Spending time on the Watchtower

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Watchtower 30/02/2022 0800hrs

Progress on the Watchtower had slowed drastically in the last few days, Hal had been recalled to Oa' due to Sinestro succumbing to the power of the yellow ring and turning against the Guardians. Hal explained it briefly before departing and Jake somewhat managed to understand what was going on. Basically, Hal possesses a lantern ring that is powered by the user's willpower. But there are other variants or versions of the ring that use different energy to power it, though they are very rare.

One of the bigger challenges that Jake found was hacking into a multitude of different government agencies to make the Watchtower invisible to their scanners. It wasn't so much that it was difficult as much as it was painstakingly slow. Any government that possessed a telescope array or a spy satellite would be able to detect the Watchtower if they looked close enough. An ordinary telescope would easily be able to see it but it would only appear as an asteroid passing by. When Superman pushed it into space, he released the station at a distance where it could still maintain an orbit but would be too far away for any astronauts to see.

Luckily Jake still had J'ohn around to help with the heavy lifting around the station and thankfully the last few touches were almost done. Superman had supplied some advanced Kryptonian grav-tech that allowed for gravity to be present in the station, though the amount of power it consumed was extraordinary. As a result, Overwatch had to install a second generator that would power all the secondary systems. Essentially, the primary generator would power the Zeta tubes, Gravity generator, and life support whilst the secondary powered everything else from lights to running water.

Jake had been staying in one of the quarters located in the living section of the station, the room was large enough to contain a queen-sized bed, a bathroom, and a small study in the corner. There were two closets inside the walls, one contained civilian clothes, namely two casual outfits, a black suit, and two gym sets. The other closet contained all the gear that Jake would carry on him usually, there was an armory located not too far from the living section and contained any extra gears and tools that the heroes might require. Jake's routine would normally start with him waking up around eight in the morning and getting breakfast in the mess hall. Afterward, he would gear up into his uniform and start heading towards the workshop.

It was a medium-sized room with all the tools one could need to build something, there was an adjoining hanger next door with enough room for any prototype vehicles or large projects to be constructed. Currently, there was nothing inside the hanger with the exception of a variety of different containers that were filled with components for the station. Overwatch has been spending the majority of his time here in the workshop building and assembling components required for unfinished parts of the Watchtower. Sometimes he would take a break and work on something else that interested him but was not required at the moment, an example of this was a new prototype EVA spacesuit that allowed the wearer to spacewalk for an extended duration while still being highly mobile and flexible. The suit was similar to the one Jake used when coming to the Watchtower for the first time but it had some modifications; titanium armored panels across the forearms, shins, chest, and back protected the user from any debris or hard impacts. Oliver had proposed this concept after some colorful language while crashing around in space due to his tether getting tangled.

Another addition to the spacesuit was an assortment of built-in gizmos that could come in handy during a spacewalk, namely retractable tethers, magnetized boots, and a small toolbox with the essentials should the wearer have to patch up the suit. Jake ensured that the suit was a two-layer piece, though the inner layer was much thinner than the outer, it could provide enough time for the wearer to plug the hole and return to the station. Jake was confident that he should propose to Bruce that he should market the suit to various space agencies. Not only would this make a further profit for WayneTech but it could also save many astronauts in the future.

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