Hope {Edit complete}

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Notez: The edits are going well! I'm super happy with the last chapter!

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Notez: The edits are going well! I'm super happy with the last chapter!

.•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•.

After finishing up in the office, you decided to explore again, being careful and cautious of open doors, even if they were open just a smidge.

his house was like a big maze.

You walked through libraries, dining rooms, hallways, art rooms, literally rooms for anything and everything. You even came across a room on the basement level that was literally just a bouncy house inside.

You would feel just at home if you weren't kidnapped.
And if you knew what home was.

You thought back to your terrible past, with your parents.


"Mommy please! You can't make us go back please!"

A middle aged woman dragged her children toward a run down looking trailer.

ith tears in her eyes she addressed her eldest.

"My baby I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll come back just try and protect your sister"

She then turned and walked toward her beat up mustang, starting the thing and driving away, leaving her children.

"B/N... I don't want to see daddy"

You said to your brother.

You were only 8 at the time, and he was 15.

He grabbed your hand and smiled, tears formed in your eyes as he led you toward the trailer.

As soon as B/N shut the door, your step mother stormed into the room.

"You fucking rats! Why are you wearing shoes on MY carpet!"

She marched towards you and yanked you onto the floor by your ankles, ripping your shoes off.

"Get off of her!"

Your brother shouted.

Your father then stormed into the room and beat the living hell out of both of you. You could only scream out and cry as your brother attempted to keep your father at bay.

YANDERE! Creepypasta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now