By now, tears were almost starting to come out of Bruce's eyes. "There is more than enough space for you to live there, and I'm sure that Robin would love to meet you."

Jake pondered the thought for what seemed to the trio like decades, he would not only be trained to be the best physical version of himself but he could also then have the resources to stop this from happening to others and people that would support him doing it as well.

"Ok, I'll go with you back to Gotham, only if you teach me how to stop this from ever happening to anyone else again." Agreeing to the conditions, Batman pulled his cowl back on and asked Alfred to bring the car around, there was enough space for everyone to fit in the back but Superman had to go take care of an oil spill that was happening off the coast of Vietnam.

As the two heroes got in the car, Jake looked back one last time at his parents' graves. Muttering a few last words. Jake got in the car, ready to start a new part of his life.

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