meet arven

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After mysterious Pokemon rest up to go, the gang arrived at lighthouse and noticed someone staring at front door for a moment turn around to reveal is young man with blonde hair and green eyes. He wears a white and purple shirt and necktie with a blue vest with the school's emblem on the front, purple pants and brown boots. He carries a yellow backpack in his back.

He becomes angry no reason to see mysterious Pokemon and said, "why, that little

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He becomes angry no reason to see mysterious Pokemon and said, "why, that little." He run to mysterious Pokemon bit and stop in front of it, "what're are you doing out here?" He noticed greninja, nemona, and Juliana from behind them who's confused and he said to them, "I'm not talking to you three. You can shove off." Nemona crossed her arms underneath d-cups breasts to noticed that boy before and said, "wait, I know you...Aren't you arven? You're enrolled in the humanities track, right. And aren't you the son of that Pokemon Researcher--prossefor turo." He turned around at them and begin shaking his head bit and said, "doesn't matter who my dad is! The real issue here is what in the world this Pokemon is doing out here?  And what is with  this form it's in?" Juliana replied, "I met it at the bottom of this cliff until greninja saved me from falling."

Greninja: "greninja."

Nemona: "that's true, then after that it seems like it wore itself out in the process. It got kinda slumpy afterwards."

Arven: "well, yeah. As it should be. But it can't fight while it's like this. The form miraidon takes in battle... That's it's true form."

Nemona: "miraidon? Is that this Pokemon name. How do you know it."

Miraidon look at the door and give friendly cry, "agiagiagias." Arven replied, "you can't go in the lab. It's locked." He turned around at Juliana wearing uva academy uniform and said to her with calm, "I don't remember ever seeing you around. But given the uniform. You go to the academy too as first day, right." She smile and said, "that's right."

Arven: "well miraidon isn't the sort of Pokemon that any old trainer can hope to command. It's special."

Nemona: "special how Excality?"

Arven look at Juliana right next to nemona and greninja, he said to her with pride, 'you are worthy to order up miraidon around." Juliana replied back, "I am worthy to ordering miraidon around." He smile while pull out poke' ball with one hand and said, "it's a poke' ball that brute been kept in." He toss her with miraidon pokeball towards her and caught perfect as he began to speak again, "anyway, that thing's your problem now. Not mine, good luck." He run down the hill towards the city when nemona called him out of surprised, "see ya and hope you better actually show up for school." Miraidon walk up to Juliana who got pokeball in her hand when miraidon return inside the pokeball and place it on pokebelt right attachment, she look at nemona with little surprised expression and said, "that arven guy definitely knows more then he letting on." And she thought inside of her head, "including cute and handsome too." She begin to speak again at Juliana, "let's go climb up the lighthouse! Can wait to show you view of our school."

Juliana: "good idea nemona. What do you think greninja....greninja?"

They noticed greninja is gone in a minute ago without a trace but they will meet Juliana bodyguard and friend again very soon somewhere in the city.

[New chapter is out for tonight]

Juliana violet and rika love story vol. 1: the new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now