Chapter 21: Diamond In The Rough.

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"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." –Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack.

Y/N pov:


I turn to where the voice is coming from, and see Tangle and Whisper, running towards me from the direction I saw Whisper chasing the figure. I look back to whoever was sitting with me, and I see an amalgamation of Tangle and someone else. I stand up and start backing away. They finish changing, and I see a purple octopus staring at me with a wicked grin. He suddenly jumps over the table, and runs towards me. My fight or flight response kicks in.

I can't outrun him, so my only option is to fight.

I run at him, but this time, I'll surprise him. He tries to punch me, but I dodge backwards, and kick him in the stomach. Or, at least I try to, but he grabs my leg, and forces me to the ground. He then puts a knife to my throat, and pulls me up to a standing position.

I see Tangle and Whisper again, a few feet away. Whisper is ready to fire at the octopus at any moment. Tangle is crying, tears pouring down her face. "Let. Him. GO!" For the first time, I hear him speak, after laughing. "Why would I do that? You've been so mean to me, and this one here," The knife comes closer to my throat, almost touching it. "This one has potential, but he's sloppy, I could make him better." Tangle looks even more upset. "Over my dead body!" The octopus laughs again.

"If it comes to that, I'll be happy to oblige."

I feel myself getting angry at him. "Don't you speak to her!" "Sorry if you haven't noticed, but you're not in any position to be making demands!" "Fuck you dude..."

He laughs again, and I start devising a plan. If I can get him distracted, he'll lower his guard and I can escape, hopefully. I look at Tangle, who is still crying. "Why are you doing all of this anyway!?" She asks him. "I just needed to get her attention" He points to Whisper. I need to ask her some questions after all this.

"And well, it's pretty fun to take your delicate little rose away from you forever."

Her eyes widen, and she doesn't move. "N-No... don't!" He raises the knife back to my neck, and she looks even more scared. I see his thumb is outstretched, and add another step to my plan. "You know, you were more correct about the rose analogy than you thought!" He looks at me, confused. "What?" I laugh a bit.

"Roses have thorns!"

Fueled purely by adrenaline and panic, I bite down on his thumb as hard as I can. He yells in pain loudly. I don't stop, even as I taste blood splatters fly into my mouth. Eventually I let go and spit the blood out onto his face, and kick him while he's disoriented. He falls back and drops the knife. I pick if up and walk towards him, giggling a tiny bit. He clears the blood from his eyes, and looks up at me, I see his pupils are dilated, showing he's scared.

"Who's laughing now, mystery man?"

He stands up and starts running away, and I can say I'm a bit surprised. I feel myself starting to laugh, loudly. I don't know what I think is so funny, maybe I found it funny that he turned tail so easily. I turn around to look at Tangle and Whisper, they look a bit shocked. I spit again, trying to get all the blood out of my mouth.

"What? You two weren't helping, so I took matters into my own hands."

Tangle suddenly hugs me tightly, crying into my chest. I hug her back, patting her head. "Shhhh, it's ok, I'm here now..." She looks up at me, tears still pouring down her face.

"I was so scared, I thought you were gonna die!"

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now