Chapter 22: The Truth.

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"We can't always fight nature, John... We can't fight change. We can't fight nothin. We can't fight. . . gravity.
-Dutch Van Der Linde.

Y/N pov:

"I was so scared, I thought you were gonna die!"

I try my best to comfort Tangle, hugging her, and letting her cry into my chest. "Die? Me? Never, you'd have to kill me first!" She chuckles quietly through the tears. "Shut up..." I smile to her. "How about you make me?" She looks up at me, and kisses me aggressively, knocking me over. We both laugh for a minute, and I look to my right to see a sheath taped to the underside of the table I was at.

I wonder how he knew I would sit at the table, but quickly forget about it as I walk to the table, and retrieve the sheath. I put the knife into it, and strap it to my belt loop.

"Just a little souvenir..."

I see Whisper walk towards where the guy ran, looking around. "Never seen him run before..." I walk to her. "So, you gonna tell me who that was and how you know him?" She looks away. "No." I look at her. "Why not?" "Don't want to." I feel myself getting a bit angry at her bluntness. "Well, too bad, we're on this with you, we need to know!" She still doesn't speak, and I feel my anger growing.

"Listen, I was fine with leaving it, but this is turning into a much bigger issue, if you still want us on this, you need to fess up."

"I-it's a painful memory." "Congratulations, you've lived life, everyone has painful memories in some capacity." At this point Tangle has heard, and has joined the conversation. "Y/N, calm down, she didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh, no no no! She lost the right to secrecy when some guy with an identity crisis tried to kill me, twice! And then threatened you!"

"Y/N! Stop it! Why are you acting like this, I've never seen this side of you!"

"Well, I guess I take things a bit more seriously if it's a life or death situation!"

Tangle looks at me with a blank face, like she doesn't know what to say to that. I can tell my words are a bit over the top, and I probably shouldn't say these things, but I'm done with everyone's shit, it's my turn to get angry.

"This isn't a fairy tale, where the heros always win, no this is life, I could have very easily died there, you act like I'm in the wrong for being angry, and wanting some answers!"

"She's our friend, we have to trust her!"

"Well that's all well and good, but where's her trust in us then?"


We look back at Whisper, who's been crying. "I'll tell you, j-just let me think." Tangle turns to her. "U-um, ok, just... we head back to HQ, and you tell us when we get there?" Whisper nods, and uer wisps pop out of their capsules, trying to comfort her.

As we walk back to HQ, Whisper walks at a distance from us, talking to her wisps. Tangle scours at me and punches my arm. "Good going, dick!" I look back at her, slightly annoyed. "So you're telling me that you want to be kept on the dark?" "No! I'm just saying that it's obviously hard for her! I've never heard her that loud, or seen her cry!"

I look down, and think about it. I don't feel bad for wanting to know how she knows the octopus, but I do feel a bit bad for being so mean... "Yea... maybe I was a bit harsh." Tangle smiles to me. "It's ok, you just have to apologize when we get back." "Yea... I'm sorry I yelled at you." "I'm sorry I yelled too." I smile and we hold each other tight all the way back.

After all that excitement, I'm even more eager to know how Whisper knows that guy.

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant