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Hii I hope you like this one KALEYBOURQUE2
T/C Tale Color
H/C Hair Color

Giggling could be heard throughout the forest and little feet's running on the ground followed by laughter. The giggles came from the little 3 year Emma and the laughter came from none other than her big brother Peter.
"Come on Pete your so slow" Emma called out. At the age of only 1 year old she could talk fluently. She was a fast learner, that's what her teachers said. Emma had a whole screw full of teachers who adored her and loved her. Emma was the Angel, the princess of Neverland and no one dared to harm such a sweet innocent child. But Emma was not innocent at all. She could get anything she wanted just by a look or just one word.

"Do you have to be so slow?" Emma grumbled and continued walking because she was tired of waiting on her brother. "Emma, wait you can't just walk away" Peter said and flew down in front of her. Emma crossed her arms over her chest with her 'really look' "Aww come on don't give me that look" Peter pinched her cheeks and she still gave him that look.
"I want to see the Delfina, she said she had a gift for me" Delfina was Emmas favorite mermaid. She likes to give Emma presents she finds on the bottom of the sea. She always thought of Emma when she saw something shiny because it always reminded her about the little girl's beautiful eyes that shine whenever she smiled or laughed. Emma liked her because she was always nice to her and Delfina was a child at heart.
"Why don't you want to hang out with me?"
"Because you're boring, and I always hang out with you." Peter looked at her offended and put his hand on his chest. "You hurt my feeling's" He said dramatically. Emma just rolled her eyes at him. "More your ego"
"Excuse me"
"You're excused" Emma said, giggling at the look on his face. "You're mean for a 3 year old and you hang outtooo much with Hook"

"At least he likes me"
"Oh, you did not say that" Peter said. He ran forward and picked Emma up and flew up with her in the air and spun in circles with her. (Like dancing in the air)
"Peter put me down" Emma laughed. Her laugh was one of Peter favorite thing to hear. To see his sister happy and smiling. Peter laughed with her and threw her up in the air. Emma screamed with joy and when her brother caught her she threw her arms around his neck. "Peter"
"I love you" She said and kissed his cheek. Peter smiled and kissed both of her cheek making her giggle. "And I love you too Angel"
"Now put me down. I want to see Delfina" Peter just rolled his eyes at her and flew with her to mermaid lagoon. "Didn't you hear what I said?"
"Of course I heard you"
"Then why haven't you put me down?"

"Because I thought why not fly you there" Emma rolled her eyes seriously she have legs she can walk with, but Peter loves to hold her in his arms and get her where she is going so he knows that she can would be safe. "I just want to you to get there safe." He stopped flying and looked down at her. "I don't want anything to happen to you"
"I know but you don't have to worry I have these" Emma said and held up her hands making a fists with both of them. Peter just smiled and continued flying to the lagoon.

When they got to the lagoon a certain person was there waiting for them. Emma smiled when she saw her favorite mermaid, she tried to wiggle out of her brothers arms so she could hug her friend. It wasn't easy to hold her when she got all excited to see Delfina. It was like she loved her more than him sometimes, but he knew he was the most important person to her.
"DELFINA!!!" Emma called out to the T/C, H/C.

Peter sat Emma down on one of the rocks and she wasted no time and run into Delfina's open arms not caring if her clothes got wet. Delfina fished something out of her bags she always cared with her and when Emma saw the item. It was a beautiful seashell.
"Is that for me?" Emma asked. "Of course it's for you. Who else would I give seashell to?" Delfina loved making Emma happy and she was the only mermaid there who didn't try drowning anyone. If any mermaid tried to do something to Emma she would give the hell. Delfina smile and gave Emma the seashell. Emma was so happy and hugged her and kissed her cheek making Delfina hug her back just as tight.
Peter loved seeing them together, Delfina was like a mother and a sister to the little girl.

"Thank you Fina"
"Your welcome my litter flower" She said and kissed her cheek as a goodbye because Delfina knew where Emma wanted to go next.
Emma ran back to Peter and waved goodbye to Delfina. Pete stood there waiting for her so he could take her with him. He had his arms open for her but, she had other plans, she ran past him into the woods and Peter stood there shocked.

When Emma reached her destination she didn't wait she just ran on board the Jolly Roger right into the arms of her favourite pirate. Who stood there waiting for her with open arms. He had heard her giggle from deep into the woods. He picked her up into his arms.
"Well hello little Princess what have you been up too?" He asked her while tickling her stomach making her laugh with joy.

"Well Mr James I was with Delfina" She smiled big. Emma was the only one who had called him by his real name and not they name he was given because of what had happened to his arm.

"Oh Delfina and what did you too do?" He asked her. She smiled when she saw he was interested to hear how her day had been. So she told him everything. The pirate just listened to her talk and laugh. Emma was the only thing or person he cared about. He someone was to hurt her. They wouldn't see the light ever again.
Hook saw something fly by and he smirked because he knew who it was.
"Oh Pan you are ruing the fun we are having"

"Give back my sister" He said in a demanding tone with his sword pointing at Hook. Hook just rolled his eyes. Couldn't he ever get it in his thick skull that he would never hurt Emma.

Emma whispered into Hooks ear and he smirked and did exactly as she said. He adjusted her on his hip and walked away into his cabin with Peter who flew behind bur before he could reach his sister the door slammed I'm front him, so he hit his head on the door. Emma who was inside laughed with Hook following right after at the moody teenager outside.

Hii guys I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I haven't been feeling well and I'm still not feeling well but I'm trying so here is a oneshot. Request anything
I know the gif is not great.
If someone was wondering my old user name was awesome_toothless.

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