•◦இ•◦ Chapter 10 •◦இ•◦

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Hey sweeties, new chapter is here! ‿❀°

If you like story of Bia and Alex, you know what to do!

ℒᵒᵛᵉ, Merry & frintezzaviv 



All of a sudden, there was a loud noise.

I couldn't believe it! The little witch had slapped me so hard that my head spun to the right.

"Alexander, what the hell are you doing?!" she yelled and pushed me away.

The anger I was feeling right now wasn't even close to when I entered the living room earlier, seeing her with my brother. "You little..." I started saying.

"You are crazy! There's definitely something wrong with you," she shouted as she paced back and forth in the room, flailing her arms.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me forcefully, gripping tighter to make sure she was paying attention.

"Don't you ever dare hit me again, you little witch," I hissed, getting close to her face. She could tell from my expression that I was furious, so she froze, but still glared at me. She managed to break free from my grip.

"Then tell me, what was that all about?" she asked.

I walked away from her and headed to the bathroom. I was really pissed off. The moment I went to the living room and saw my brother being that close to her, playing with her hair ... I lost it in a second. They were too close to each other, breathing the same air. I have no freaking idea why I reacted that way, and I don't even know what to say to her now. But I know she won't stop asking until she gets an answer. I leaned against the bathroom counter and rested my hands on it.

"Calm down. Relax, dammit!" I told myself.

"Ice, get back here!" Bia shouted from my room. I took a few deep breaths to regain control.

It didn't seem to help.

She stormed into the bathroom, seething with anger. "Tell me right now, Ice, what was that all about!?" she yelled at me. I responded bluntly, "Get out."

"Excuse me?!" she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "I knew you were arrogant and ill-mannered, but this...this is too much even for you!"

"Go take a shower. I'll come get you in half an hour. Bill will be here soon to check on you. I asked the maid to get some clothes ready for you in the dressing room," I said.

„F*ck you!"

"Don't be silly, Bia"

I stormed out of the bathroom, still fuming with anger, and I headed to the living room. I slammed the door so hard behind me that it almost broke. Daniel was sitting on the couch chatting with Bill. He had a stupid smirk on his face when he caught sight of me.

"Hi, Bill. You can go check on the patient. She's in my room," I told the doctor.

"Hello, Alexander. Excuse me, Daniel," he replied.

"See you soon, Doc," my brother said to the older man before turning to me. "Bro, you do realize your reaction was very... out of place, so to speak. Strange, I'd say."

Alexander's temptation 🔞 (The Brand brothers #1)Where stories live. Discover now