Coping Strategies

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Happy Harbor 03/08/2022 1930hrs

Was Jake wrong when he thought that Artemis would be easy, after a very jumpy and fearful conversation, Jake finally finished with her. Wally was a nice break from the previous two, though he tried to play it cool, Overwatch didn't have much difficulty breaking through his walls to find out that he really cared for his team and REALLY cared for the feminine archer. Right now all of the team sat in silence in the living room while Canary and Overwatch discussed what they learned but were mindful not to disclose information that was too personal.

"Kaldur feels that he failed the team but after some talking, we figured things out. Megan is scared senseless but she'll be alright. Though I feel like there is something she is not telling us." Laurel briefed, she looked like she had a long day but not nearly as long as Jake who looked like he got hit by a train. "What about Dick? How's he doing?"

"He's taking it pretty bad. He feels like he failed the team by leading them all on a suicide mission along with some much deeper personal stuff that I can't talk about." "That's completely fine, I understand. Dick has gone through a lot, more than most people can think of."

"What about your patients, how were they?" Canary inquired, Jake tried not to laugh when he told her that both Artemis and Wally have feelings for each other but neither one of them wants to admit it. Canary wasn't as controlled, bursting out in a small fit of laughter before controlling herself. Asking about Conner, she braced herself for the worst of it.

"Conner is a delicate case, you are aware of his brainwashing at CADMUS, right? Well, he really wants to be like Superman and for a moment in that exercise, he got it. He was at peace, happy even, only for it to all be a made-up reality. There is more but I promised him that I wouldn't tell other people about it." Laurel looked a little shocked, she was not expecting this at all, both Dick and Conner would definitely need more sessions later on but for now, they needed to be watched VERY closely.

---------------------------------Time skip--------------------------------------

Panama City 10/08/2022 2000hrs

A week after the counseling session, the team was deemed fit for duty, Jake had scouted a drug deal that was going down in Panama. These specific dealers were transporting cocaine and heroin from various plantations in South America around the world via the Panama Channel's easy shipping access. The government didn't want to touch them because they threatened to blow the shipping lane and cause economic chaos for the country.

It should have been a relatively simple mission; fly in, quietly take out the hostiles on the cargo ship, and sink the container vessel after moving the enemies onto the pier. This would destroy the dealer's supply chain seeing as this was their biggest ship and it would be loaded to the brim with drugs and other contraband. But the mission was going wrong from the get-go, Kaldur ordered Megan to drop them off further away from the drop point so that they could have a safer insertion.

This resulted in them being behind schedule and causing Kaldur to rush the team. Though they managed to take out the hostiles, Kaldur told the team to plant the explosives first before moving the prisoners, the effect of this was the team rushing off the boat before checking every last space because Aqualad wanted them to be off the boat before the explosives could detonate. As the ship started going down, a figure flew through the air and boarded the ship. Robin identified the silhouette of the flying man as Overwatch, telling Kaldur that they should re-engage, he was cut down. Apparently, their safety was more important than whatever the new arrival was doing.

Overwatch had been following them since they had departed Mount Justice in the Batwing and had been observing them the whole time to see if they would be okay. After landing the jet in the bush nearby, Overwatch looked as the scene unfolded. Kaldur was very demanding of his team while also trying to keep them away from as much danger as possible, heavily restricting their ability to do their jobs. When they had pulled out of the ship, Jake had spotted the last hostile inside using his binoculars.

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