Part 4

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" little shy boy... you couldn't resist my kiss?"( it was then i realised that i kissed him whenever,and anytime.... why do i keep kissing him???? i whinned inside me...finally the haircut was done... he was more than handsome... how could you describe a word perfect, when the word is perfect... he totally looks like a new person... i like him..)

"ahh.. Y/N shii... i'm so hot..."

"i should say it.."

"Then why didn't you?" ( he asked me teasing)

"i was frozen..."(he pulled me closer by my waist... why i never saw this side of jungkook before?)

"like now? like now you're frozen... you made me froze many times. now it's my turn..."

(i was completely shocked and stunned...)

(the next day i sat on my desk excited... jungkook , in a black outfit.entered in and a lot of girls were just staring at him and following him... he came to me and took a seat next to me..... he then grabbed my hands and holding in his...
It felt warm but he is quiet cold, in behaviour. He was with me all the times...

A month later,

When I was on My way back home... I received a call...
"Hello... the person this phone belongs to is actually gotten into an accident and a women too..."

I rushed ,tears flowed down like stream my brain was just processing everything... I couldn't believe.... they were so serious.... the doctors couldn't make it... they died... I went to the house
Just to see the silence and emptiness of the house... no more love and care... like they did.... it's gone. They've gone... a very far from me... I went to the nearby convenient store... got something to eat but when I crossed the road. A Car approached me and i'm froze....

Blacked out...*

(I woke up panting... it was it... that's what happened between us... )
"You awake?"
"Who are you?"
"Your kidnapper actually..." (he said in disappointment... )
"You were been Kidnapped and then they were about to kill you...but I saved you. just to show my gratitude of saving my family back then...."

"Your family?" (Flashback hits...)
"Agh... I remember it now... how long have I been sleeping?"
"Past 3 days!" (He said)
"Omg.. where's jungkook?"
"I remember him now..." (I added)
"He is... I heard that he's in depression right now... because the outer world believes that you died. and they held your funeral... "
"Why... I'm alive..."

"To save you from those cruel guys... I placed a dead body of a girl who's face was destroyed by acid... your blood was on the ground.. when you got hit by the others..."
"Can I go to him?"
"You can't..."
"You should wait for sometime... so that he may settle his revenge and end the game... then it will be more safe for you to go to him..."

" i was been in my house with my twin and brother,jungkook and my so called parents. i was just staring at the sky from the garden but then everything blacked when they called me"

" I know, i know all Y/N shii...but now you should take some rest and you can go out with my wife and kids.... don't go out alone..please.. that devil will kill you to get jungkook.."

" who is she?"

"She is Mr.Park's daughter... park ji ah.."

" Jimin's sister?"

"yes, little sister of jimin... she is a stubborn and wants whatever even if that belongs to others... she is the exact opposite of sir. he never knew that he borned in a venom's family... she killed her own mother and blamed it on a staff... just to get a seat in the company... "

(a flash of vision happened in the past played in her mind)

" bitch like you deserve the trash.not the diamonds!"

"who made you bully others? what do you think of yourself?!"

" you jerk!! do you know who i am?"

"i'm the son of Jeon Groups founder... your company is under us remember that... we can buy that company and fire your dad from his posting too... and even your dad lended a huge amount of money to build his house... if he never pays the property belongs to us! and what made you silent now huh? " 

" i-i"

"just apologize to her and leave immediately.."

"i'm sorry... " (she ran away)

" i remember her now. i won't allow her to take what's mine this time... she killed my bestfriend just because she wasn't her friend... by planning for a proper car accident back then and i guess that's how i lost my old memories and raised by jungkook's parents... and i forgot that jungkook is their son..."( she realised everything happened before and recent and he nodded)

"ok now, take some rest miss..i will leave now.."( he left)

"Y/N, i'm really sorry for leaving you in the hands of those devils... be strong and brave... my parents are there for you always... i revealed my identity and it might be dangerous for me until i finish the study.. but i promise i will come back one day.. and take care of you.... so i needed to go for now... see you soon..!" (his last words in the airport before leaving...)

" so you really did come back for me!!" ( she started to tear up)

" Did you know that the famous idol is planning for a comeback this year and the concert tickets are gonna be free... so you could join us!!!" ( she said excitedly waiting for other to response a yes)

"maybe.. i guess.."

"come on Y/N, you are the one who misses every fun in life... and because of it... you're also losing life.."

(we were crossing while the signal was green.... i didn't notice anything and my friend was just walking beside me staring at her mobile... while i just looked in the opposite crossing... a car from the direction was being waiting for signal until it beeped again and again... it was only us crossing... " so urgent huh?" that's when something hit me in a flash... we fell on the ground and i saw her laying lifelessly... her head bleeding the car which hit us reversed and escaped from the scene and the other car guys came to us running i closed my eyes...)

"it was then... i went for coma for almost 2 months and when i wake up... i hadn't get a chance to see her face for the last time.." ( i cried..)

"so she wanted to kill me.. but instead she got killed and i was in coma?" (she started to sob)

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