Part 1

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It hurt everything hurt so many needles in and out of his body he has been beaten cuts all over him and a voice.

"You will always be mine my subject!!"

the thought screamed "No I'm Not!" laughing was heard "You are a weapon!" There were screams "No please!!" Fire was around and everything faded black.

"No STOP!!" Deku woke up sweating he was at home it was around the holidays he was off of school for a while someone came in his room, he was still half a sleep it was Eri.

"Izu are you alright?" Eri asks Deku nods "yeah I'm fine just a bad dream that's all." He watched Eri look out his window it had just snowed Eri smiles "I want to play in the snow come on Izu!!" She grabs his hand to get him out of bed Deku gets up on his feet.

"Eri, we need to eat first and put on warm clothes." Eri nods and she does what Deku had said ever since his mother took Eri as her own the girl started to call him Izu. Which he didn't mind really Eri came running out of her room with just a long sleeve a skit over tights and her boots on Deku stops her.

"Whoa you need something warmer on then just that Eri I think we got a few more warm things in a drawer here. Deku finds one and found a winter coat a pink beanie and gloves he gives it to Eri it fit her nicely. She grabs Deku's hand again.

"Come on Izu let's go!!" She was jumping up in down really looking forward to play in the snow. "Hang on Eri I need to put my winter stuff on." Deku was quick to put his stuff on Eri was really ready to go outside the last thing Deku put on was his beanie himself.

The both of them stepped out snow was still falling Eri held her hands out and the snow touched her hands she smiles.

"Overhaul never allowed me outside when it would snow like this it's so pretty." Hearing this made Deku sad he knew Overhaul was a jerk but really never letting her play outside in snow like this.

Deku got down to her and put his hand on her shoulder "well your no longer with him come on I will show you how to make a snowman." Eri smiles and nods over the next hours Deku showed her how to make a snow man and to have a snowball fight.

Eri was starting to feel cold "Izu can we go back in I am cold?" Deku agrees he was feeling cold himself they both go back in the house and started to hang up there winter gear. Eri still felt cold, so Deku made her some hot coca she was happy to have something warm to drink. Once again, she smiled "This was so fun Izu." Deku just looked away.

No matter how hard he tried to move on Simon was still there when he goes out people still stare or point at his scars from all the tests from Simon. Eri saw the sad look on his face she got close "hey it's okay you're thinking about Simon again, right?" Deku just nods "guess I am a little." Eri grabs his hand "your no longer with him just like I am no longer with Overhaul."

Deku gives a light smile at Eri she was right "I just see him when I look at the scars on my face." Deku says quietly Eri could see it his scars stood out just like how her horn did. Eri gives him a hug and Deku hugs her back his mother was at work trying to make extra cash for the holiday's she had something for Eri but the thing she had for Izuku was still being worked on.

Deku's cellphone went off he answers it none other than Kacchan "Damn Deku why does it take you so longer for you answer!?" Deku gives a light chuckle "sorry about that Kacchan what do you need?" Eri just listen to her brother talk on the phone she got bored and went in her room to play with her toys been at Inko's place for about a month and she was really happy here it was really home for her.

She was playing with her doll when Deku came in her room "hey we are meeting up with Kacchan Eri." Eri nods she was starting to like Bakugo, but she didn't dare call him Kacchan she knew that was Izu thing that and she didn't want to get her head bitten off. She nods and put her toy away she goes and puts her winter stuff back on didn't take long for Deku to do the same there was bridge to get to Kacchan's place Deku looks at the water flowing.

Ever since he got away from Simon, he thought about jumping just to end the trauma and to end the pain of Simon, but Eri came to mind, and his mother came to mind too. Eri grabs his hand snaping out of it they walk the rest away to Bakugo's place. Just to see it was a holiday party his whole class was their Momo went and picked up Eri.

Kirishima met him at the door Deku was removing his winter boots by the door he shot his mom a text that way she knew where he and Eri was. Kirishima wraps his arm around Deku "hey bro how's it going happy holidays." Deku don't react he looks for Eri leaving Kirishima "way to leave me the cold shoulder." he shouts at Deku he sees Eri getting some juice he grabs it out of her hand which she didn't get why. Deku smells it making sure no beer or anything was mixed in the drink Kirishima smelled off when he walked in.

Then he hears Kirishima throw up that was enough for him to figure out the juice had booze in it. He goes to the sink and pours out the glass Eri had and got her another one with just water in it. Bakugo came in and saw his boyfriend making a fool of himself he knew of the juice had booze in it this would happen, but Krishima wanted it so badly.

His Harding quirk was used breaking a few chairs Bakugo saw it it made him mad he goes up to the idiot who threw up and then passed out with vomit on his face making Bakugo think what he did to get to this point. He lays his idiot of a boyfriend on the couch hopefully he will sobber up he was drunk. He then saw that Deku and Eri was there he face palmed himself "damn it Eijiro." he thought to himself.

Deku helps Eri they try to leave because Eri was wondering what the heck Krishima was doing Deku really didn't want to talk to her about it he wanted to see Bakugo not like this seeing Krishima drunk Bakugo watched the two leave he would have to speak to him later Krishima however was on his shit list.

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