Chapter 56: Mad As A Hatter.

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Y/N pov:

I wake up in the same black void I did the last time I dreamt. I stand up and look around, half expecting to find Tangle dead in a chair again. But... Nothing. I see nothing but a dark, black, void, and the white tile floor below my feet. I start walking, trying to find something, a landmark, someone to talk to, anything! I walk for a while, and eventually a walk turns into a run. A run turns into a sprint. I run as fast as I can through the void, desperate for anything other than the sound of my footsteps, and the black of the void. I feel myself starting to cry.

I need something, anything other than this! Please! I'm begging you! As the tears fall down my face, I see something in the distance, a figure.... it looks like a person! I suddenly get a huge adrenaline boost, and use all of my strength to run towards the person. But as I get closer, it feels like they're moving away at a similar pace. Like as soon as I get close, they move away. It feels like I'm running for hours. My legs ache, and my eyes droop, but I keep going, and going, and going, and going, and going.

After a while, I'm finally at the figure, they're right in front of me. I slowly walk to them, breathing heavily from my run. The figure is still shrouded in darkness. I turn them around, and see the person I wanted to see the least.


I step back quickly, and ready myself for a fight. He readies his knife, smiling at me. "Miss me, sweetheart?" I smile back, faking confidence. "Yea, like a Lion misses a steak." I try my best to be brave. But I'm really scared. I haven't gotten used to my abilities, and he... Ok Y/N, get it together. You can do this! I'm about to attack, when I look up and see that Mimic is gone. I look around and see that he's completely gone. "What in the..?"

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, and all of my hairs stand on end. I feel something cold and sharp go into my neck, and a sharp pain shoots throughout it. I try to grab at it, and I get out of his grasp. I fall to the ground, blood pouring out of my neck. "T-Tangle..." Is all I can say as I fall onto my back, and look at Mimic grinning wickedly over me. All I can do is weakly flip him off as I lay back and accept my fate. As I lay back, and look up into the void, my vision starts to turn a rainbow-ish color, and I start to hear music... sweet music.

Such sweet music...


I hear someone's voice calling out to me. I try to respond, but it hurts. I wait for a bit, and I see Jewel come into view. What is she doing here? She looks down at me and shakes her head. "I really expected more, I expected you to win, I expected you to stop him... Seems I expected a bit too much." I try to respond, but it hurts so much. I can't do anything. She starts walking away, and I can feel myself crying again.



Jewel stops as I think that, and looks back, then continues walking. Wait, so she can hear my thoughts? What in the hell is this!?


Why won't she come back!? She's my friend, she would never leave me! It... it can't be her, can it? She has to be a fake! As she walks into the void, I hear more footsteps behind me. After a bit, I see Tails, who refuses to even look at me. "You failed, you tried your hardest and you still failed, I understand what that's like, but you dug this grave... now lie in it." He starts walking away, the same way that Jewel did.


This doesn't make any sense, they would never do this, they would never just leave me to die.... right? No! No, this is all fake! It has to be! This isn't how it's supposed to go! It doesn't make any damn sense!

Tails disappears into the void, and once again, I hear footsteps behind me. I'm a bit scared to find out who lt is. After a little while, I see it's Whisper. "Mimic killed you... you know what that makes you? A number, just another one of the friends I've lost to this cruel, horrible world." She starts walking away, and I finally summon the strength to turn over, and crawl towards her. I try to speak, pushing past the pain, though the blood makes my words come out wierd and slurred.


She stops, and turns to me. "You did this, it's not our responsibility to help you, this is all your fault, not mine, not Tangle's, YOURS!" I flinch a bit as she yells, and she continues walking away. You know what, maybe this is my fault... maybe... there's no point... I just lay limp on the ground, crying my eyes out. Eventually I hear more footsteps behind me.


Friend after friend comes by, telling me how disappointed they are, or just to tell me that this is all my fault. And you know what? They're right. It is all my fault... I can't save anyone, stupid to even believe I could. I'm just a loser who got cursed with a heros powers, I can't use them like one... I'm so sorry I couldn't take him. I'm sorry you have to deal with me, I'm sorry that I'm even here, I should have died in that bunker! Everything would  have been better that way!

Eventually everyone I know had insulted me in some form or fashion. Everyone, except for one person. Then I hear her, her footsteps echoing closer. There's something different about these footsteps though, they're quicker and getting a lot closer than the others. "Y/N!" I hear her voice, the voice I wanted to hear the least right now. I feel her hands wrap around me, and turn me over on my back. I see her... Tangle...

At this point the knife has been in my neck so long it barely even hurts anymore. "Y/N, o-oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I look her dead In the eyes, and spit out the fresh blood. "No you aren't." She looks a bit shocked. "W-What..?" "You're lying, you think it's my fault, and I don't blame you... it is..." She looks even more shocked. "Y/N, this is not your fault!" "Yes it is, at least the others told me the truth, but you! You want to manipulate me! GO AWAY!"

I swing my arm to punch her, but she dodges it, and hits me with her tail, which sends me a foot or too down the way. She then gets an angry look on her face. "I'm trying to help you! But fine, stay here and die if you love it so much!" She runs off into the darkness, leaving me alone again. It's honestly good that I'm alone... I can't disappoint anyone that way.

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu