Adler doesn't finish, but the pinching of Kora's face tells the half-elf they both understand what could happen. Midnight mass had taught them both well the consequence of opposing the corrupt priest...Eben could only pray that Jacqueline wasn't being mistreated in Sheppard's clutches.

After stabling Fairy, the three head towards the celebration. A crowd has gathered in the center of town around an enormous Maypole bedecked in pastel pinks, greens, and yellows.

However, the sight of the Maypole seems to inspire fear rather than joy in the townsfolk, and as Eben gets closer, he soon understands why. Bile rushes up his throat as he spots, to his horror, Daisy and Fern tied to the base.

They look ragged—hair hanging limply over empty eyes as they slump weakly against their constraints. To his growing dread, the half-elf realizes that the women appear to have undergone a brutal beating, blue-black bruises mottling every visible inch of skin.

Even so, as both women tremble in pain and fear, their hands are tightly entwined. Eben thinks of Daisy's feelings for her friend. Did she ever get to confess? 

The half-elf grits his teeth—It didn't matter, she would get another chance even if she didn't. Eben would make sure of that.

Suddenly, the worried murmurs of the crowd go silent as Sheppard makes his way to the front of the maypole, raising his hands.

"My loyal flock!" The man crows, "I welcome you to another beautiful Koranelia!"

The crowd cheers, but as Eben studies the faces of the group, he sees many fearful and blank faces.

Sheppard silences the crowd, raising his hand before continuing. "This celebration marks yet another year that Giakora has subdued death. Another year that Nǣdre Tor has persisted despite the attempts of the great deceiver to send us to ruin."

The man pauses, viridian eyes gleaming with an unsettling glee. "However just as life persists, so does death. It is a give-and-take that we all must learn to embrace. For that reason, we offer two women convicted of crimes against Nǣdre Tor to Goddess of spring."

Sheppard turns to face the crowd lifting both arms gleefully. "In doing so, we remind Giakora of her place beside her husband, and ourselves of the futility of struggling against the natural order. Rejoice, my children, for with death life begins anew!"

As the priest's words end, the villagers fall to their knees and cover their eyes at the sound of the church bells. Even Sheppard shuts his eyes, still grinning manically as he anticipates the arrival of Adder.

However, Eben's eyes remain open. As the sound of Adder grows nearer, the half-elf tenses.

It's time.

The villagers tremble and hold onto each other as Adder approaches the town square, Helia held securely in his arms. He sets the woman down in the crowd, turning his head towards Eben for a moment before approaching Sheppard.

The priest's unsettling grin grows as the gorgon approaches. "Adder, welcome to Koranelia."

Adder is tense, taking a moment to breathe deeply before he responds. "Hello, Father. What is it you require of me?"

"These women have transgressed against us, my child," Sheppard's voice dips into an uncanny pitch, hands clenched. "Do what you must; protect this village."

Adder pauses before he approaches the women. Both Daisy and Fern are quivering in their bindings, knuckles white as they hold onto each other tightly.

The gorgon grimaces at the display of fear, claws quietly attempting to untie their bindings without alerting the priest.

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