Awakening Protocols

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Mount Justice 10/11/2022 1445hrs

After completing over a dozen missions in the new suit, Jake felt like some small adjustments had to be made. For one, though the armour plating was very effective in combat, it was rather uncomfortable to wear for hours on end while just moving around the mountain. To fix this issue, Jake stripped his uniform of the plates on his arms, back and shins, placing them in key regions of the mountain where he could easily access them should he get deployed. He also removed his mask and made it be able to fold into a more compact form that could fit on his belt. Returning to his original domino mask, Jake still managed to keep his identity secret while just outing on a realistic accent. Some days he would change it up, so far, he has done German, British, French, and even Russian. The results were just hilarious, with the team not having a clue with what is going on.

Conner still had his sessions with Overwatch where the two talked about how Conner felt and what Jake could do to help. Recently Conner gained the ability to fly, though Jake suspected that there was something else in motion alongside it. Whenever he would fly, he would get very agitated and would easily lose his temper. Overwatch told Conner that he had organized a meeting with Superman in Metropolis where the two might be able to build a relationship. Of course, Superboy was a little bit hesitant but that feeling was outweighed by the urge to meet his "father" figure.

Putting on the rest of his uniform, Overwatch motioned for Conner to join him on the Zeta platform. Excusing themselves from the cave and earning a few suspicious looks from the team, the two heroes walked into the Zeta platform before leaving for Metropolis.

Metropolis 10/11/2022 1500hrs

When the duo arrived through the hidden Zeta tube, they emerged in a dark hallway that lighted up slightly as they walked through. The warm yellow light emitted from pairs of construction lights that lined the tunnel, this Zeta tube was one of the more recent ones and still had to be completed, though it functioned and that is what counted. At the end of the dark tunnel, Jake pressed a button on the side of the wall, resulting in a section of the wall sliding open, revealing a dark supply closet. After the door closed, the pair exited the closet onto a quiet train platform on one of the lower levels of Metropolis Station.

Leaving through the fire escape stairs, it wasn't long before Overwatch and Superboy were out on the busy city streets. As taxis beeped and commotion of people drowned out the sky, the two made their way towards the Daily Planet. Jake secretly knew that the newspaper agency was technically owned by Wayne Tech. via a long line of subsidiary companies, but neither Superman nor Superboy needed to know that little fact.

"Race you to the top?" Overwatch challenged the clone, to which he received a smirk. "Alright, three, two, one, GO!"

Shooting up his grappler into the side of a nearby building, Jake launched up into the air, soon vaulting the top rail of the building. Leaping off the side, Overwatch deployed his wings that were located between his arms and torso, gliding to the shining planet. Just before reaching the finish line, Superboy zoomed past and landed with a heavy thud on the concrete roof. "Well done Conner, say; this new flying ability is really useful huh?"

An angry grunt was all that Overwatch received, deciding to find out what was up with the clone's sudden change in behaviour. Jake switched his goggles to thermal and checked out the boy next to him as he leaned against the side of the Daily Planet monument. Gazing over his chest before getting to his arms, Jake found a little heat patch underneath Conner's sleeve.

"Conner, can you please lift your sleeve? It's important, I think something is draining your strength."

"What!? No, it's nothing, don't worry about it!" Conner quickly replied. "I really don't want to force you, but please show me your arm." Jake returned in his modulated voice as he reached out to touch Superboy.

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