ʙʟᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2

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Hey so here is part 2 of Bʟᴀᴍᴇᴅ. I hope u guys like it. Not my best.
But plz give me ideas what I should write about. Give me a message if u don't want to say it in the comments.

And should I make a Instagram account about my stories and when I'm updating?
Or maybe a yt account?
Let me know in the comments😊

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I was still in the cage feeling lonely and I hated small spaces. My knees were up to my shin with my arms wrapped around them. I could only hear the wind in my ears so high up was I.

I tried telling Pan that I was innocent but he wouldn't listen to me. He trusted his lost boys and Robin was one of them. He had been on the Island longer than me. And Robin was a boy and I was a girl. Who would trust a girl? Nobody if the island was filled with boys. But in the stories Pan had a friend who was a fairy named Tinkerbell and she was a girl. I met her once when I tried to escape from Pan. Tinkerbell looked like a human and she had no wings. I was going to ask about it but Pan found me before I got to know her.

Pan didn't let me out of his sight after I tried to escape. After 3 months of learning to know Pan and not escaping from him. He let me roam around the Island. I met the mermaids and when I saw them I was not the stupid one to go near them because I saw right through them. The evil glimt they had in their eyes. There Were no Native Americans here on Neverland. Wondered what happened to them or if they ever were here.

I heard the leaves crunch under me, but I didn't make any sound or care who it was. Because it could be a lost boy who was there to say something bad about me and for letting Hook on the Island and not for telling Pan about it.

That's all they do, blame me for it and they will be sorry for blaming me. They will regret it once I'm out of this cage.

"So you are just going to be silent?" I heard that familiar voice of the boy I got feelings for.

"If you are not going to answer me" he said and I could see him from where he stood. "I will eat this food myself"

He brought the food to his mouth slowly in a teasing way.

I still didn't answer him. Why should I?

I have been in the cage for like a day or two, I can't really remember when I last eat anything. No one likes me anyway on this Island because I was a girl. They said that girls are weak and waste of time.

"Do it then. I don't care anymore Pan" I said and turned away from him.

"Why? You love food" He said and I glanced at him. "Don't you?" He asked and raised one of his eye brows. I brought my knees down and turned around so I was facing Pan.

"Why should I eat and why do you care if I eat or not?" I say looking right into his beautiful green eyes. Pan blinked a couple of times and he looked taken back by my harsh tone.


"Did I just make the famous Peter Pan speechless?" I asked and giggled. Pan smiled at me, a real smile.

"No you did not make me speechless. I just lost my words" He said and looked away from me. I felt the cage lower down until it was on the ground. Pan opened the door for me and extended his hand out to me and helped me out of the cage.

Pan cleared his throat.

"I know it was not you" He mumbled.

"What? I couldn't hear you. Could you repeat yourself?" I asked and cupped my hand around my ear. Pan rolled his eyes at me.

"I will not say that again and we have work to do" He said and this time he was back to the old cold Peter Pan with no emotion.

"What's going on?" I asked him. I was confused, what had happened when I was in the cage?

"Hook" Was all he said with hate in his voice.

I knew this wouldn't end well.

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I'm writing one about Felix. Do u guys want to read that when I'm finished with it?

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