A call for help

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Happy Harbour 12/08/2022 0415hrs

Although most of Jake's things were still somewhere in between the Watchtower and Wayne Manor, he had been staying here at Mount Justice for the last two days. In that short time, he had been heavily enforcing the coping plans for all the members of the team and tried his best to join them in their individual tasks. Conner for one had zero clue on how to do any type of mechanics so Jake really helped him out by providing him with instructional resources on how to do certain things.

After getting up like he usually would, Jake was currently in the kitchen washing his plate after finishing breakfast. He didn't particularly enjoy coffee or tea so he just drank some passionfruit juice mixed with apple juice and water. Walking towards the gym with his mask off, a red notice suddenly appeared on his hologlove. This notification would only appear if there was an immediate emergency that Overwatch had to attend to. Turning on his heel and changed heading straight towards the main arrival hall. Jake sprinted towards the giant hologram computer while putting on his face protection with that familiar hiss following soon after.

Opening up all information tabs, Overwatch soon got in contact with a joint video call between the Justice League on the Watchtower and an important-looking official from an undisclosed location. This politician turned out to be the chief representative of multiple island nations in the Caribbean.

"Ambassador Louw, all available members of the Justice League are here now, you may continue with your briefing." Wonder Woman gestured from the conference room aboard the Watchtower. "Members of the Justice League, multiple nations have been devastated by a large Earthquake here in the Caribbean. We are urgently requesting help, the streets are rapidly flooding and more people are being put in harm's way as we speak."

Suddenly, the President of the United States appeared on a separate screen. "Attention Justice League, the southern coast of Florida has just been hit by a tsunami. I need you to respond immediately while we scramble our resources to assist." The President ordered, it didn't look like he was giving the League much of a choice. Jake thought it was best that he should speak up now. "Mr. President, I mean no offense when I say this but there is currently a much more urgent situation developing just south of Florida that the League is needed at right now. Luckily I am here with a secondary team here in Happy Harbour that could assist local authorities until further aid can be provided."

"What is your name son?" The President inquired, though Jake could tell he wasn't very happy with what Jake just explained to him. "Overwatch sir."

"Well Overwatch, I expect your team to be down in Florida in thirty minutes or else there will be hell to pay from the Justice League, am I understood?" The President beckoned, from what Jake had previously learned about this new president was that he was ex-military and had served as an officer in the Middle East during the war on terror. This was really showing by the way he was ordering Overwatch to deploy ASAP.

"Sir yes sir." Overwatch replied, ending the call. Sounding the alarm, Overwatch awaited the arrival of the team while he got prepped. Large silver lockers appeared out of the ground containing an assortment of weapons and equipment, opening all of them, Jake quickly glanced through them to see what he had to work with. Finding a drawer filled with navy blue duffel bags, Jake grabbed as many as he could reach before closing the silver door with a silent slide.

"What's going on, do we have a mission?" Robin called out as he reached the room first, soon followed by Artemis still in her PJs but carrying her bow and quiver in her hands. "We are needed down in Florida in 20 minutes. Artemis, go get changed and tell the others to do the same. Robin, help me with these bags." Jake ordered as he scanned the racks of weapons. After Artemis was out of hearing range, Robin squatted down next to the armored individual.

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