New people {Edit complete}

Start from the beginning

"Just don't do anything stupid again, or we'll have to... Amputate per se"

You stood up straight, nodding quickly and almost bolting out of the room.

.•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•.

A little while later, you were back on the top floor, looking around before you came across more bedroom doors.
Some of which you recognised, some you didn't want to open, there was one with teeth - yes fucking sharp teeth - and one was painted in many shades of red.

You pressed the door open lightly, and saw another black haired make sat in front of an easel. He was painting roses with what looked to be blood, making you gag a little.
You decided to take your chances and greet him, enchanted by his art work.

"Hello... I like your painting"

You said, nervous to see his reaction.
He froze up in shock, obviously not expecting someone to enter his room.
He gently placed his paintbrush on the bottom of his easel before turning around to face you, slowly.
He had a white mask with black eyes and a red smiley face painted poorly on it with blood.
He wore a plain black shirt with a blue blazer over the top, a yellow smiley face pin placed snugly on the jacket. He also wore matching blue pants and black dress shoes.

"Y/N... Come here"

You walked over to him, warily.
He patted his knee for you to sit.
You took a seat and he picked up a small pin.

"Would you like to contribute to the piece, honey?"

You weren't sure what he was implying, so you simply nodded thinking he was going to let you paint a little.
But that was NOT what he meant. Like at all.

He gently took your finger and pricked it with the pin.
You let out a sharp hiss in pain as he held your bloody finger over his pallete.
When you finally stopped producing blood from your small wound, he picked up a smaller brush from his mug of tools, and signed his canvas WITH YOUR BLOOD.
He kissed your bloody spot, smiling under his mask.

"You might want to go to EJ for that"

And with that he let you go and you turned away before he grabbed your arm.

"The name's Helen by the way"

.•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•.

Reaching EJ's office, you saw him talking to a tall woman.

She had Reddish brown hair and pure blood red eyes.
She looked a little like Frankenstein's monster since she had various stitches on parts of her body.
She was wearing a black and red themed nurses dress with a mask and hat to match.
They seemed to just be idly chatting before they noticed you.

"Oh Y/N, what brings you down here?"

EJ questioned.
You held your finger out to him and you could see him scowl a little under his mask.


He said coldly.

"A guy called Helen? I think?"

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