Chapter 53: Back Home.

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Tangle pov:

I watch as Y/N and Cream are swept away by a wave of snow. "Oh, shit!" I rush back inside, and I see the snow has mostly stopped. I look around for them, digging through the snow. He can't be dead! He's lived though so much, this can't be the end! After a while I hear someone come put of the snow next to me, breathing heavily. I look at them, and see it's Cream. I grab her and pull her out of the snow, a bit of relief washing over me as I see her. "Are you ok?" She shakily nods, and I see tears brimming in her eyes. "D-Do you know where Y/N is?"

Again, she nods and points to a pile of snow, I smile to her and hand her over to Amy. "Thank you!" As I head to the snow pile, a million thoughts of how I could find him paint in my head. Will it be really bad? Am I gonna have to wait for him to recover? Oh god... He's going to be fine Tangle... He's going to be fine! I walk to the snow, and start digging through it, finding a tunnel that Cream must have made to burrow out. I follow the tunnel, and find Y/N's hand. I wince as I wonder how he'll look. I uncover him, and...

He's... Completely fine?

Sure his nose is bleeding, and he has a few cuts and bruises... but other than that he's no worse for wear. He's unconscious, and I see he has the wierd butterfly shaped outline on his eyes again. I wonder what that means... is it something he does when he's on high alert? Whatever, questions for later. I drag him put of the snow, and check his pulse. He's alive, if not a bit cold. I check his pulse, and feel his heartbeat, a bit slow... But I'll chalk that up to the cold as well. I honestly thought it would be a lot worse than this. I pick him up with my tail, and set him in my arms. "It'll all be ok now..." I take him outside to the car, and set him in the back seat.

I then turn back to the others, and see Rouge is on her feet, with Shadows help of course. "Can you stand?" She nods, and leans on him. "Thank you..." He helps her into the passenger seat, and comes back to us. "It's best if you head home now. I'll stay around a bit to see if I can catch any unwanted characters." I nod. "Alright, Amy, Cream, you two ready?' They nod, and Shadow stops me. "Take this, it's what Rouge needs to fix Omega." He holds out what i think is a computer chip, so I take it and smile to him. "Thanks, I'll give it to her in a second."

He nods, and looks off into the distance. He then dashes away, leaving us at the car. "I'm driving." Amy says, almost demanding. I nod, and we all get in. Almost immediately I hand Rouge the chip. "Shadow sends his regards." She smiles and takes it. "That sneaky little bastard..." As we drive back to base, I hug Y/N, who is still unconscious. After a bit I feel him stirring, and look up at him. I see his eyes are open, and he's shaking. "A-Are you ok?" He doesn't stop.

"No! I'm freezing my nuts off!"

I laugh quietly and take off my coat, putting it around him. "Y-You don't have to..." I smile up at him. "But I want to!" He eventually stops shaking, and leans his head on my shoulder. "I love you..." "I love you too!" I'm so glad he's back, I missed him so much! I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And now, that's possible again! We lovingly hug all the way back to the base.

When we get back, we take both Rouge and Y/N to the infirmary. Rouge is treated for multiple broken bones, as well as some possible internal bleeding. As they check Y/N, they pull off his torn and tattered shirt, and see a lot of really deep cuts. My eyes widen as I see them, and I hear one of the doctors speak to another. "It looks like he cauterized them." "Smart, won't bleed out, but now he has to worry about infection." One of them turns to me. "Antibiotics and bedrest will be his best bet, and make sure he doesn't move around too much, might open the wounds back up." I nod, and they bandage up Y/N's hands and back. "Just in case they do start bleeding again."

I nod again, and take Y/N to our room. On our way, we see Shadow heading towards the infirmary, probably to check on Rouge. As we pass him, him and Y/N fist bump. I smile as they do. "I'm glad you're making friends." He smiles back to me. "Yea, most of the people here are pretty cool." We talk for a bit longer, and continue to our room.

Once we get there, I set him on the bed, and he lays down on his stomach. I see Spark on the other side of the bed. As soon as he sees Y/N, he rushes over, and sits in his arms, making wisp noises. "Yea I'm fine, just had a little kerfuffle. Nothing major." At first I'm confused, but then I remember that he can understand wisps now. "I keep forgetting you understand them now." Y/N smiles, and turns back to spark, who's still speaking. "No, that won't be necessary, I don't want you getting hurt." Spark speaks again, looking frustrated. "...Fair point... fine, I'll start training with the wispon again." Spark looks happy and hugs him, eventually falling asleep in Y/N's arms.

I smile and sit down next to them. "What was that about?" He sighs. "He wants me to start training with the wispon again." I nod. "It's not a bad idea, just wait until you're fully healed, ok?" He nods back. "Ok, I will!" I smile once again, but it's quickly turned to a frown as I think back on all that's happened.

"I'm... sorry that all of this happened." He looks at me. "Why are you sorry?" "Just... I feel like I could have done something to prevent it." He puts a hand on mine. "Baby, it's fine, you did all you could and more. Besides, we didn't know it was going to go that bad... Though I should have went in alone... Clutch remembered Rouge, that's what set the whole thing off." I look at him for a bit, wondering why Rouge thought it was a good idea to sweet talk a guy who could remember her. I'll have to ask her later. Suddenly, Y/N looks up at me, determination in his eyes.

"Ok, I have to ask you about some things, and this is very, very important to me."

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now