Chapter 59: The Plan.

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Tangle pov:

I wake up feeling relatively groggy. I sit up with a loud groan, and rub the sleep out of my eyes, and look around. I hear Y/N in the shower, singing. "Arms wide open, I stand alone! I'm no hero, and I'm not made of stone!" I smile as I hear it. "Right or wrong, I can hardly tell! I'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell!!" I smile and stop listening. As I'm about to get up, I see a mug of coffee and a plate of pancakes with a note beside it.

'To the best girlfriend ever, love, Y/N.'

Oh, I love him so much! I take the coffee, and take a sip. Mmm, just how I like it... I then pick up the pancakes, and see he also left some packets of syrup for me. I open them and pour them on top the pancakes. I then pick up a nearby plastic fork and start eating them. They taste... homemade, did he make these... just for me? Where did he even find a sto- oh, right I forget this place has a kitchen sometimes... I eat the pancakes, and mentally praise Y/Ns cooking skills. It's so yummy! As I finish eating, I head into the bathroom to fix up my hair, and I call to Y/N. "Morning baby!" "Morning! How'd you sleep?" I smile as I hear his cheerful voice. "Like a rock." I smile, and continue brushing my hair.

Eventually he gets out of the shower, and starts drying off. I smile as I see him. "Did you make those pancakes from scratch?" He nods. "Yea, I felt like doing something nice for you!" I smile, and he comes over and kisses me, so I turn to him and kiss back. "Thank you! You really know the way to a girls heart!" I giggle as we pull away, and think of something else. "Trying to butter me up for something~?" He looks embarrassed, and looks away, blushing. "N-No, I wouldn't-" I pat his shoulder, smiling. "Relax, I'm just kidding!" He lets out a sigh of relief. "Right, I knew that." I smile and kiss him deep and passionately. I can tell he really likes the kiss from the way he's holding onto me.

I pull away, and look him in the eyes. "Now, I'm going to ha-" Suddenly I hear my alarm going off, one that I had set so that I would know it was almost time to go. "Oh, goddammit..." Y/N giggles a bit, and kisses me back. "It's ok, we can finish when we get back, right?" I nod, still a bit disappointed. "Right." We quickly get dressed, and head to Westopolis, where Whisper said she would be. When we get to the coffee shop, we see Whisper sipping a drink, surrounded by her wisps.

Y/N pov:

As we approach Whisper and the wisps, I hear the wisps arguing over something. "-You, he wouldn't just fall off, he has a jetpack!" "The jetpack is stupid! It's just there so that the writers can always find a way to get him out of situations he should very clearly die in!" I'm a bit confused, but I find it amusing at the same time. We sit with them, and I order a coffee of my own. "What you guys talking about?" The blue one turns to me. "We're just talking about a TV show." He says, before him, the other wisps, and Whisper all look at me, confused.

"How did you understand us?" The green one asks. "Oh, I was experimented on by Eggman, and I came out the other side like this!" The wisps look excited, while Whisper still looks a bit confused. "How does that work? Is there a translator built into your head?" "No, it's more along the lines of, well I can understand their language, it's like I learned it while I was in stasis." Tangle then turns to me. "I thought you said that you were in the chemicals, and that's all that happened." I feel my face heat up ad I try to think of something to say. "That's... a conversation for later, right now we have to focus on Mimic."

Whisper nods, and I walk to her, sitting with her at the table, slowly followed by Tangle, who I can tell is worried by what I said... Fuck me and my big mouth. "So, what do you have?" I ask as she takes another sip of her drink. "A shopping list." I'm a bit confused at that. "What?" She pulls a piece of paper from her pocket, and spreads it out on the table for the both of us to see. I see a list of very interesting things. Things that have gotten shipped to somewhere nearby. Explosives, weapons, the whole nine yards. I take a closer look, and I see the name and address. Its all going to. Someone under the name 'Merle'.

Whisper speaks up again. "It's all under the same alias, and marked on the documents that it's all for a 'Private Military Contractor'. There's no active PMCs anywhere from here to the Green Hills." I nods. "So Mimic?" Tangle asks. "If it isn't, it's a big coincidence." I think on it for a second. "This all seems way too obvious. Wouldn't he have stuff like this smuggled in, so that there's no paper trail?" Whisper nods. "That's what I thought, then I saw this."

She shows me a news article on her phone. 'Police cracking down on state wide smuggling ring.' She puts her phone down and looks at me. "Either really expensive, or nonexistent." I nod in understanding. "Ok... but we should still be careful." They nod, and Tangle looks at me. "Are you going to be ok? Going back near him so soon?" I nod and smile. "Yea, I'll be fine, I've been preparing for this for a while."

"Besides, I've got some questions for him, and I'm sure Whisper would enjoy some alone time with him!"

A/N: Thank you all for over 300 votes on this story!

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz