Chapter 54: Talking It Out.

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Tangle pov:

"Ok, I have to ask you about some things, and this is very, very important to me."

I nod as Y/N looks up at me. "Ok, I'm listening!" I smile to him, and he looks a bit more comfortable. He sets Spark down on the bed before he starts speaking. "So... Since the... Whole thing with Eggman happened, I've... had some bad feelings, about me and you..." I frown as I realize where this conversation is going. "Ok, I'm here for you sweetness, what's going on?" He can barely look at me as he speaks. "I just... I'm sorry I ruined everything, since I came back, we haven't been able to hang out as much anymore, and I just... I feel like we're drifting apart... and it's all my fault, and I'm just so so so so so so sorry-!" He's breathing really fast, and the grip he has on my arm is tightening.

I hug him quickly, realizing he's having a panic attack. He used to have these all the time when we were kids, so I know exactly what to do. He hugs back, and I hear him start to cry softly. I pull away, and look him in the eyes. "Here, lay on my chest." I lay down on the bed, and he quickly follows, laying on my chest. I can tell he wants to cry more. "Hey, it's ok to let it out, you can cry around me, it's just the two of us." He resists a bit more, but eventually buries his face in my chest, crying more. I run my fingers through his hair, and kiss the top of his head.

"You are so strong... to go through this, and not let it affect you badly. You're so much stronger than you realize, and even so, it's ok to cry." He cries harder into my chest, and that's ok. I can't even begin to think about what he's gone through, all the pain and suffering, both physical and mental, and to make it out in one piece? He really is stronger than he realizes.

Eventually he lifts his head up, his eyes red from crying. "So... So you still love me?" I smile and kiss him again. "Of course I do, you big idiot!" He smiles and laughs quietly. "I'm sorry, I guess I still have some issues." "And that's alright! You've went through a horrible experience, I'd be surprised if you didn't." He smiles, and looks like he's thinking for a moment. "You... really think I'm strong..?" I smile even wider, and look straight into his eyes. "Of course! You've become so amazing since I brought you here. You're strong, brave, and not to mention the best boyfriend ever!" He chuckles again softly, and suddenly hugs me. "I'm so glad I have you!" "I'm glad I have you too." We hug for a while, and eventually we both fall asleep.

The next morning, I wake and find Y/N missing. I'm quickly answered on the question of where he is, as I hear the shower running. I turn over and try to go back to sleep. Sweet sleep, after all that's happened I think I could sleep for a full week...


I hear a piercing noise in my left ear, and recoil from it. I open my eyes and look in that direction, and I see my phone. I pick it up, and see my alarm going off. I had forgotten I set one. I quickly turn it off and weigh out my options. I need to get up early... but I also really want to sleep in... decisions, decisions. I eventually decide to get out of bed and change out of my pajamas and into some casual comfortable clothes. I see Spark still asleep on the bed, and wonder how the alarm didn't wake him up. I still think he's so adorable!

As I'm changing, Y/N comes put of the bathroom, wearing only a towel around his waist. I take a slow look at his body and realize how strong he looks. Whatever Eggman did to him made him fucking ripped! I look up and down at his muscles, I think I'm drooling, but I don't care! He looks amazing! "Tangle?" As I hear him speak I'm snapped out if my daydream, and look up at his face. "Yea?" "Are you ok?" I quickly nod. "Yea, I just didn't realize how... muscular you were." He smiles, and turns away to get dressed.

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now