Chapter 44: Field Test.

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Jewel pov:

I start panicking as Y/N walks out of the room, opening the door with his bare hands. Did Eggmans experiments make him that strong? I can't see much through the hole in the door, so I look at the camera feed in that hallway. I hear a sound on the ground to my right and look over, I see it's Whisper coming to. I walk over and help her up. "You ok?" She nods. "Where's the deadly six..?" I look back at the cameras, and see Y/N get into a fighting stance. "Ummm... Y/N's dealing with them..."

She looks up at the cams. "What!? I-I have to help!" I grab her shoulder. "You can't! They'll disable your tech!" She sighs and looks at the cams again. "No! I cant let another friend die!" She goes to the door and tries to shoot the Zeti with her wispon, but it's still disabled. "Dammit!" Eventually the wisps come out of their capsules and pull her back, and say something to her. After hearing it she nods, and walks back to me. We both watch the cams as Y/N faces them off. He laughs and looks at them, i see his eyes...

They have a black outline around them... in the shape of a... butterfly? When did that get there?

Y/N pov:

"Now, I'm going to feed you your teeth!" The big red one chuckles a bit. "Well, at least you will die with some dignity." I smirk and lunge at them, going for the red one first. He tries to grab me, but I slide under his hand, and kick into his face, I use the momentum to roll back into another one, punching them as hard as I can. The purple one sneaks up and grabs me, trying to choke me out. I try my best to get out of his grasp, but it's too tight of a hold.

Somehow I can still breath though... like I can breathe with other parts of my body... I quickly devise a plan, and go limp, simulating death. The Zeti drops me, and looms over me. "Is he dead?" The green one asks. "Course he is! His lips are blue for Christ's sake!" He laughs loudly, and walks toward the big metal door. As soon as they can't see me, I turn invisible and get up, smiling as I see the perfect opportunity to scare them.

"You can't kill me..."

They all look back in unison, looking extremely confused. "Where'd he go!?" "What kind of sorcery is this?" Asks the grey one. I snicker slightly as I look at him. Fella looks like a My Chemical Romance reject. Suddenly a really small old guy walks out of the crowd. "I sensed there was something interesting about him. Though, the invisibility, I sense he is still here, he must be using a cloaking device." He smiles and lifts his hand, and the same purple sparks that took Whisper out of the fight earlier eminate from his hand, but nothing happens.

"Hmmm, that's peculiar. Seems the invisibility is a natural ability he possesses." I slowly inch closer to them, hatching a plan to take them all out of commission. "So, we can't kill him, and we can't see him, how are we gonna do this?" "Hmmm, we kill the ones he is trying to protect." I feel my heart drop as he says that. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do, but I run at them anyway, sliding between the fat ones legs, so now I'm between them and the door they seem to have still not noticed.

"Not on your life, chump."

I pull out the Chaos Emerald, and hold it close to me, praying that this works. I uncloak myself, and watch them all turn around. I smile and say the words I've seen be yelled in so many videos I've watched.

"Chaos Blast!"

Tangle pov, three minutes earlier:

I wake up, laying against a wall, my head still spinning. Crap, I shouldn't have been so careless. I look around, and see Jewel and Whisper watching the cameras, while Y/N is nowhere to be seen. I quickly get up and walk to them. "What happened..?" "Umm... Y/N's out there, fighting the Deadly Six..." I look at her in shock and awe. "WHAT!?" "I couldn't stop him! He just pulled the doors open and walked out!" Pulled them open? "What do you mean, pulled them open?" "Like, he pulled them open! With his bare hands, and walked out!"

I'm supremely confused. "Could it be something that Eggmans experiments did..?" Nobody responds, and we hear struggling from the monitor. We all look at it in unison, and see the purple Zeti throw Y/N's lifeless body on the ground. I look at it really hard, trying to make out any signs of life. "Is he dead?" "Course he is! His lips are blue for Christ's sake!" The Zeti laugh as they walk away. I should get ready to fight them, but I can't move, I'm just stuck staring at Y/N's body. He can't have been... not so soon after I just got him back!

Suddenly, his corpse turns invisible, and I hear him speak. "You can't kill me." I gasp as I hear his voice. He's still alive! I hug Jewel and laugh as I hear it. She hugs back, when suddenly we get a call from Sonic. Jewel answers it, and immediately we hear wind blowing into the microphone "I'm almost there! How are things going?" Jewel speaks up. "Y/N us holding them off, but I don't know how long he'll last!" "Alright, I can see the building now, I'm al-"

Suddenly the call cuts off, and I feel a tingling in my back. I look behind me and see a red light from the hole in the door. My jaw drops as i realize what Y/N's about to do. "Get out of the way!" I pull Whisper and Jewell to the wall as I hear him shout.

"Chaos Blast!"

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now