Chapter 33: Long Night Of Solace.

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Y/N pov:

As we get to what I assume to be Tangles house, she bangs on the door. "Momma! Open the door!" She's trying to put on a brave face, but I can tell she's really scared too. Tangles mom then opens the door in a hurry. "Whats going on? I thought you were staying over someplace." "Yea, were, some stuff happened." We all hurry into the house, trying to calm down. After a while Jewel and Tangle explain what's happening. I just stay silent.

I can't believe I've dragged them into this. I didn't want them to know how bad it truly was... so they wouldn't worry. But now they all know... and they're gonna feel bad... and worry and... this is all my fault. I never should have invited them over! Now they'll worry, and... I hate being the center of attention. I'm suddenly jolted out of my thoughts as I hear a voice say my name. I look up, and see Jewel looking at me.

"What all did they do to you..?" I twiddle my fingers as I try to answer. "Well, you saw most of it... other than the occasional slap, it was mostly verbal."

"So y'know, not as bad as it could be."

Tangle looks at me, shocked. "Not as bad as it could be!? I mean sure, but why would you look at it like that!?" I try not to shake as she speaks. "S-Sorry..." "ok... What do you think we should do?" I take a deep breath before responding. I tell them the truth, even though I know how their going to react. "I think I should go back... Apologize, and hope for the best, J-just so you guys don't have to deal with any of this..."


I jolt as she yells. "I am not letting you go back to them! I am not letting them hurt you anymore! I will not let you go back, you understand?!" Her mom then puts a hand on her shoulder. "You're being too intense." Tangle looks a bit guilty as she looks at me. "Sorry..." "It's alright... can I just lay on your couch and sleep? I-I'll leave in the morning." Tangles mom shakes her head. "Honey, you aren't going anywhere, can't just leave out. You staying with us for the time being."

I'm a bit shocked at the kindness. "O-Oh... thank you..." She smiles and nods, then I walk to the couch, and lay down.

Tangle pov:

As I watch him lay on the couch, I hear my mom behind me. "Poor boy... he don't deserve to be treated like that." I look at her. "He should have told us... so we could have saved him sooner." "Well, some people just can't." I'm confused by that. "What do you mean?" "Some people can't, maybe because they'll hurt more, some folks like it, some think they deserve it. Him though, I think he believes that if he seeks help it will hurt others."

I look at him, thinking about what I just heard. "I'm... gonna go make sure he's ok." Mom waves to me, and I walk to Y/N. I sit next to him, and pat his shoulder gently. "I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner..." "It's ok..." "No it isn't... I'm your best friend, I need to see this stuff!" "It isn't your responsibility to take care of me!" "But..."

He suddenly hugs me tight. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I just didn't want you to worry." I hug back gently. "It's ok... it's all going to be ok now..." He looks up at me, and I see his eyes brimming with tears. Yet they still seem so... curious. Like a childish wonder that the world tries to snuff out...

But not him, he's stronger than he looks, stronger than he thinks. It was at this moment that I started developing feelings for him, I saw how adorable he looked and... I knew I wanted him to be mine. I hug a bit tighter, and nuzzle into him. I then remember the pills, and the unfinished suicide note. I try not to think about it... but I need to bring it up to him.

I pull the pills out of my pocket, and show them to him. "I ummm... read your journal, and saw your note... I'd say sorry, but I think it was for the best..." He giggles a bit and slowly reaches for them, but I put them on a table beside the couch, out of his reach. "What are you doing?" He laughs a bit more. "Now I wanna die all over again." I take a minute to process that, then I begin giggling a bit too. After a while we're both laughing loudly to each other, still hugging all the time. After a while, Jewel comes over and says goodbye, then walks out of the house. At this point we're both pretty worn out from the hectic night, and we fall asleep, me on the floor, and Y/N on the couch.

*2 years later, with Tangle.*

I'm sitting at the table, eating breakfast, when I hear Y/N come downstairs. "Morning!" He says with a cheerful voice. "Mornin... I still don't understand how you can be happy so soon after waking up." He chuckles a bit. "Well, I guess not everyone can be as cool as me!" I giggle at that. He's changed so much in the time we saved him from his parents. I'm really glad his confidence is up. "I'm glad your happy, it still hurts a bit to think scout everything since... what happened that night.

"Well, I'm about to head to work." He grabs a single piece of bread from the counter. "You need more than that for a healthy diet!" "I'll just grab something at the store, it'll be fine!" He gets a notification on his phone, and checks it, stopping in his tracks. "What the hell..?" I turn to him, concerned. "Whats going on?" "Why the hell would they..?" I sigh loudly. "Hell isn't at the phone right now, but I'd be happy to help." I stand up and walk to him. He turns to me as I do, his face showing a lot of confusion.

"It's... my parents... they just transferred like 50,000 dollars to my bank account..."

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now