Chapter 43: It's My Responsibility.

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Y/N pov:

"I remembered..."

"You did?" I nod my head. "Yea, I remember my childhood... all the stuff that happened. Though, I can only remember up until one night, when you and Jewel made me leave my parents house." She sighs, and sets her head on her fist. "Great, knew this couldn't be easy... maybe if I took you to see Jewel... wait, she doesn't know you're alive! We have to go and tell her!" "O-Ok!" Before I can even answer, she grabs my arm and starts pulling me somewhere, met with little resistance by me.

Once we get to where we're going, we're outside of a huge metal doorframe, inside is a lot of computers, and what looks like an office space. How do I know what an office space looks like..? Whatever. At the desk is the same beetle I remember from my childhood, but she looks much older. Tangle walks in before me, and calls to her. "Hey Jewel!" Without even turning to look, she responds. "Hey Tangle... listen... I've been thinking about Y/N a lot lately..." Tangle smiles to me. "Yea, so have I." Jewel sighs, and lays her head on the desk. "I just miss him so much... and I wish I could have done something to stop it..."

I suddenly step in front of her desk, showing her I'm still alive. "It's ok... don't feel this sad over little old me." She looks shocked and stands from her desk, walking to me. She stands in front of me and pushes me a bit, as If thinking I was a ghost. She pushes me again, a bit harder, then looks at Tangle, who is still smiling. "What the hell... you... she said you were dead..." I shrug and smile.

"I came back."

She smiles and hugs me, crying quietly. I look to Tangle, unsure of what to do. She tells me to hug back. I shake my head no, and feel a bit of anxiety rise up in my chest. I can't! She urges me further, so I slowly give in and hug back. It feels nice... making someone feel better. After a while of hugging, we let go, and we discuss what happened. I tell her all about what happened with Eggman, and the experiments. She listens intently the entire time, obviously a bit concerned.

After the explanation, she puts her head down. "I'm sorry... we didn't....think you had survived..." "it's ok, I'm here now, aren't I?" She smiles and laughs a bit, then I see a wolf I've never seen before walk inside and look at me, shocked. "What... how did..?" I sigh, and then quickly explain the situation again to her, then ask who she is. Once again, I get a confused look. "Does he not remember?" She asks as she looks at Tangle. She nods and walks to her, and she starts whispering in her ear.

She seems very reserved and quiet, I wonder if there's a reason. After a bit longer, they're done talking, and the wold walks to me. "My name is Whisper, we were friends before... everything happened." Oh, well, it's nice to meet you... again!" I extend my hand to her, and she shakes it. She had a mask on to hide her face, but I can tell she's smiling.

Suddenly we hear loud noises that sound like metal scraping from further into the base. Jewel looks confused, and pulls it up on the cameras. We see five creatures walking into the main area. "What the hell are those things?" Whisper sighs as she responds.


"Ok, so I'm assuming they're the bad guys?" She nods. "Right, I'll be right back." I'm about to run off, when I feel some arms wrap around me. "Don't!" It's Tangle. "Why not?" "They're dangerous! You don't know what they can do!" I roll my eyes in annoyance. "So you want me to just stay here? And watch them destroy the place?" "I need you to stay here! To stay safe! I can't lose you again!" I'm surprised by her sudden forcefullness, and concede. "Alright..."

And so we watch as the Zeti ravage the place. The guards try to stop them, but they're too much of an overwhelming force. We close the giant metal door to the control room to try and stop their advance, and Jewel calls Sonic and the others back to base. Room by room they get closer to our position, and my anxiousness rises with every step. I could be out there fighting, but no... I have to 'stay safe'. What a joke! This place is like a metal tomb! Suddenly we hear loud banging on the door.

We check the cameras and see the large orange one punching the door, the dent from said punches getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly, Whisper flips Jewels desk and gets behind it for cover. "Tangle, I need a brace." Tangle then wraps her tail around Whispers legs and lower torso. "Like this?" Whisper nods, and places her wispon at the peak of the tail, ready to fire. As soon as the Zeti punches through the door, Whisper fires, making them fall back a bit. As soon as they get close again, she fires again.

I then hear one of them say something. "I've had quite enough of that." Her mask suddenly throws purple sparks around, and she falls down. Tangle looks angry, and pushes her tail through the hole. "That's not very nice!" I feel my heart skip a beat as I know what's about to happen. "Tangle don't!"

She's pulled to the door by her tail, and banged against it multiple times. She's released, and falls to the ground, limp. I run to her, scared out of my mind. "Tangle!?" She's breathing, and she has a pulse, so she just got knocked out. I gently lay her against the wall, making sure to pull her tail inside too. I stand up and look through the hole. The creatures are talking and laughing. I exhale slowly and turn to Jewel. "Open the door." "I-I can't! We can't risk giving them access to this room!"


I yell in frustration as my anger grows. I put my hands into the hole, and pull the doors apart with minimal effort. I see the Zeti look at me in surprise, even I'm surprised by my strength, guess it was another thing that the experiments did. I walk out of the control room, and let the door shut behind me. I hear Jewel yell behind me. "Y/N, what are you doing!?" I ignore her, and get into a fighting stance in front of them. The big red one smiles and walks forward. "So, they send a lone warrior to face us? Pathetic, really. Tell me, what took you so long to just come out here?"

I laugh and look up at them. "I was fine with letting the others handle you. But you had to push the boundaries, and you had to hurt her... so now..."

"Now I'm going to feed you your teeth!"

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now