Chapter 2

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Unlike the others, I the forgotten character was employed as guard #22 of Elsa's quarters. This sounds a lot less than it is. I'm the only one who took the time to get to know Elsa in the world. I first met her in my youth. She was destined to be the future Queen of Arendelle, but not to be expected to step up as soon as she was. Her entire life she lived in the castle. At this point she was still a child and had just recently began to feel the depression that would control her entire life, this was just after the incident where she stuck Anna on the head with her still strengthening ice powers. I was the Northern Irish dignitary's son residing in Arendelle. I did not live in the palace but in a larger than average house at the foot of a mountain on the outskirts of Arendelle. Being a dignitary, we had the right to enter the palace on request and in doing so on a regular basis. My parents went every other week to see the royals and I tagged along twice. As we lived in Arendelle we were the most common visitors to the castle and therefore we had formed a true friendship with the King and Queen. On my visits, I would have went to see Elsa as we were both about the same age and we were both to be future aristocrats of Arendelle with her being Queen and me supposed to become the successor to my parents as the Northern Irish dignitary of Arendelle. This, however, was not to be as the Northern Irish government (Stormont) decided that there was no longer a need for an Arendelle representative, so we lost the title. Arendelle was still our home though so we didn't pack up and leave but instead faded into the community as commoners while all funding was withdrawn. Our right to enter the castle were also abolished but the King and Queen did make a private visit on occasion but never bringing Elsa or Anna. By this stage the incident had occurred and Elsa never left the safety of her quarters never mind the castle itself. If one thing good came out of our demotion it was that we were no longer a business asset to the royals so we became closer friends with them than any others before.

Frozen Untold:The Ice Protector.   BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now