Ready to leave?

926 12 1

Melbourne 20/11/2021 1200hrs

The car ride back to the airport was interesting, to say the least. Alfred almost lost his nerve again with the stupid traffic laws, especially going up Alexander Parade, only moving a hundred meters every 5 minutes and gaining many onlookers to the nice car. Oliver revealed himself to Jake, if Batman trusted the kid, so could Ollie. 

"So kid, seeing as you are gonna be joining the world of heroes and villains, have you thought of a code name yet? Or maybe what type of role you think you might be good at?" Oliver asked, not only was he curious about what he might be calling his new ally but he was also trying to slowly bring Jake into their world.

"Well that depends, what type of roles are there?" Jake replied swiftly, he caught on to what Queen was doing and he gladly took up the opportunity. This time Batman answered, seeing as he was kind of the original masked hero.

"You got three types of roles; public, shadow, and observer. Public heroes are heroes that work in the day and for everyone to see, like Superman and the Flash. Shadows are people like myself, we work in the dark and generally use fear to our advantage. You would usually be able to tell whether a hero is public or a shadow by their uniform. If they wear really dark colors then they are most likely a shadow and if they wear really bright colors then they are most likely a public hero." Batman explained clearly, not missing a beat. Oliver in the meantime was just sitting there nodding.

"What about Observers? I would assume they would be stationed at whatever base or hideout you guys have and monitor everything from there like Police radio channels and CCTV cameras and provide intel to the public and shadow heroes." Jake guessed, stunning Ollie, who looked at Jake like he was the next Einstein.

"Well basically yeah, Observers are also normally the best morale boosters and give the best pep talks." Queen joked.

Finally reaching the airstrip, the trio got out of the car. Driving away, Alfred looked back at them in the rearview mirror, he liked Jake mostly because he sounded like he could really relate to Bruce, and not only that but he seemed like a genuinely nice person.

Jake looked at the large aircraft that was in front of him, only now did he realize how immensely wealthy Bruce was. Not only did he own a very nice car but also a private jet and all of the gizmos and gadgets that he would use as Batman.

The inside was even more impressive, Jake found it hard to keep his jaw from detaching itself from the rest of his skull. Sitting in one of the leather chairs, Jake looked around to see Oliver and Bruce appear out of a small doorway that looked like it led to the lower part of the plane.

Bruce moved to the cockpit to tell the pilots to commence the take-off procedures. In the meantime, Ollie seated himself opposite Jake, hoping to catch a conversation with the new recruit;

"From what I saw on your file, you are fairly good with a bow. If you want I could teach you some nice tricks and who knows, you might even be as good as me one day." Jake smiled at this, even though most of his training would be done with Batman, he would definitely not mind extra tips from the Emerald Archer.

"I have been thinking of what Bruce said about the three types of heroes and I think that I will choose when I have completed my training, mostly because I don't really know what I am good at with this whole hero thing."  Oliver was starting to like this kid more and more every minute. Not only was he smart but he was also wise when it came to answering questions and thinking about the future.

At this point Wayne had returned to the main passenger area, telling them that the pilot is about to take off and set a course straight for Gotham. Pleased to hear this, the duo buckled up while Bruce sat down and radioed the pilot to take off. As the plane accelerated, Wayne quickly did up his belt as the force of the plane drove them into their seats. Once the plane was in the air, Wayne and Queen explained the simple rules of being a hero. The most important part was that they don't kill, they only do this to help other people that can't help themselves and that they never use this to benefit themselves. All of this seemed pretty straightforward to Jake, he didn't want to take anyone's family away from them, even if they were villains.

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