Chapter 60: Stalker.

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Jewel pov:

I wake up in my bed, and yawn quietly. Sleeping felt so nice! I get up and check  my phone. At least 50 notifications catch my eyes. "Well, it was fun while it lasted..." I scroll through the notifications, looking for anything that is dire, not finding any. I decide to go and check on Y/N and Tangle, to see I they need anything, or just want to hang out for a bit. But before that, I'm getting some breakfast, I'm starving!

As I get to their room, I knock on the door. "Hey guys, it's me!" I don't get an answer, so I knock again. Once again, no answer. So I just open the door and look inside. All the lights are off, and they're gone. I wonder where they went, and decide to call Tangle. I dial her number, and...

I suddenly hear her ring tone playing across the room. Really Tangle? You left your phone? She's always so reckless like that! Just not telling people where she's going... hopefully Y/N is with her... I decide to call him next, hoping he'll pick up. After a bit, he doesn't pick up, but I also don't hear his ring tone. Not sure if that's better or worse. Oh lord... where are you guys?

Y/N pov:

As we sneak closer to the building, I see a distinct lack of robots, ordinance emplacements, or any defence whatsoever. I turn to Whisper. "So what is this place anyway?" She doesn't look at me as she speaks. "Officially, an abandoned storage facility for a very popular online shopping company. To us, it's a safe house for Mimic." I smile and suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pick it up, and see it's Jewel. I look at the others, then just put my phone away. I'll ask her what's going on when we get back. We slowly hop the fence, and continue towards the building.

After a bit we're at the outer wall, and slowly heading towards the door. As we get there, we see a single badnik guarding the door. I'm still worried about the lack of security... Tangle gears up to take it out, but Whisper stops her, and points to a camera. 'We get caught on that, a twenty minute job becomes an hour long job." Tangle nods and steps back, looking like she's thinking. "I got this." I turn invisible, and step out. I go in front of the badnik, and it does nothing. I smile, and look back at Whisper and Tangle, who both have looks of concern on their faces.

I smile wider, and jump up to the camera, ripping it out of the ceiling, then throwing it at the badnik. I smile as the camera goes into the badniks head, destroying it. A little rabbit powering the thing pops out and looks at Tangle and Whisper before scurrying away. I make my body visible again and look at them. I see Whisper looks annoyed. "Why would you do that?" I take a step back. "What do you mean?" She gets really close, speaking louder than she usually does. "You think he won't be suspicious of a camera suddenly going down? The idea was to sneak past it!"

I feel really bad as I realize what I've done. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't think about that..." she sighs. "think more next time!" I nod, and put my head down. "Ok." She turns and walks away, towards the door. I slowly follow behind, not saying anything. Tangle walks up to me. "It's ok, she's just... feeling a lot of emotions right now." I nod. "I know." She suddenly stops me, and hugs me. I slowly hug back, sighing. "She's right though..." Tangle nods. "Yea, she is. But she shouldn't have been so harsh." I sigh again, and we let go of the hug. I travel at the back of the group, too afraid to have anyone's eyes on me.

We walk for a good while, then entire time, I'm thinking to myself. The thoughts just keep coming back... I ruined everything... I made Whisper so mad... if Mimic catches us... I shake my head as i think that. Why am I being so sensetive all of a sudden? Even when I was a kid it wasn't this bad... maybe it's something that happened with the experiments. Whatever it is, I can't let it affect my judgement. I shake my head and push the thoughts back.

Eventually, we get to a hallway full of doors. We all start opening the the doors and looking inside, finding nothing important. We eventually get to a door at the end it the hallway, and open it to what looks like the room he would stay in the most, full of maps, a computer, and bedding.

"He's not here."

I feel a bit of fear well up in my stomach. She's going to yell, please don't yell! To my surprise, she doesn't, she just starts looking around. Her wisps pop out of their capsules and help to look too. Me and Tangle look at each other, then start looking too. After a while, we don't find anything. Suddenly I hear things falling off the table behind me. I look behind me, and see that Whisper is throwing things off the table, I assume getting very angry.

"Whisper? Y-you ok?" I meekly speak up. She shakes her head. "No, I'm not ok... nothing about this is ok... I should have caught him by now..." "Hey it's ok, you just have to be patient, we'll find something!" She looks at me, looking even more angry. "Were my friends patient when they were getting ripped apart? Were you patient when you were blown up? Think of how many more will die if we're 'patient'!

Instead of reacting how I thought I would, I feel a bit of frustration at how unfair her attitude towards me is. "Oh yea, complain at me, it'll fix everything!" I'm not-! ... look, I'm just telling you to stop patronizing me." "I'm not! I'm trying to calm you dow-" As I move to open the door, I hear a click, and something metal hitting the ground. Tangle apparently hears it too, and comes closer. As I look closer, I see a grenade attached to a tripwire. I slam the door and pull Tangle out of the way.



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