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Wayne Manor 22/11/2021 2300hrs

After the trio arrived home, they all got into more comfortable clothes. Well except for Bruce, who had decided to put on the cowl to go patrolling that night. After waving goodnight, Dick went to his room to sleep and maybe read a book. He had school the next day and only managed to get out of it for the last few days because Jake had arrived and Bruce had sent an email to the school saying that Dick needed to attend a family matter. Now that break was up and Dick had to return tomorrow. Jake almost felt jealous because Dick would get to spend time with other teenagers his age but then instantly felt sorry for him when Jake thought of all the questions Dick will be bombarded with tomorrow.

Sitting at the bat computer, Jake scrolled through some of the latest news articles before getting tired of seeing too many announcements about himself and the Wayne family. He didn't mind the popularity but honestly preferred the attention be directed towards other things like nice acts being done or the latest on fancy new inventions. Rather it was always just focusing on celebrities, sports, or negative events.

Switching to something more productive, Jake scrolled through some of Batman's old case files, looking at some of the potential criminals he might go up against in the future. Stumbling on one of the latest files on Bane, Jake took the time to carefully read through it. Bane was a Russian crime boss who had decided to move to America for greater profits. Although just a normal man, he is heavily augmented by Venom, a super steroid that grants the user immense strength the more you pump into the person. Though further research showed that it is highly toxic for the user to have prolonged exposure to vast amounts of it. Jake saw a side-note that Batman made about Bane, saying that to counter this lethal side-effect, Bane has a regulator which he uses to increase and decrease the levels of Venom in his body. The note also states that when Bane goes into a fight, he will increase the dosage for the duration of the fight. 

Looking through a few extra case files, Jake saw that someone once injected themselves with such a high amount of Venom that they could take on Superman before succumbing to the high dosage and dying in the process. After looking through the relevant information on Bane, Jake went down a rabbit hole of different super-soldier-serums that had been tested in the past.

Jake eventually found the file on Dr. Victor Fries, aka Mr. Freeze, a brilliant chemist who turned evil after his wife contracted a chronic illness that had no cure. Being a specialist in cryogenics, Victor put his chronic wife in suspended animation while he tried to find a cure. After multiple serum tests on himself which proved to be ineffective in battling the disease, Victor accidentally fell into a vat of liquid nitrogen. Due to the previous experiments on his body, his body adapted to the freezing cold temperatures but as a result of this, Fries' body can't go above a certain temperature before his organs start failing. This led him to develop a cryo suit that he can use to keep his temperature to a suitable level. Later this would turn into his main battle armor that he uses to acquire the resources he needs to try and save his wife.

While reading through the file, Jake was alerted by Alfred that a call had come through from Oliver Queen asking to speak to Jake. Putting his research on hold, for now, Jake politely took the phone from Alfred and answered; "Hello Mr. Queen, is there something I can do to help you?"

"Hi Jake, I was hoping that maybe I could help you by training you further in the arts of archery and some more advanced techniques around jujitsu."

"Sounds fun, where can I meet you?"

"Great, I can meet you tomorrow if that works for you."

"Yeah sure, I'll see ya soon then?"

"Nice, don't worry about bringing any equipment, I got it all covered. Though you might want to bring your suit if you have one already."

"Ok, I'll see you in a few hours. Bye, Mr. Queen." Hanging up the phone, Jake walked over to the stands and geared up. Asking Alfred to fire up the Batjet, Jake hopped in the pilot seat and set the autopilot to take him to Star City. Not knowing when he'll be back, Jake told Alfred that he'll send the plane back after it drops him off. Not seeing a point in arguing, Alfred said that he'll pilot it remotely from the Batcave when Jake gets to his destination. Blasting off into the night sky, Jake took a quick look back at Gotham before going for his next big experience.

Time skip: Star City 23/11/2021 0600hrs

As the jet approached the city, Jake contacted Alfred to tell him that there is no point in landing the plane so instead, he will just jump and parachute down to the ground. Agreeing, Alfred takes control of the plane and guides it to 18,000 ft. Jake knows that he technically needs to wear a mask for the descent but instead he takes a few deep breaths before hitting the deploy button on his left. As the doors open below him, Jake falls out into the cold night sky, the sun had barely started to rise as he was free falling to the ground.

 As the doors open below him, Jake falls out into the cold night sky, the sun had barely started to rise as he was free falling to the ground

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Holding his breath, Jake nosedived down to the ground. Making his body as aerodynamic as possible and monitoring his height on his holo-glove. After hitting 12,000 ft, Jake finally was able to release the build-up of CO2 in his lungs into the atmosphere. To take in the amazing few around him, Overwatch opened his body to slow down his descent a bit, giving him more time to observe the world around him.

Approaching 2,000ft, Overwatch deployed his wingsuit and guided himself towards the designated meeting point which was just outside the city at an abandoned warehouse. The wind belting against his face, Jake pushed through the discomfort and deployed his chute after reaching an old abandoned hotel building. Bending his legs ever so slightly to absorb the impact, Overwatch quickly disengaged from the chute and proceeded to start folding it up to be hidden away.

The building seemed like an old apartment complex, what was once bright red bricks now looked like blood-stained stones in the morning light. The door that entered the building from the roof was chained shut with an old rusty chain that had been corroded over the years by the elements. Taking out his torch, Overwatch made quick work of the chain and opened the door with a loud creak.

Slowly making his way downstairs, Overwatch passed multiple sections in the wall that were riddled with bullet holes and scorch marks. After descending two floors, Overwatch stopped at the sound of two people talking, he recognized one as Green Arrow but the other one was completely unknown. They sounded close by the way they casually makes jokes towards each other, but they only used their codenames and no secret identities. The unknown did call Green Arrow "Mr. Royalty" which is a hint at the hero's identity.

Finally revealing himself, Overwatch stepped out of the darkness only to be stunned at what he saw before him...

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