vs nemona

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Nemona and Juliana at both sides of battlefield with their starter pokemon behind them at 4 feet away while being watched dictator clavell while carrying Juliana duffle bag.

Nemona: "ready Juliana."

Juliana: "ready."

Nemona: "okay Preston, use pound."

Preston run straight to spirgattio until Juliana command with counter attack, "use dodge and attack with leafage." He take a leap to miss Preston pound and delivered leafage at Preston with direct hit caused half medium critical damage that surprise Greninja standing on top of the roof who's watching the battle down below then nemona call out sneak attack for Preston, "use water gun."

Juliana: "use Dodge again and attack with shadow claw."

He dodged to the left begin running towards him with shadow like claw appear inside right paw to deliver with critical hit and caused heavily damaged that Preston collapsed on the ground become unconscious that's surprise dictator clavell and nemona for Juliana first win against her as they returned their pokemon back inside the pokeball, when both of them walk up to each other a bit and stop, then nemona said, "great job Juliana, you beat me on your first win."

Juliana: "thanks nemona."

Dictator clavell and fuecoco walk up to them with impressive smile on face and said, "excellent work, ms. Violent, I leave nemona to you for taking to academy for capture more pokemon along the way." Both of them nodded their head to agree with him when he look down at fuecoco,  "alright, little one. It's time you and i were on our way." He look back at Juliana with a smile and said, "I'll put your duffle bag to your own dorm room."

Juliana: "of course dictator."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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