Yu : And what makes you think i'm a huntsman ?? Because i'm at this school ?? you misunderstand me i'm nothing like the students here.

I was shaking in my chair at his declaration as i could see it now in his eye's, This man had killed before and not once or twice either but many times.

(Yu pov)

Cinder clearly didn't understand who she was dealing with this is why i never considered myself worthy of One for All, There was far too much blood on my hands to be considered the greatest Hero and that is why Jaune will carry that title and that power, He was pure.

Yu : Could you give the powers back if you wanted ??

She looked amused by the question and as she spoke she slightly shook her head and smirked at me.

Cinder : There's not a chance in hell that i would ever do that even if i could, These powers are mine and there's nothing you can do about it.

Yu : I think you'll find that i can do something about it.

I stepped closer and i knew what would be the most horrific punishment for her so i raised my hand and placed it on her chest right where her heart was and activated Overhaul.

A wet splashing sound could be heard around the room as a hole was blown right through her chest as her heart, Skin and bone where liquified and blasted out from her back.

I looked at her eye's as she died and i could see the fear in them as a sort of energy seeped out of her and flew up right through the ceiling and off to who knows where hopefully to Amber.

Yu : Guess you didn't know me as well as you thought did you ??

I asked as she closed her eye's i smiled for a moment then decided to finish what i started so i placed my hand on her again.


(Cinder pov)

i awoke again but this time i was lying on the ground outside, As i sat up i took a look around and saw i was in front of Beacon and there staring at me was Yu and his friends.

Yu : Finally awake i see.

Cinder : What did you do to me ?

He laughed quietly and put his arm around the shoulders of a black haired girl and a blonde who were both glaring at me as was everyone, I could feel the hatred in their gaze even that Ruby girl who i never thought could be capable of it as she was too innocent.

Yu : I simply took back what you stole and now you are nothing.

I tried to use my magic but nothing was happening, I kept trying and trying but the power wouldn't come out and i finally realized that i felt none of the energy that i did before.

Cinder : No no no no NOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!

(Yu pov)

She screamed in complete despair as she had lost the last bit of power she had in this world and i will admit i did feel pleased with myself for a moment but shook it off knowing that i shouldn't then i stepped towards her.

Yu : Well it's been lovely seeing you again but your ride is here so i'm afraid this is where we part ways. 

I said as the police came and put her in handcuffs and started to drag her away, She was struggling and screaming bloody murder at me in my honest opinion it was a little pathetic.

Cinder : I swear you haven't seen the last of me, I'll find you and kill you if it's the last thing i do you and those bitches beside you.

Now that crossed a line and i was furious so i flash stepped right up to her and grabbed her throat with Steel activated.

Yu : And how exactly do you plan to do that huh ? You are powerless and will be for the rest of your life but they are strong but if i ever see you again there will be no third chance so think about your life and choices in prison and maybe you can become a better person by the time you get out, But i doubt it.

Cinder : Fuck you i'll kill you and make everyone you know suffer.

Yu: That would be a neat trick bye bye

I sarcastically waved as she dissappeared into the Bullhead and then i turned to see my friends looking at me in slight discomfort.

Yu : What ?

Blake : You seem to enjoy that a bit too much.

Yang : Yeah it's not very Heroic

I laughed hard and wiped a few happy tears from my eye's as they looked on confused.

Yu : I knew you'd make fine Heroes and from what you just said i was right.

Jaune : Of course we will you taught us after all.

I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder while smiling.

Yu : Don't give me too much credit as this attitude comes mostly from your own hearts.

I opened my Alternate Storage Space and reached in to get out some of my special stash of cookies and passed the packet to Ruby as i walked over and ruffled her hair.

Ruby : Hey ! And what are these for ? Not that i'm complaining about free cookies.

Yu : Sorry about the language from her Little Red.

Ruby just shrugged and started to dig in to the cookies then i stepped away and turned to face both teams.

Yu : Now there's something i need to tell you, It concerns the future and we will all have a part to play but first we need to prepare.

Pyrrha : But where do we go ? the school is closed until repairs are complete.

Yu : Yes but what we need to do will take use far from Vale and this mission is of the utmost importance but first we need to relocate to patch for a short time i'll explain everything there. 

Everyone nodded but Yang and Ruby were confused as that was their home but we all walked off towards the Bullhead station to begin our journey. 

(A/N So we thought we would give you the chance to decide on wether Cinder will be back for revenge or will stay in prison we have some idea's on how to bring her back as a threat but there is still one idea we have for the future that will be an interesting plot twist so we put it to a vote.)

Bring Cinder back

Or let her rot in jail

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