Chapter 41: Meeting For The First Time, For The Second Time.

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Y/N pov:

"Should I kill you, Doctor Eggman?"

He looks terrified, like he's never received a death threat before. "Y-You wouldn't! Your kind isn't much for killing!" I smile as I feel some amusement from that response. "You've only dealt with the heroic types, the ones who pride themselves in giving everyone a second chance. Which I find especially stupid." He looks a bit surprised as I say that. "The second chance? Fine, third chance? Maybe, depends on the circumstances. We get to the sixth or seventh chance? I think maybe it's just time to bury the hatchet."

"N-No, wait! There has to be some agreement we can come to!" I think on that for a second, then realize something.

No one has ever tried to hurt him. To leave lasting scars. Maybe that's a step in the right direction.

"Fine, I'll let you live, but not without consequences!" I press my boot down on the left side of his face, and turn on the jets. I hear him scream as the flesh melts from his face. I smile, as I've never heard a sweeter symphony. After a bit I turn it off, and take my boot off his face. He's screaming, and clutching the side of his face. I can't see the extent of the damage, but he's bleeding a lot.

"Let that serve as a lesson! Come after me again, I'll burn the other side!" I quickly run out of the room, and out of the building. Stumbling a bit over the way the shoes were designed, I quickly get used to them though, and start skating on them. I pull out the emerald again, wondering what it does. I suddenly feel the urge to use all of my energy. I put the emerald away, and shove my foot hard into the ground with my next step, and propel myself several yards with a single step, kicking up dirt. I hear the wind woosh around me. I'm surprised as I do so, and suddenly trip over my own legs. As i get up from the fall, I look at the ground I just covered, and I realize how far away from the bunker I am. In such a short amount of time as well...

Maybe I should figure out my powers before anything else...

Tangle pov:

I look at the screen in horror, the video ends as Y/N leaves to room, and Eggman gets up to turn it off. I look to the others, and their just as shocked as I am. Did Y/N really do that..? He said he didn't remember, but he obviously remembers me. "So... what should we so now?" Sonic rubs his face for a moment. "Well, I think it's safe to say Eggman will be out of commission for a while. I think we should worry about tracking Y/N down, we don't know if he could be hurting anyone." I slowly shake my head.

"He wouldn't do that." I hear Sonic sigh. "Tangle, we don't know if he's the same person he was before." I feel more tears stream down my face, and in a hushed voice, I say "I know..." Tails walks to the entrance and looks around. "We should head back to HQ for the time being." We nod, and head outside, when we suddenly hear explosions. Once again, Sonic sighs.

"Already? I thought we would have at least a few days of peace."

A lot of badniks appear in front of us, and we all prepare for a fight, except for Belle, who is backing towards the door. Suddenly a veil of dust and dirt is kicked up in front of us. As it clears, the badniks are reduced to parts. We all look on in surprise, and look around for who did it. Suddenly we see someone appear around the robot parts. They seem to have been invisible. As they appear, first their flesh appears, then their skin.

As they fully appear, I see it's Y/N, and i can honestly say I've never been so happy to see him. I run to him, stumbling over my feet. The others try to stop me, but I'm not listening. "Tangle don't!" I don't listen to them, I'm just so happy to see him again! I run into him and hug him happily.

"Y/N! I'm so happy to see you!"

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now